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20vKarlos' - Renault Clio 172 - Track Car Project - Possible Disaster

chris blue

ClioSport Area Rep
  172 Ph1 2001
Doing well Karlos- looks loadsa work. Good luck.
prefer a tinker than an overhaul myslef
Mine on the rollers at Surrey Rolling road meet 4th March, then will see what they say i should do for performance
you should come if u r up and running
Good looking project, nice to see you and your son working on it together. Following for the commentary, good read so far.

If that bolt is still stuck, grind a slot in it and use a big flat head screwdriver bit on a ratchet or a piece of flat bar.
Fair do's. Due to no road tax Yeah? Last time I got done it was an £80 fine, this was a decade ago mind...

yeah, it wasn't taxed, but it wasnt meant to be parked on the road... but the landlord took ages sorting keys for me

Doing well Karlos- looks loadsa work. Good luck.
prefer a tinker than an overhaul myslef
Mine on the rollers at Surrey Rolling road meet 4th March, then will see what they say i should do for performance
you should come if u r up and running

A lad i know from my Vauxhall days is a remap specialist and uses SRR for live mapping. RABBID REMAPS... Richard is a genius in the Vauxhall world. what he doesn't know isn't worth knowing when it comes to getting power from a Vauxhall. Hes also branching out to other cars.

It may be running but it wont be road worthy this thing... Unfortunately it'll need a VIC to be allowed on the road again and I'm not replacing the front end. I may come up in the Superb to see some new faces which would be quite good. :up:

@20vKarlos out of interest what would you say all the plastics, headlining and carpet weigh? I'm thinking of doing mine but if minimal weight saving I'll just leave them in.

Funny you should say that as I was thinking about weighing all of the stuff I am removing and seeing just how much weight I've lost from the car.
I have to say though, its not the plastics that weigh loads, its the seatbelts, they weigh loads and are placed quite high up in the pillars, so it'll definitely improve the distribution of the weight.
Id only do this though, if your intention is to keep the car like this. I would hate to try and put all the pieces back together again 😂

Good looking project, nice to see you and your son working on it together. Following for the commentary, good read so far.

If that bolt is still stuck, grind a slot in it and use a big flat head screwdriver bit on a ratchet or a piece of flat bar.

That my friend, is a good shout... i may just drill it out, but this is a decent option!

I have ordered a cheap and cheerful Heat Gun for the sound deadening.
I have some AutoSmart Tardis, but I shall need to see the Autosmart guy for some more as i think its going to get rather sticky
Also, It'll be nice and warm whilst doing it this weather rather than the dry Ice method :neutral:


Thanks to @RetroTed for the Grill, Headlights and ECU changeover parts below
I believe its all there, if anyone can see anything missing, please let me know :grin:
These parts are hopefully arriving this week

I cant decide on which method to purchase the induction kit! HELP
A) K-Tec Induction Kit @ £180 Delivered
B) Fatty's Method and order parts separately
C) Just have a panel filter!

I would like to order the induction stuff ASAP, so your help will be greatly appreciated.
I'd like YELLOW or BLACK Pipework for the induction setup and a decent filter.
I don't want any shiny chrome or stainless parts in my engine bay, I think they can look tacky.


Once I've finally got the Rear Wiper arm off the car what would you recommend
just a grommet or should I go for something like this


Also awaiting delivery of the @RichValver Washer Jet Grommets
A nice cheap alternative :up:

Cost list
Car - £200
Car collection/Van Rental - £100 all in
Fine - £260:mask::laughing: (my own Fault)
RetroTed Parts - £100 (Should Arrive soon)
Heat Gun - £15
RichValver Washer Jet Covers - £4

Total - £679


ClioSport Club Member
  A terrible one
Loving the updates. Making good progress. So many people have done Fatty's intake mod am sure someone will be able to provide first hand advice, you could always buy the metal intake pipe and paint it or wrap it yellow? That wiper blank seems expensive.
Loving the updates. Making good progress. So many people have done Fatty's intake mod am sure someone will be able to provide first hand advice, you could always buy the metal intake pipe and paint it or wrap it yellow? That wiper blank seems expensive.

Thanks you...I am hoping to get out on track ASAP so trying to get things moving, although with a 5 week old baby it has it's challenges
After a 15 page read this morning on the "Fatty's Induction Thread" I think I'm going to purchase the pipe, get it satin black like someone else has done, It looks quite good, then either a K&N Filter, or straight for the Ramair Kit :up:

I've got the fatty and it sounds great...

That's a quality bit of driving there pal!
You're also correct, it does sound rather nice.
What suspension are you using?
Thanks you...I am hoping to get out on track ASAP so trying to get things moving, although with a 5 week old baby it has it's challenges
After a 15 page read this morning on the "Fatty's Induction Thread" I think I'm going to purchase the pipe, get it satin black like someone else has done, It looks quite good, then either a K&N Filter, or straight for the Ramair Kit :up:

That's a quality bit of driving there pal!
You're also correct, it does sound rather nice.
What suspension are you using?
Bargain basement ECP AMAX springs 🙈


Right guys, after much debate on the Air Filter setup, I've finally decided on the Fatty's RamAir Filter mod, with some great input from members on the forum. :up:
It'll be a good starting point and if I'm not happy with it, it's only cost me £38.

So, as per usual the obligatory photos.
Nothing special but I want to keep this thread up to date :grinning:



There will be a few more parts added to the list over the coming weeks, but nothing expensive until the retroTed parts have arrived and been fitted, so I know whether the thing runs or not.

I will be ordering my service parts soon too.

