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BG 182


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I did on my 1.2 but had problems with them not being that secure so had decided on just the strips that came with the plates. I didn't think any of you would notice, ffs. :smile:


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Just been outside after finding this -
Popped out the cruise control panel, disconnected the switch, removed the button and bent the little pins into more of a V. Only ever so slightly, as I did it a little too much and it went a bit too notchy. Easy enough to bend back out again though if you do go a little far, it's trial and error.
All back together and my CC/ limiter now both click and stay in place. Free fixes are the best fixes!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I spent aaages lining up my plates using masking tape and a ruler and all sorts so your not alone with this 😂 but it's worth the time and effort
I just stood as far back as i could, and went for it. No second chances with double sided tape.


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks mate, ordered!

Edit: Just remembered, I think I had it changed by Rentech in a full service a year or two ago 😧 - owell!

Sell it to me? ;)

Noice, does it feel even nipper now the timing is done right?

Oh and I wouldn't worry too much about that leak on the selector seal, think 99% of Clios have the same problem, mine included.

I'd say its more 100%! All 4 of mine have had it!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Did you not bother changing the seal then Mark? It doesn't seem like a huge leak, so i'd rather just leave it alone tbh. Mick had mentioned something on the other side too, but I can't remember now. I believe it was something to do with either another seal leak on that side, or the sloppiness in the linkage.

What I have noticed is whilst just driving along normally i'm getting a fair bit of clicking from the passenger side which I presume is the relays? It does it mostly whilst lifting off but is fairly constant. Just need removing/cleaning?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I just turn up the radio as everything else f*cking rattles anyway :smile: Will give the relays a wobble this weekend though. Sometimes its like the engine vibration is just at the right level where it makes the glovebox move to a point it's a permanent buzz until i hit it.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Got some ABS rings bought of the correct size (15mm) which were £5 for two on ebay... why fit the wrong ones?!?!

Anyway, didn't really face any problems in changing the rings, pretty straightforward but it was made harder by having frozen hands and it snowing halfway through the job. All back together, and out for a drive and I no longer have any ABS/ESP/Serv lights. Car feels different too, maybe because i have ESP/traction control working now? Seems to brake even nicer which is always a good thing. Feels strange not having a christmas tree for a dash!
Only light left is the EML but that's from the decat that's on the car.

I also replaced the cable tie holding the boot with a proper jubilee clip. I checked the grease inside and it did have some in there, but i'll get some bought and shove some more in just to be on the safe side. Slowly getting the car to a better standard :)


ClioSport Club Member
Good work being done here, I just had the belts all done on mine as well. Had to replace the crank sensor but feels like a different car now!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Good work being done here, I just had the belts all done on mine as well. Had to replace the crank sensor but feels like a different car now!
I saw in your thread mate. I remember the guy posting who used to own your car. Bet he's gutted for not replacing something so simple.


ClioSport Club Member
I saw in your thread mate. I remember the guy posting who used to own your car. Bet he's gutted for not replacing something so simple.

Hmm yer i bet he is, the problem is this so called specialist he used seemed to just bodge things not sure if it was cause he had no money or they couldn't be bothered either way slowing getting a group of companies i can trust!

Whats next for you? I'm interested in one of those badges but its bloody £30 on eBay.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I managed to get the badge for £15 posted. I need some 3m tape, as it wasn't on secure enough for my liking so i took it off. Don't want to lose it!

I've just bought a black KTR kit, so that'll be put on, and my blue KTR removed and put up for sale. After that it's just getting it through MOT (Needs the handbrake looking at, and a cat fitting) but otherwise it's just getting it to a nice condition. Will get a DA on the paintwork when the weather warms up, and put 4 new good tyres on.


ClioSport Club Member
I managed to get the badge for £15 posted. I need some 3m tape, as it wasn't on secure enough for my liking so i took it off. Don't want to lose it!

I've just bought a black KTR kit, so that'll be put on, and my blue KTR removed and put up for sale. After that it's just getting it through MOT (Needs the handbrake looking at, and a cat fitting) but otherwise it's just getting it to a nice condition. Will get a DA on the paintwork when the weather warms up, and put 4 new good tyres on.

You beat me too it i was just messaging the guy about that induction kit haha because i want one for mine!


ClioSport Club Member
Hmm the blue is a bit too standout for me would prefer the black one, gonna have to order a new one now lol. Your costing me money hahahaha


ClioSport Club Member
Hmm the blue is a bit too standout for me would prefer the black one, gonna have to order a new one now lol. Your costing me money hahahaha
Just do the fatty and spray the pipe black.


ClioSport Club Member
The abs issue was probably "oh your abs rings are knackered lets order new ones" not look and realise that there are several types and sizes of them.

I did the same with that coolant sensor on the lupo. Just ordered the first one I saw.

How many teeth did the new ones have? Cup suspension? I need some for my driveshafts


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
@Louis' How is your decathlon lambda mounted/plugged?
It has the precat plugged in, but the post cat is just blanked off on the decat, and the lambda tied off behind the heatshield. Hopefully it's still functional!

The abs issue was probably "oh your abs rings are knackered lets order new ones" not look and realise that there are several types and sizes of them.

I did the same with that coolant sensor on the lupo. Just ordered the first one I saw.

How many teeth did the new ones have? Cup suspension? I need some for my driveshafts

Very true, but you'd have thought they'd have checked the old ones when they came off. Maybe didnt think itd make a difference, although how would you not notice the ABS light unless it was on with the old knackered rings? Who knows, sorted now!

Same amount of teeth as the ones that came off, 44. Here's the link.

Cup suspension yeah. Did you get that coolant sensor sorted then?


ClioSport Club Member
That's how I have mine. Well mine doesn't have a port for the lambda so it's just tucked away.

Normally the light comes on once a month for 2 days then it goes.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
That's how I have mine. Well mine doesn't have a port for the lambda so it's just tucked away.

Normally the light comes on once a month for 2 days then it goes.
I can clear it with torque, and mick even cleared it. But it came back after about an hour. I'll see what happens when the cat is fitted. It's blowing a little, so maybe that's a problem?


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Reckon the pipe can be sprayed? I'd be interested in it but I don't think Blue and Orange would go.

Oh and how have you blanked the decat off?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Reckon the pipe can be sprayed? I'd be interested in it but I don't think Blue and Orange would go.

Oh and how have you blanked the decat off?
I guess, but I don't know how it'd look! Blue and orange are contrasting colours :wink: By the time you've bought paint etc though, you may aswell have just gone for a black one.

And it was on the car when I got it, but on looking underneath it just looks to be a threaded metal blank. Similar to what you get on new cats when you buy them. I know you can get those mini lambda spacer things for decats which are meant to turn off the EML, but not tried it.


ClioSport Club Member
Yer the pipe could be sprayed you would just need to key up the surface then use some etch primer and give it a paint.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Received my black KTR pipe today, and got it fitted onto the car. Not sure what I prefer now though, black or the blue? Will the tubes themselves just be identical to one another regardless of age? As I have no idea the age of the black one.

Opinions please?
20170213_141507 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20170213_141523 by Louis Walker, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Received my black KTR pipe today, and got it fitted onto the car. Not sure what I prefer now though, black or the blue? Will the tubes themselves just be identical to one another regardless of age? As I have no idea the age of the black one.
Opinions please?

I think you should go back to blue and sell me the black induction kit haha


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Think i'm going to stick with the black one. They've got the same code underneath too, and I am not wanting to do anything blue on the car anyway.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Engine bay overhaul is on the cards anyway, so it will hopefully all fit in nicely! All the rusty clips/screw threads really annoy me...
