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Search results

  1. Dave

    206 GTI or 172

    Its all well and good but the 206 is fooking cheap. Id buy it and in the meantime find a decent 172. Then sell the 206 for a small profit.
  2. Dave

    why are there so many 182’s for sale

    Just before the release on the new shape clio always brings about depreciation and sellers trying to avoid the big hit. Ill sell mine when Im bored of it and not before. Once Im lusting after something else good and proper.
  3. Dave

    Had an accident

  4. Dave

    Cup with cc or full fat

    Yeah go for 182 with Cup Packs. Get them for £8.5k now and thats silly money.
  5. Dave

    New Rally Style wheels- Lost 2’’ !!!

    How about some pics of u with the car?! :p
  6. Dave

    Body shop recommendation in Hampshire

    I fooking love the Megane. Needs larger wheels now tho.
  7. Dave

    She is in the country.

    WHen I got my 182 I was convinced Id TRY and run it in to some extent by running through the rev ranges etc. As soon as I got onto the road from the delaership my foot was on the floor.
  8. Dave


    Theres a chump on that site telling a user to lower the trophy to "help with the handling".. LMFAO!
  9. Dave

    Clio 182 trophy

    Dunno if theyll fit 172. Plus they cost a LOT. IIRC 172 is pretty much sorted with Eibach springs and much cheaper.
  10. Dave


    £206.00!!! FOOK ME!
  11. Dave

    v6 on ebay...for real!!

    I just bid up to £5k and I havent got to the top. So Basically it could well end up being a bargain!
  12. Dave

    Renault paint

    1) Did you prime first and rub down etc? 2) How many good even coats? 3) Laquer?
  13. Dave

    BBR Morego 182 upgrade kit

    Say again - no exhaust or filter pics!
  14. Dave

    insurance and points

    nope. all ask for 5. but if its more than 3 years old theyve come off your license anyway and dont really make a difference.
  15. Dave

    182 Observations...

    Agree. It feels like its rolling TOO much but I have faith in it. Also it does feel skittish at the rear when braking. BUT it is lovely!
  16. Dave

    BBR Morego 182 upgrade kit

    What a sh*t article. No pictures of the zorst or the filter.
  17. Dave

    Fun with the Car last night!

    Got a slightly flashing stop light so figured Brake fluid was a little low. Had to RIP off the engine cover in the end as the screws were FOOKED! NOT FUN!
  18. Dave

    what is this ’Trophy Kit’

  19. Dave

    182 tyres help

    Fronts lasted 12k. Got the old rears on the fronts now at 16k and plenty left.
  20. Dave

    AWT inlet manifold group buy

    1. Neil 2. Dave (hip Spasm) Definitely Inlet manifold Perhaps SMT6
  21. Dave

    AWT inlet manifold group buy

    Then can we get a list of whose in.
  22. Dave

    Insurance Assessors......Help Please LOL

    I KNOW Flux use Highway...which is why I said Flux and stand by it. I smell Highway and Highway smell of billy bull sh*t.
  23. Dave

    warranty inspection fee

    Another Piss taking Reno garage.
  24. Dave

    Cleaning Billabong Interiors

    Dont wanna piss on his bonfire but I still see stains on the passenger seats. I had one of the early Extreme Clios with that interior and it was a fooking nightmare. In the end I got seat covers to protect the resale value.
  25. Dave

    second car insurance

    Too damn expensive it worked out for me. Unless youre 25+
  26. Dave

    Car Insurance Poser

    They quoted me 1600. Current Elephant quote is 800. Your not telling me theyll refund me duble the difference!!! No way.