Cost list

Car - £200
Car collection/Van Rental - £100 all in
Fine - £260:mask::laughing: (my own Fault)
RetroTed Parts - £100 (Await Delivery)
Heat Gun - £15 (Await Delivery)
RichValver Washer Jet Covers - £4 (Await Delivery)
150mm 90° ASH Pipework - £15 (Await Delivery)
RamAir Air Filter - £23 (Await Delivery)

Total - £717
Used Ramair a few times, great service.

Love your account spending :smile:

I'm trying to do it this way so that A) I know exactly what I've bought/spent, so that I don't go overboard with it and B) so that everyone else can see just exactly what's needed to get out on track and at what cost it's going to come at.

Starting to think that maybe I shouldn't be tallying it all up :grin:🙈


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 230 r26
I'd stop counting up how much stuff has cost mate haha you might regret it, only had mine a few months and I'm into the 0000's so I don't like to think about it ‍♂️

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I'd stop counting up how much stuff has cost mate haha you might regret it, only had mine a few months and I'm into the 0000's so I don't like to think about it ‍♂️

It's mainly for me, however it's also an educational part for my son (and those that aren't sure of the costs)

I have the attitude of, whatever it takes to get right, we'll do it for the experience.

I'm not minted, in fact I'm very far from it, but I've also had the idea of building a track ready car since I was 15 years old... now my son is 15... it's certainly time to move things forward and get the show on the road. I purchasecthings on an ad and when I need them basis, but it's proving to be good fun so far.

Admittedly, I purchased a the worst heap of s**t on eBay at the time, but it's been a learning curve 😂😂


Good evening all.
As you may be aware from my update last night, the car has fired into life!
Happy is not the word!

It's been a little bit of a battle thus far and I must admit, last week I put an offer on another car with every intention of just sending the bits I couldn't sell/didn't want from this one to the scrap pile and replacing it!

Well, put two complete novices into a garage, some basic equipment, great information from forums and a bit of determination, hopefully, you'll get the results you're looking for! POWER!!

Not to bore you all too much, but the front seats came out, as did most of the dash.

Here's the lad taking out the Airbag after we had battled with the dash.


We made a nice comfy bed!....Errr......This is not a comfy place:neutral:
This was for me to see where and how the UCH was mounted, and took it out.


Then moved onto the Ignition barell
Old unit out
Again, we had support from an old CS thread for this
Don't forget to put the key in the ignition peeps 🙈


New unit going in.
Learnt my lesson about the key didn't I 😂


The lad then got rid of the air feed pipe.
He likes the idea of modding a headlight for airflow, so we may venture into that.


We're still having issues with the middle Isofix bolt, I've tried drilling it but it chews the drill bits up
The angry step would be a grinder, but I'm hoping I can use a Dremmel type attachment on the drill.
This will hopefully be out on our next visit to the car.:up:
Once the rear bench is out, I'll get the sound deadening out.
The interior will get a throrough clean and maybe some paint, then it'll be time to move onto the exterior.

I'd just like to say a big thanks to @RetroTed for sorting most of the parts and then sending the UCH for me...
we both had no idea what to look for and he came through with that.


With all the bits I'd accumulated over the last few weeks, it was time to fit them
Headlights went in, as did the RamAir Kit
Engine cover came off #BecauseRaceCar 😂😂



As you can tell I was rather excited
After it had sat for so long, it started straight up.:smile:

I got the car up to temperature and it was running completely fine, however...
- The fan didn't come on at all.
- we had this clicking noise (video below)

As titled, is this the dephaser? Or is it something a lot worse?
I'm not sure you'll be able to tell but thought I'd ask.😂
If it's just dephaser I'm not bothered as this will get changed soon with a cambelt and AC Delete

There are plenty of things to order now that she's alive.....

- Service parts
- Brakes
- Tyres
- Suspension


- AC Delete Kit
- Carbon or similar Door Cards
- Drivers Side Air vent (mounts to top dash)
- Extra Low Seat Frames
- Passanger Electric Window Switch
- Lockable Bonnet Pins

Cost list

Car - £200
Car collection/Van Rental - £100 all in
Fine - £260:mask::laughing: (my own Fault)
RetroTed Parts - £100 (Delivered & Fitted)
Heat Gun - £15 (Delivered)
RichValver Washer Jet Covers - £4 (Delivered & Awaits Fitting)
150mm 90° ASH Pipework - £15 (Delivered & Fitted)
RamAir Air Filter - £23 (Delivered & Fitted)

Total - £717
  PH2 172
Telephone vids can make totally innocuous noises sound hideous.
Sounds like the injectors ticking as normal.
You may as well remove the carbon canister under the drivers headlight & cap the vacuum take off point on the manifold, as these also tick.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Telephone vids can make totally innocuous noises sound hideous.
Sounds like the injectors ticking as normal.
You may as well remove the carbon canister under the drivers headlight & cap the vacuum take off point on the manifold, as these also tick.
Do you leave the fuel tank one to just vent? Mines ticking like a barstuard.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Did you unplug the connector mate too, or leave it attached to the lid? Heard EML can come on from it. Although I already have EML from my decat...
Doesnt sound like the usual dephaser noises. Well done getting it started though!


Just use a bolt extractor socket for the isofix bolt.

Will this work with the rounded head?

Telephone vids can make totally innocuous noises sound hideous.
Sounds like the injectors ticking as normal.
You may as well remove the carbon canister under the drivers headlight & cap the vacuum take off point on the manifold, as these also tick.

This will be on the agenda... can I just trace back the manifold vacuum?
