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hmm perhaps a little less tbh. it's a sad thing but PC's go for literally nothing these days.
Does it take SATA drives? is the monitor flat or a bigun?
hey dude, like everything but the chip tbh, but @ thta price, you can't complain. Overclockers are excellent, really know they're stuff, doubt you'll have any problems.
Guys any of you had experience with partitioning tools, partition magic is a bit shite, was thinking something like acronis, but haven't used it yet. Anyone got any experience with it? thanks all! :star:
your so weird, everytime a pc spec is posted, you have to start crticising or sticking your spec in, who the f**k cares. Stop trying to hijack, anyone who is interested already knows what spec your running, well done, sure your mum will give you a medal.
And in future when you start giving out...
Great deal!!! bluray playback from a pc, needs a fairly good spec, but tbh, i stream all my high def content through to a laptop
1.8 duo, 2g ram, vista so that pc will do it fine i rekon, maybe a bit more ram...
initally 720p streams were fine but 1080p stream were giving me trouble. Thought...
actually proper HQ staff get ridiculous discount...
the v w and 3000 are pretty much identical prodocuts, sony so that a lot, ont sure why. happens a lot more with their earphones too...