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172 lumpy drive when cold

  Clio 172
Hi all,

I have this problem that's been bothering me for a while - lumpy performance when cold.

This is in addition to the lumpy idle others on this forum describe.. this is while I'm driving.

It's hard to explain but it feels a bit jumpy and touchy, especially noticeable when in high gears in slow moving traffic.

Also when in 5th gear at low revs it feels as if there's a shuddering coming from the engine.

Once the temp reaches about 1/4 up the dial it all disappears and the car runs smooth as silk....

I have recently replaced the RHS driveshaft (hoping that might have fixed it but no) and am going to change the dogbone bushes etc soon - hoping any of these might help..

Anybody have any ideas???

Thanks :)
  RB 182 195bhp
My car does this always, it's just where it's cold the revs drop sharply when you lift off and the running is a touch lumpy
My 1.2 was doing this lately and I cleaned out the throttle body and now it starts and runs like a dream. Might be worth doing? Cleaned it out using carb cleaner.


ClioSport Club Member
I always had this, revs would drop when pulling awau...just a little mind you.
Then a few weeks ago my front lambda went, replaced it and the dip in revs is gone.
Must have been the lambda degrading or something.


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Mine is like this every time its cold. It also pops and bangs alot when its cold.

Are all clio renaultsports not like this though?
