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Forza Horizon 2 | Xbox one | Xbox 360


ClioSport Club Member
5.22.552 and I'll leave it at that for now. Bit rusty so think I could get it under 20 quite easily.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah lol I'm not doing great either. After horizon 2 the cars feel like driving on ice or proper heavy and slow to turn in.
  Inferno 225 cup
Yeah lol I'm not doing great either. After horizon 2 the cars feel like driving on ice or proper heavy and slow to turn in.

I can't see how I can get any quicker :( Hardly using the brakes and just Gunning it everywhere I can.

Il download the app to record it to.


ClioSport Club Member
I'll try and record a whole lap today or tonight maybe. There might be a few corners you're slowing down for that you don't need to.


ClioSport Club Member

Il wait to see your video as to where I'm going wrong.

Here, I recorded the replay in game view sucks because there's no speedo etc but might give you an idea. Would only let me record 5 mins so it cuts off at the end.

You can tell there's still time to be made up from that too imo.
I got 7 minutes odd, had some good bits of track but some corners where just dreadful, spun, then kept spinning!!
Ill close the door on the way out :tongueout:
I got 7 minutes odd, had some good bits of track but some corners where just dreadful, spun, then kept spinning!!
Ill close the door on the way out :tongueout:
Keep the door open for me...., Got a feeling I'm going to be following you out. Never driven X car on Fm5 and have come straight from horizon. Not going to end well!!
Keep the door open for me...., Got a feeling I'm going to be following you out. Never driven X car on Fm5 and have come straight from horizon. Not going to end well!!
Haha, think of the day you first used the Xbox one controller. It's like that. I'm fairly certain even the pulse in your finger moving the stick too much will bring wheelspin!!

I'm going to gay out tomorrow and go traction control for a few laps
Get used to the triggers, dont think horizon is as sensitive.
You on forza rewards? I just got 10mil accumulated from the months ive not played. Think a payment is due in the next few days. The more gamerpoints on any forza you have the more you get
Changing all the dead zones on the controller massively improved forza for me
Yeah. Same here!

Just done 2 laps. 2nd one 5.49.
This cars insane...., approaching bend at 180 "f**k me I'm not going to get around this one!!" Before you can even acknowledge the last bend you took you've been around another 2! Lol

Will take a few laps to adjust to this car! Every bend you approach you over brake thinking you won't get round it! Brakes are so insane you can brake near enough on the bend.
Hard to get your head around how fast you can go into, and get round bends! [emoji5]
