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BG 182


ClioSport Club Member
Good stuff mate.

Nope, none at all. No ticking or anything. Just more space under the headlights. Like I said, I have had absolutely no issues since doing it. I thought I did as my EML light was on, but turned to be the sensor off the inlet.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Hopefully my cat will turn off my EML, be nice to have a dash without any lights on it for once! I will eventually get it mapped which should remove the EML (so i've heard) as I know I'll miss the sound of the decat too much to leave it off.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
It's weird because I've done the same as you regarding the decat, but my light only comes on every now and again for a day or 2 then goes off.
Has your car been RStuned? It's definitely the post cat lambda as it said so on clip.


ClioSport Club Member
You know what, that might be the case. Mine was tweaked by Dan@SJM which I believe was a a tweaked RS tuner map.

And I did the same on my old BG when it had a decat fitted, and that had the RS tuner map done too.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
You can get them plugs that go in the lambda sensor hole that are supposed to stop the light coming on. Don't know if they work or not though.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Does having the EML have any negative effects on the car? I've just always felt when the EML is off, it runs smoother, less stuttering when setting off etc. I had a dodgy cat on my 1.2 aswell, and used to regularly turn off the EML, but I could always feel when it was about to come back on again as the car would nearly stall during a manouvre or feel lumpy on pickup.

Maybe it's just a placebo?
Good progress here and always nice to have a car with no lights on the dash, sounds like your defo getting there

The accoustic valve plugs into the original airbox and is a noise reduction thingymajig for eu regulations. Does nothing, especially if a induction has been added in the original airbox place.


Sounds like something that can come off mine then especially as I have the KTR kit!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
The sun was shining today so tackled the job of lowering my drivers seat a little as it's like i'm sat on top of the car.
Removed the nuts, the exposed ones putting up more of a fight than the others.
Seems stupid how they're just open to the elements? I wire brushed the seat studs anyway and later refitted with lots of copper grease, so hopefully easier next time.

20170217_131711 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Pivoted the seats

20170217_131919 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Whilst I was there... Looked to be some mould underneath the drivers seat, so glad i've managed to get rid of that!

20170217_132125 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Spacers out.

20170217_134753 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I cut them down on the other side so that I had no exposed metal when looking down but it didn't add anymore height so it's OK.
And back together...

20170217_142139 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Fairly simple job, but it lowered down a little. Had to re-adjust my rear view mirror so it's clearly lower. I want to go even further down really, but i know that's not happening with standard seats. Does feel nicer to drive though which is a bonus for a free mod. Got my MOT next week though, so will have to tell them not to move my seat.

Also... I seem to still have a ticking noise which sounds identical to the carbon canister i just removed. Will this be the solenoid clicking away and does this needs removing too? I thought removing the actual canister would have solved the issue. It didn't seem to actually start ticking again until about 20 minutes into todays drive? Very odd.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
You need to block up the solenoid. If you put your finger over it when the ignition is running, you will feel it sucking. This is what the ticking noise is.
Yeah someone else has said this too now haha. I thought just removing all tubing going to it would stop it. Weird how it only started ticking again late on today. Tempted to just remove it completely and wire in a resistor to the connector!


ClioSport Club Member
The resistor trick didn't work for me. I had this problem as I didn't really want the lid there but by keeping it connected and blocking it up with a small bolt worked a treat and has been fine so ive left it as it is.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Don't go out your way mate if it's difficult to get to! Do I need to block it just at the top, or also at the bottom where it enters the canister?
Sure I'll figure it out anyways. I'll just block it all :)


ClioSport Club Member
Is it just removing the spacers to lower the driver's seat mate? It's annoyed me how my 182 seat is noticeably higher than my 1.2 seat was (which is weird). Feels like I'm sat on top of it like you said.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Is it just removing the spacers to lower the driver's seat mate? It's annoyed me how my 182 seat is noticeably higher than my 1.2 seat was (which is weird). Feels like I'm sat on top of it like you said.
To be honest it felt the same as in my 1.2 but I was never bothered enough to do anything about it.
It is though yeah, be sure to get the seat in the position you want first though as the sliders are stiff after as they rub on the carpet.
I just followed the guide on here, but it's pretty self explanatory once you get out there. Hardest part is removing the exposed nuts near the exhaust.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
You could probably notch the rail and weld in if you really wanted to go lower with standard seats but that's a lot of hassle! Cheaper too just to get bucket seats with low profile rails.


ClioSport Club Member
To be honest it felt the same as in my 1.2 but I was never bothered enough to do anything about it.
It is though yeah, be sure to get the seat in the position you want first though as the sliders are stiff after as they rub on the carpet.
I just followed the guide on here, but it's pretty self explanatory once you get out there. Hardest part is removing the exposed nuts near the exhaust.
Ah cool cool. Going to give this a bash then.

Yeah sat in my old 1.2 I've still got on the drive, was definitely lower so maybe there's some previous owner botch job I've not discovered with my rails etc yet. We'll see.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Ah cool cool. Going to give this a bash then.

Yeah sat in my old 1.2 I've still got on the drive, was definitely lower so maybe there's some previous owner botch job I've not discovered with my rails etc yet. We'll see.
There is a height adjuster at the front on the LHS. Make sure you're right down haha. Could be the makeup of the seat bases though too so you don't sink as much. Give them a measure.


