Great work @Phase1sr !
Are the calipers hard to rebuild? The ones on my build are shot wouldn't mind doing this.
Hi mate, thank you very much.
They are not too bad tbh but i used to work on Aston Martins where we used to re-build the 4 pot calipers so these are easy.
The trick is to get everything clean, i wash the calipers in the cleaning tank 1st, then remove the pistons and seals. Once the seals are out then i clean the seal groove with a spike to make sure that there isn't any old bits of rubber seal in there and its 100% mint ready for the new seal.
Then they get cleaned again and a good blow out with an air line, to reassemble i wipe clean brake fluid around the inside where the new piston will fit and on the new seal.
Pop the new seal in, being careful not to damage it. Once that's in then you fit the dust cover. The tricky bit is trying to get the new piston into the dust cover, for this i use a spike to run around the edge of the dust cover until the piston is in.
This can take a while as its a tight fit around the piston, again being careful not to split it with the spike. Once the dust cover is in then you can push the piston in to the caliper.
You must make sure the piston is square or it will catch on the piston wall but once it is square then it pushes in fine.
I always replace the bleed nipples so that the new ones will seal, for the cost its not worth using the old ones that have been done up and un-done god knows how many times. :smile:
aaran, Speak to me about this.Wow
Wow that's awesome, thanks a lot for the info! Name your price :wink: haha!
Sorry for the thread spam Sharky!
Here are a few pictures of the finished calipers that i sent back to Andy.
005 by scottieraven, on Flickr![]()
011 by scottieraven, on Flickr![]()
006 by scottieraven, on Flickr![]()
Nothing has been sorted yet, but it can very easily happenAndy - you and @Tim. Sorted our summer trip yet? Much welsh roadage and Eder hospitality to take advantage of :wink:
Not a problem buddySorry for the thread spam Sharky!
Hahaha, thanks for taking the time to read through it mate. I won't lie; it's really trying my patience (again) at the moment. One day I'll just snap and get it crushed and cubed!47 pages later I'm ready for bed!!!:smile:
Unbelievable read, some patience you have throughout the build undoing the wrongs. Real testament to you mate hope it will all work out! Trophy is definitely a keeper!:grinning: Excellent work.
With the weather as cold as it is now (and getting colder) I think we will see another heavy frost here. That means another frozen interior tomorrow... *sigh* Lend me a jumper?Iv had to put a jumper on after reading that update ! Hope it gets sorted mate.
Ooft, that lovely sound of seals squealing as you tear them apart from their frozen hold... :tongueout: I can imagine it's quite, er, 'fresh' down by the coast this time of year!Been terrible the past 2 days down here on the coast. Door was frozen solid this morning.
What MPG would/should be expected ?
Cheers Scott - I hope so too mate. :up:Whenever you are ready Andy, ill do the other calipers for you.
Hope you get the problems sorted mate and that 2015 is a trouble free year. :smile:
Going off who and where it was mapped (RS Tuning) I'd be more than confident that it's a sensor issue tbh.On a run I can get mid 30s from mine. I get about 16mpg on a track day and I don't hang about. Something isn't right, it could be sensor or mapping related.
With my cold start I have to blip the throttle but once that's done it idles fine all the time.
Can't believe the issues your having with the car...should have been part of the 'lemons' in Cars 2.
What ECU are you running and have you got the software for it?
No mate, there's only you :hearteyes::tongueout:Dulcet tones?
Son of a b............. You must be on about another friend?
(or two that I can think of!).
I long for this car to be sorted, normal life can then resume. The amount of hours that have gone into this car stretch far beyond those spent in just a workshop. It's been a true conversation piece (it's also put me off of modifying the cup - so the mrs is happy; I can spend that money on shoes and bags).
