Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]
Not much to spill at the moment mate... I am picking her up tomorrow and updates will follow
I hope I'll get a heads up

Of course.
Get the results up!
I'm excited, not even my car FFS!
Haha! I don't know the final figures yet mate, but they were a little down on what was hoped for.
It's the heat mate
He might be talking about getting a mortgage offer accepted
Bingo - you guessed it mate
I thought it was with reference to his lean muscle mass on the up #dreamboat

Thanks hun x #beastmodeengaged
32degC in the dyno cell today, t'was a bit warm!
Aye - positively tropical! It even sounded hot on the phone
Indeed mate - can't wait to pick it up.
cryo ' needed to supercool the place !
I think it should happen...
Yes, the good news is that I received a phone call today from pretty much out of the blue and my Trophy is ready for collection! It's been run-in and mapped and she's waiting for me

As mentioned above, the figures were a little lower than hoped for but I'm putting that down to the extreme heat and the engine being tight! LOL! Not sure on the torques but the bhp is circa 210 (I think). I'll find out more tomorrow. I can't freaking wait!!!!
I'll provide an update or two over the next day or two all being well. I need to put some miles on this new engine that Fred has built me
Massive thanks to, of course,
Fred@BTM and
RSTuning for their sterling efforts and time. And thanks to friends who have helped out along the way as well (@Chi, I'm looking at you). I can't wait to put some miles on and to enjoy it. That ITB sound... mmm... lovely. But I want to try that LSD out! Exciting times