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anyone recomend me a phone?


ClioSport Club Member
looking to buy a new sim free phone, ive always been a die hard nokia fan but my last 4 have been completely balls, my n95 lasted a year (18month contract) and my 5800 has just lasted less than 6 months and now the touch screen has started going nuts. and because it has no keypad i cant use the phone!!

whats everyone got/recomending?
I would go for an android phone, which is pretty much on everyone phone makers phones now.
Depends on if you want a hard keyboard or not,
if you do then a Motorola Milestone or sony xperia phone (these both are touch screen as well and you have the option of an on screen keyboard if you don't want to slide out the keyboard)
If you just want touch screen
Then I would say the Google nexus one or HTC desire
i can recommend what not to get, dont get a sony ericcson, they always break! mines broken 3/4 times and i know loads of other people with the same problem! you get the red light of death on the back when it ggoes wrong!


ClioSport Club Member
cheers guys ill have a peak at the above, my 5800 has sorted its screen but now deleted all my numbers and ive lost everyone number with no backup, cheers!!!!