I'm not convinced it's poor mapping mate; not yet anyway. It was done by Paul at RS Tuning and I have confidence in his work. I strongly suspect a faulty sensor. I know the lambda sensor is ok as this was indeed faulty and a new one was fitted recently. I am not convinced the coolant temperature sensor is 100% though so that will be checked. As for the gearbox, well - that's just unfortunate I think mate. It's been rebuilt, LSD fitted and is 80% spot on. Just that third gear sliding out when pushing on. Thankfully this will be looked at very soon and I don't believe it's a serious issue. Just more inconvenience than anything. I'm definitely going to stick with it; it's been almost 2 years now so a month or two extra won't hurt!Car away for a year and get it back with poor mapping /cold start issues and a gearbox that doesnt select all gears, that sounds all to familiar I hope you stick at it longer than I did 😞
Ah, ok - cheers for the suggestion mate. I'll give that a gosuch a shame, tbh on my old itb and cammed clio i used to easily run round in the high 20's. never failed to start or anything. sounds strange but if you can leave your windows cracked open on a frozen night it will pull the moisture out of the car. Will be freezing the next morning but the cold night air will pull it out
Tell me about it mate! One issue after another! With regards mpg, I didn't really have the work carried out on the car to worry about the economy, but it is definitely not right. I would have expected high 20's at least and a figure in the 30's on longer, steady drives.On a run I can get mid 30s from mine. I get about 16mpg on a track day and I don't hang about. Something isn't right, it could be sensor or mapping related.
With my cold start I have to blip the throttle but once that's done it idles fine all the time.
Can't believe the issues your having with the car...should have been part of the 'lemons' in Cars 2.
What ECU are you running and have you got the software for it?
^ This - thanks mateGoing off who and where it was mapped (RS Tuning) I'd be more than confident that it's a sensor issue tbh.
It's running on a gen90 as well tom.
As above sir, we will be grabbing some data and checking the map later tonight. The more I think about it, the more I'm suspecting a coolant sensor issue. In fact, thinking back to the overheating episode of a couple months back... I can't recall seeing the temperature reading move at all despite having to abandon the car as steam and coolant pished out everywhere. I wonder... coincidence? I might get a replacement for peace of mind. I don't want to risk the engine as Fred's done a great job on it and so far the engine is about the only thing that hasn't let me down!In that case you need to get the software up and do a datalog to see where the issue is. Sounds like it could be the coolant temp sensor or the lambda sensor.
Do you have the software and a key for the Gen90 Andy?
It's easy(ish) mate, especially as I have most of my slam panel missing due to the modifications!How did you remove the grille? Is it a cheeky job or easy enough?
As above sir, we will be grabbing some data and checking the map later tonight. The more I think about it, the more I'm suspecting a coolant sensor issue. In fact, thinking back to the overheating episode of a couple months back... I can't recall seeing the temperature reading move at all despite having to abandon the car as steam and coolant pished out everywhere. I wonder... coincidence? I might get a replacement for peace of mind. I don't want to risk the engine as Fred's done a great job on it and so far the engine is about the only thing that hasn't let me down!
Thanks mate. There were always going to be little things and niggles that needed sorting afterwards to be fair; but I'm sure it will get there. One thing at a time. I've no time limit so I'll just keep plugging away as and when necessarySorry to hear you're having a rough time of it still after all this time and money spent. Hopefully one day everything will be running perfect and you'll be able to relax a little.
Cheers for the information mate. I'll post an update in a moment regarding recent activities...FWIW I was getting over 40mpg out of mine on a cruise, mid 30's commuting to work without trying and like Tom 15-16mpg on track with ITBs :smile:
That's not bad at all, Oli. I'd be happy with those figures.I'm getting 25mpg on a spirited drive and 29mpg on normal 'pottering'.
Yet to test it on track.
Damn right, mate! Make it happen...I think there needs to be a turbo'd clio on this road trip - just for the sake of comparison
Hi ScottFitted the new radiator to the trophy this morning, very very easy job, fits perfectly and Andy seems one very happy customer, looks the dogs too if I do say so myself. I am indeed selling an identical radiator to the one that is shown here. Can't wait for Andy to fit the new headertank once the cap arrives :smile: pleasure to meet you and do business with you andy!
I couldn't agree more, mate. Superb.Great choice Andy, Scott's work is epic and if I was ever after something in alloy then id also be using him.
Must be something about the name Scott.
As a high-compression build it generates a LOT of heat mate. Hence why the old Polo rad was only ever a temporary measure until I got a proper setup installedThose rads look nice! What did you get it for does your engine run hot?
Reference your points...I always have the cruise set to 60mph maximum when im on motorways. The way I see it going fast in a straight line is awfully boring and the difference in journey time compared to say 80mph is feck all when you think about it and you'll probably get 15mpg more. I reckon you were pretty unlucky to get flashed as its usually 10% plus 2mph so 79mph should be safe.