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BG 182


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Some very nice bits there to go on! Nice touch with the ARB too, when I bought my Whiteline ARB new, they were indeed yellow :up:
I believe they've all changed to black now, so the arb might not be as old as I thought. They did this fadetoblack scheme where they'd change all yellow bushes to black.

My cameras lense needed a clean, and I've only just realised now but most of the pictures have come out slightly blurred but i'll update regardless.

The cap head bolts arrived so I fitted them along with some freshly lasercut acrylic framing.

DSCN0501 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Mock fitted in position and I really like the mechanical look with the cap heads.

DSCN0502 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0507 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I have since applied a layer of silicone and backed with tigerseal to hold them permanently in position. The overall plan is to get a reducer fitted to the rear of the ducting and get it facing towards my brakes.

The ARB came with rusty brackets (which seems to happen ridiculously quickly when new) so they were coated in hammerite and a light misting of silk spray applied to remove the gloss.

DSCN0520 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

And up...

DSCN0544 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Having just replaced the springs and applying liberal amounts of copper grease the rear shock bolts came out a dream. I adjusted the links to be 15 turns (7 1/2 full turns) and got the ARB mounted up. Very simple job, and again I applied lots of copper grease to make it easier should I ever need to remove it.

DSCN0522 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0525 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0527 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0531 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I could probably do with wiping it slightly as the grease did get everywhere, but it's not going to seize :smile: The arb was set to full hard and I took it out for a quick drive and the feel is very noticeable! Being stiffer, it has now added way more emphasis to how shockingly bad my tyres are! I nearly got caught out on a corner which there really should have been no problems around. It is meant to reduce the understeer, but coupled with the horrendous tyres has actually made understeer worse. This was only after a very short drive and due to the amount of rain, the roads were very greasy which will not have helped. I am hoping itll be completely different in the dry but it's just highlighted how I need to get some proper tyres sorted.

Whilst I had the camera out I also grabbed a couple of photos of my brothers (slightly dirty) Jordan. Please bare in mind I am most definitely no photographer, but i'm learning. Love this car, and when clean it's a stunning colour. Really needs someone who knows their way around a camera to do it some justice.

DSCN0534 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
It wouldn't be a Civic without a bit of bubbling above the sill. These have already been done once in it's life IIRC.

DSCN0539 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0540 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0543 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Thanks for reading so far :smile: Plans for next week are some fresh tyres!
That's interesting about the yellow to black, bought my Whiteline from Ktec brand new only in July and they were yellow so who knows lol but maybe mine's old stock on the shelf!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
nice update mate.

For some reason I thought your brother had written off the Jordan, maybe i'm getting confused with someone else?
Cheers Dan :) I'm getting there slowly!

No, he wrote off a focus which you may be getting mixed up with but the jordans still alive.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Not updated this for a while but I have been pretty busy.
Started off with some new genuine tie rods and lemforder TRE's as I had a fair bit of movement in them. Thanks @leeds2592 for lending me the tie rod tool which made the job a thousand times easier!

20170916_132959 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

All fitted and torqued up, it's nice having new genuine parts going on!
20170916_135248 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I then took the trip to kwikfit to get some new AD08R's onto my 2118's and for £274.96 fitted I couldn't complain. Let me know if you want a photo of the invoice.

20170923_092304 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

The next job was getting my rear hub spacers fitted, which I had been putting off in fear of ruining my rear bearings. I shouldn't have worried as it actually went smoother than expected, although I did struggle with a rounded torx on both sides but managed it in the end!

20170923_174302 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Whilst I was at it I decided to get my watfields stud and nut kit installed with some 271 studlock. Nice and simple to do, and the studs themselves seem pretty decent for the price I paid. I went for 68mm rears and 82mm fronts as I'll be running 20mm front spacers.

20170923_175427 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20mm front spacers went on (no pictures i'm afraid) and sit nicely with the standard 182 wheels. I am also able to run centre-caps which i'm really happy about!
What I didn't notice however was that the disc retaining screws were causing the spacers to wobble, and only after removing them today did I find they had dug in slightly. So I removed the screws which took a little persuasion and now the spacers sit perfectly with no rocking and fingers crossed all okay.

20171008_145703 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

New wipers were also bought

20171007_175432 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Next up was the refresh of some ktec solid topmounts that i'd bought from ebay.

Bearings pressed out as they had a lot of play and were pretty rusty

20171007_131409 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

New SKF Spherical plain bearings slid in, with new PTFE washer and circlips ready to be installed.

20171006_174244 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Packed with grease then the washer and circlip installed

20171006_175247 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Both done

20171006_175301 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Next up was just the installation, which required me to drill into my turrets. As I don't know if I will always be running the KTEC mounts, I ensured that I had one hole right at the front for a PMS brace.

20171008_132105 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I blasted all swarf away with some brake cleaner and deburred the edges.

And one

20171008_154502 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Then the other

20171008_154437 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I packed both sides with plenty of grease to stop any dirt from getting in. Probably slightly overkill, but more lube is always better than no lube :)
For security I put the 17mm nut on top. I removed the decals as they were peeling, and unsure whether to replace them or not? Might get some form of renaultsport sticker to go there instead.

20171008_154534 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20171008_154451 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

The overall job was pretty painless, apart from not having a 22mm socket with a hex on it. Don't know why K-tec didn't just stick with the 21mm nut.

Some camber bolts were also bought and fitted

20171008_185805 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20171008_123457 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20171008_132321 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I went with max camber on both sides for the timebeing. I was booked in with Bram-racing yesterday, but typically the car decided to have a hissy fit and not start up. After hours of messing around I traced it to a dodgy earth, but had to cancel with Bram as there was just not enough time in the day and I wasn't sure I was going to make it. All sorted now and running perfectly. The 2118's will be going on once I get it all set-up properly. I can't wait!

More updates to follow.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Mark.
Spoke to KTEC and SKF and they recommended packing them properly, so that's what I did :) I might remove a little yet.

Engine bay wise, I'm wanting to totally refresh my inlets/fuel guard etc, but that's for the future.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Nice updates, it's all coming together rather well :cool:
Thanks Steve. The cars come a fair way from the beginning, but I just do things as and when!
I have a ktec cup splitter on the way which I'm excited to fit. I've also just put an order in for lots of detailing products as it hasn't been washed in nearly a month :nomouth:


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Made the journey down south over the weekend and the car felt great. Will update properly later, but I got the 2118's fitted and it feels great with fresh rubber! Spent all day on sunday polishing the car with the DA, but no proper photos as I was in a rush towards the end. Some photos after the 4 hour journey are below.

DSCN0577 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0576 by Louis Walker, on Flickr


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Thank you for the kind comments :smile: I'm very happy with how it looks on the 2118's. It's a nice height on the cooksports, but could always do with going lower ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Looks so good, seems to be a lot of rake to say it's still on Cooksports, not a bad thing though.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Travelled up to Kendal today with @Niall to pick up a new bonnet. This ones pretty mint and has no dents or rust so I'm very chuffed! Just needs a DA and then fitting.

Whilst there I also got some black insert xenons that I will be cleaning up and fitting.

I'll update with more pictures as and when I get chance to work on the car.
Grabbed this one whilst waiting for Niall to arrive.

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