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BG 182


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Ohhhh, what colour combo you going with engine parts?
Still not 100% sure, but I had been thinking of anthracite engine cover, silver inlet, anthracite fuel rail. But I'm still not sure. I sometimes like the idea of going anthracite inlet, but then i don't know what i'd do with the engine cover without it looking shite.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Still not 100% sure, but I had been thinking of anthracite engine cover, silver inlet, anthracite fuel rail. But I'm still not sure. I sometimes like the idea of going anthracite inlet, but then i don't know what i'd do with the engine cover without it looking shite.

I've literally been thinking the same with regards to the inlet and engine cover. Love the look of @Davyy 's but not sure whether the amphasite will 'go' with inferno. Wanting to keep it as clean and OEM+ as possible.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I really like this one, whoever it is on the forum?
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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I've literally been thinking the same with regards to the inlet and engine cover. Love the look of @Davyy 's but not sure whether the amphasite will 'go' with inferno. Wanting to keep it as clean and OEM+ as possible.

Mine is such a strange colour, purple in some angles and athracite in others!


ClioSport Club Member
The black pipe deffo looks more oem, especially with the new cover. I reckon anthracite inlet and a nice light silver for the engine cover will keep the oem look and be nice and fresh.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I'll do some photoshopping near the time :) Always been tempted to polish up the inlet, but i've seen them often look halfhearted and it's put me off!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
New ABS rings/jubilee clip

20170214_155152 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I also removed my acoustic valve today as there's lots of mixed opinions, but the general consensus is that it's not needed.

20170214_160911 by Louis Walker, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
I also removed my acoustic valve today as there's lots of mixed opinions, but the general consensus is that it's not needed.

20170214_160911 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

How did you get on with this? Major difference? What did you go with the plug and any pipes etc?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Not any major difference really no but I'm yet to go for a proper drive.
All I did was remove the tube that went to it and disconnected the connector. Then put a bolt in the tube and tied them up. Simples.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
How come you removed the acoustic valve if you have a KTEC setup? Other than saving 400g or something?
Seems pointless having something on the car which is doing nothing especially when running the KTR. Would it have even been functional without the airbox?
It was more of a 'whilst I'm there' job as I had the wheel off anyway just checking over my suspension etc for any movement as I have an MOT coming up soon. I have no arch liners either so literally took about 5 minutes. It's 2 bolts, 1 electrical connection and 1 hose. Think I'll remove the bumper tomorrow if I get chance and pop off the carbon canister as it's ticking away.


ClioSport Club Member
Personally I'd use the proper clips on the driveshafts mate. The tool is only £4 on eBay and the clips are just as cheap. Jubilee clips come loose very easy over time when moving.


ClioSport Club Member
I'd agree with Dan mate. You need these clips:


Ive removed my carbon cannister too. Threw away the cannister and the pipe from the inlet, and kept the lid connected to the other one and plugged it with a bolt. I looped a pipe from the back of of the inlet to the front air pipe.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Don't listen to these two, I've had jubilee clips on for aaaages now and they haven't come loose or anything ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
I'd agree with Dan mate. You need these clips:

View attachment 177866

Ive removed my carbon cannister too. Threw away the cannister and the pipe from the inlet, and kept the lid connected to the other one and plugged it with a bolt. I looped a pipe from the back of of the inlet to the front air pipe.

Yes these are what you need !


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I'd looked at the proper clip's the other day actually but I'd read a fair few threads where people said jubilee clips were better. It'll get me through the MOT for now anyway, then I'll look at buying the proper clips/tool.
Anything beats the cable tie that was on before.
Just bought a pair of handbrake cables from Paul Temperton and a genuine cat to get me through the MOT. Might leave the cat on too as it's slightly drones on the motorway. I'll see how I feel, I like the sound the decat makes...


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
You got a brand new cat? Could you not find a decent second hand one anywhere?

I've got a decat to go on mine so you could have borrowed my cat just to get yours through the MOT but I really don't know when I'm going to get chance to get this decat on.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
You got a brand new cat? Could you not find a decent second hand one anywhere?

I've got a decat to go on mine so you could have borrowed my cat just to get yours through the MOT but I really don't know when I'm going to get chance to get this decat on.
Haha, no, i'm not made of money.
Just bought one off Gary Spooner for £45 posted. My mot's due a week today so wanted one ASAP, thanks for the offer though mate! I had bought one off Dan, but one of the ends needs welding which he didn't know about to be fair so just got another bought.
I also need to get a fitting kit now. Is that all I'll need, or do I also need the cat-centre pipe gasket?
I thought you'd sold your Decat too?


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Haha, no, i'm not made of money.
Just bought one off Gary Spooner for £45 posted. My mot's due a week today so wanted one ASAP, thanks for the offer though mate! I had bought one off Dan, but one of the ends needs welding which he didn't know about to be fair so just got another bought.
I also need to get a fitting kit now. Is that all I'll need, or do I also need the cat-centre pipe gasket?
I thought you'd sold your Decat too?

Ah right, I read it as though you got a genuine cat from Paul, I was going to say Mr Moneybags!

Don't know about the cat-centre pipe gasket, never heard of that? Mines sleeved so just slides in the pipe then a bracket over both to keep it together.

I was going to sell the decat but decided to keep and fit it. I change my mind more than I change my pants.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah it did sound a bit like that, my bad.
Just checked again and it's for the 172 cat, so nevermind.
The other fitting kit seems expensive though for what you get, might see if i can re-use my old one for now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
The mani to cat kit? They are expensive for what is a few bolts, washers springs and gasket, worth it though to get rid of any blows in that area. I'd try using your old one if it's fine at the minute and just get a new kit if you come across any problems.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Another update as I remove more things from my car... weightsaving yo.
Had a loud tapping from my carbon canister, and again, it's completely not needed so I removed it. Both bolts underneath which hold it on snapped off, but thankfully the one behind the front bumper came out easily enough.

20170215_145801 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I removed the actual connection from canister to solenoid and it just was full of dirty grim looking watery oil crap. Could hear the stuff inside moving around too so it must have been past it's best.

20170215_150615 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20170215_150612 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I left the electrical connector on the solenoid, and disconnected the inlet pipe then blocked it up with a bolt.

20170215_150847 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I left the breather for the fuel tank unblocked, and tied it up to vent just where the carbon canister used to be. Am I wanting to do something better than this or will it be OK? I don't want any fuel smells ideally.
Tied up the inlet/solenoid underneath too. Pretty easy job and no more tapping!
Quite surprised the difference it has made really, sound is much better from inside the car.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Does it sound better now? Different to your PM?
Yeah it does, sounds loads better! It must have been bouncing the ticking around a fair bit. Think I was just overly worried that something was wrong as I've never really heard these cars idling before.
You dont get any fuel vapour smells do you mate?
