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  1. David

    selling pc

    hmm perhaps a little less tbh. it's a sad thing but PC's go for literally nothing these days. Does it take SATA drives? is the monitor flat or a bigun?
  2. David

    Need help - server space software

    something like disk mon? there's loads of products out there mate, we don't use any but i'm sure google can help if no one on here can.
  3. David

    selling pc

    ebay got them going for round £150 mate
  4. David

    New computer

    hey dude, like everything but the chip tbh, but @ thta price, you can't complain. Overclockers are excellent, really know they're stuff, doubt you'll have any problems.
  5. David

    Can feel an arguement coming on

    thats f**king terrible! go shout @ them
  6. David

    Western Digital My Passport

    heh clever boi
  7. David

    Unsecured Wifi ? would you ?

    if they're stupid enough to leave it unsecure then do it.
  8. David

    Western Digital My Passport

    well the main reason would bne to have 4gig + files on it tbh!
  9. David

    Best partitioning tool for corporate enviroment?

    turns out acronis works quite well, was only for a user's machine anyway.
  10. David

    iPhone iQuestion....

    thats so much easier than what i had to do with my 1.1.2 OTB turbosim hack!!! hope it's that easy with the new 3g iphones!
  11. David

    Western Digital My Passport

    i deleted all the software and reformatted NTFS. much better.
  12. David

    Sony bravia v3000....40'' or 46''

    oh right i kinda of thought you meant more than 6ft... in which case 40" is gonna be better if u see what i mean, nvm
  13. David

    Sony bravia v3000....40'' or 46''

    yeh but how can a 32" look better than a 40" further away is what i meant.
  14. David

    Sony bravia v3000....40'' or 46''

    sd looks s**t on mine, not that bothered though, HD is unbelievable. how can a 32" look better the futher away you are?? don't get that.
  15. David

    xbox surround sound wiring question...

    what they said, i needed to get a new setup to get the optical, but for me, it was worth it.
  16. David

    Best partitioning tool for corporate enviroment?

    Guys any of you had experience with partitioning tools, partition magic is a bit shite, was thinking something like acronis, but haven't used it yet. Anyone got any experience with it? thanks all! :star:
  17. David

    Sony bravia v3000....40'' or 46''

    46" always get the biggest you can. 40" will look small in 6 months, happened to me! W2000 40"
  18. David

    Two Screens. What Program is best?

    ultramon ftw
  19. David

    5.9 on the Vista scale

    your so weird, everytime a pc spec is posted, you have to start crticising or sticking your spec in, who the f**k cares. Stop trying to hijack, anyone who is interested already knows what spec your running, well done, sure your mum will give you a medal. And in future when you start giving out...
  20. David

    Vista source code leaked!!!

  21. David

    5.9 on the Vista scale

    wtf?! who is asking you these questions?
  22. David

    5.9 on the Vista scale

    erm yes well thanks for telling us that :/
  23. David


  24. David

    O2 Capping HSPDA to 128kbps?

    thats awful!
  25. David

    5.9 on the Vista scale

    FYI i get 5.9 on my WD 500gigx2 RAID 0. don't need raptors for 5.9
  26. David

    5.9 on the Vista scale

    wicked, same as me. although if i'm honest, looks bloody noisey!
  27. David

    Windows 2008 server

    wow ur brave!
  28. David

    Bit of a Bargain Media Centre PC

    Great deal!!! bluray playback from a pc, needs a fairly good spec, but tbh, i stream all my high def content through to a laptop 1.8 duo, 2g ram, vista so that pc will do it fine i rekon, maybe a bit more ram... initally 720p streams were fine but 1080p stream were giving me trouble. Thought...
  29. David

    32" 1080p TV's

    my mate is fairly high up tbh, works somewhere near guildford. he got my telly for me from £2100 - £1200...
  30. David

    32" 1080p TV's

    actually proper HQ staff get ridiculous discount... the v w and 3000 are pretty much identical prodocuts, sony so that a lot, ont sure why. happens a lot more with their earphones too...