In that view you can have a similar menu to the one you show in "other filters" also unwatched shows you the shows you havent seen filtered.
Normal tv view blue dots mean unwatched. Half blue dots partial
No, you use remote app to control it all.
I use cyberduck.
I don't like the remote app. Just use the standard remote you get with it.
It bugs me that you can't forward!
With a certain addon.
Dont try pausing for more than 2 minutes either.
Tethered? Does that not suck balls?
I've brought this up before here but I'm going to again..
I've got a first gen mac mini hooked upto an external hd that's crammed with my iTunes library. However Im getting bored of the faff I having the mac mini being involved; as that's all its used for.
I know I can't just hook up my hd to an tv (can I?), but i could just hook it upto that library. So I leave the mini on; ignore it and access it via the tv.
That - or get a newer tv with a bigger hd and put plex or something on that. Hmm.
Is there a new/unwatched/blue-dotted section for podcasts you are yet to listen/watch?