ClioSport Club Member
😊 Yeah, Yeah... I know! Please don't tell anyone :smile: The truth is, I have been working on quite a few MFC-based projects over the last few years hence had become quite intimate and familiar with it. At the time it was easy just to drop my rendering 'stuff' into an MFC skeleton framework that I had available. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)EWW MFC!!!!
I fully intend to rewrite the UI in C# / WPF and then use interop to talk to the C++ rendering system. That said it's only recently that I started working with C# and WPF... and I think I like them. One particular quote I read somewhere recently (regarding WPF) seems to ring true though (sadly I cannot recall the programmer's name):
"WPF... making the hard trivial... and the trivial hard..."
Yes mate, do have a go if you can find the time. For some reason it is incredibly addictive and, with your knowledge and experience, I don't think it would take you long to get something up and running. Talking of the 'addictiveness', I really need to stop tinkering with what I have so far as it's at a point whereby I need to seriously re-think what I have and where I'm going to take it. The bottom line is that what I have is actually quite a naive ray tracer. To take it to the next level (my aim is a 'commercial' quality renderer) is a massive step. I've already made a start on the basic framework for a PBRT (physically based ray tracer) but it will be months and months before I see the first pixel rendered with that new system. Thankfully there are no deadlines or constraints with it purely being 'for fun' so I'll just keep plodding along with it as and when I can.Barring that, awesome stuff as ever. One day when I get some time to spare I might try my hand at a basic ray tracer, nothing that fancy though.
I remember making my peers marvel when I wrote code to draw a gouraud shaded polygon (in pascal, in DOS back in 1991?).
A Gouraud shaded polygon? Memories of a happier time mate! It sounds like you were doing similar stuff to myself at around about the same time, too. I expect you also did the Phong thing as well to make your polygonal models look shiny... :smile:
EDIT: Ask any recent computer science graduate about software rasterisation, DDA / Bresenham and you just get blank looks... it's not like it used to be.