ClioSport Club Member
There is a height adjuster at the front on the LHS. Make sure you're right down haha. Could be the makeup of the seat bases though too so you don't sink as much. Give them a measure.
Yeah it's down as low as it'll go on the adjusters. I'll take them off and see what the craic is.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
It's no bother mate. My bumper is (kinda) quick release. I'll get a pic tomorrow sugartits.
Cheers mate! :kissingheart:

Wish my handbrake cables would hurry up and arrive. Cats also on its way, hopefully tomorrow before work but doubtful.
Had drips from the decat - centre silencer today on a cold start which is just condensation I guess? Not a great sign it's blowing though. I'll take the advisory at MOT time if he passes :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I changed my handbrake cables tonight. Not a bad job tbh. Took plenty of pics too so will update tomorrow probably.
On a ramp? Looking forward to doing mine in the rain on my back 😅😂
I'll keep an eye out on your thread though mate to give me more of an idea on what I face.
Might get some spray on those heatshield bolts tomorrow actually.


ClioSport Club Member
No mate, I did it on axle stands but high up. I dropped the decat as the adjuster is above that and the heat shield.

Mine was easy to remove buy others have had trouble with the bolts so it might be a good idea to soak them first.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Sounds decent if not too hard on your back! My decat will need removing anyway so kinda all fits into one job which is nice.
I did have a look at the bolts today and they didn't actually look that bad. Will see!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
New handbrake cables fitted today. Unfortunately a bolt snapped on the heatshield, and another had been snapped by a PO. Will have to get these drilled out properly as I don't know how much of a good job my cables ties will do.

20170222_141958 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Yep, snapped.

New and old... Looked like the one that snapped was the original but the other had been replaced not so long ago. I decided to do both anyway, just in case.

20170222_143536 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

No pics of actual fitment, but you get the idea.

Picked up my cat today from the post office so will get that fitted in the morning along with a genuine fitting kit from renault. My decat didn't even have a gasket??? MOT is due, will be booked in hopefully tomorrow afternoon. Washer fluid topped up, LED's installed in boot/glovebox and all lights checked. Fingers crossed!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Sooooo, from my last update I got my cat fitted and took the car for MOT. Where I promptly failed on emissions (Lambda high), inefficient rear parking brake (by 1%!) and headlight alignment.
Got the car home, set about rebuilding my rear brakes to see where the problem was as I had just fitted new handbrake cables on both sides so knew this wasn't an issue. Discovered upon stripping down, and advice from other members on the forum, that it was the caliper that needed replacing as the handbrake mechanism inside had seized up as it no longer moved the piston until at the end of its stroke. Then it was only a small bit of movement. Thanks to @optical for showing me his calipers and the workings of the handbrake mechanisms.

20170304_094211 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Decided to just buy some working 2nd hand calipers from @James363 and save any hassle for the time being.

Cleaned up the NSR as this was the one I was having problems with and managed to get it fitted and bled today as the weather all week has been crap.
New calipers on and all greased up... Going to buy some paint for my calipers when I get chance.

20170304_163315 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Fresh ATE Typ 200. Going to flush the whole system of the old at some stage this week, but just was a little pushed for time today so settled on bleeding the rears only for now.

20170304_094425 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

The fluid looking a bit crappy. Not sure how long it changes to looking like this though to say when it was last changed. I'm guessing a while? Least it wasn't black. The one man vizibleed was really good for the £3 it cost! Proper bargain.

20170304_115521 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I then set about removing my front bumper to get at my carbon canister solenoid as it continued to tick. Shoved a bolt in both sides of it and silicone it all up so fingers crossed that'll be the end of that!

I also, after seeing @Dr Jekyll's setup, completely removed the inlet pipes that I had just blocked up with bolts from the canister and the solenoid. I looped a bit of piping round and under the throttle body. Makes me happy knowing there's less unnecessary pipes everywhere. Getting the bumper off also allowed me to tie back the wiring properly out of the way.

20170304_135013 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20170304_133617 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I adjusted the headlight too whilst I was at it so fingers crossed it'll pass, otherwise i'll just get them to align it on the machine.
Bass ports had been on order and they came a few weeks back so set about getting these fitted. Fog lights are over-rated and very rarely used anyway so I won't miss them.
20170304_153540 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20170304_160009 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

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Ducting isn't sorted yet, and I'm wanting to add some mesh to them too but this will come at a later stage.
I also siliconed up all the olive joint, and fitted some new nuts to the clamp as they were just like cheese on removal. Fingers crossed it passes on emissions as high lambda is often linked to an air leak somewhere and I just replaced the cat fitting kit with genuine.
I did notice after letting the silicone set for a few hours, when i got it upto temp it started smoking a little, is this normal or did i not wait long enough? Got some more if it needs it.

Car's absolutely hanging as well, but it will get a wash when it passes it's MOT.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Took it for the MOT today after giving it a good and thorough ragging beforehand.
Passed with ease this time, handbrake efficiency at 18%, and the lambda right down now so the high temperature silicone must have cured the leak on the olive.
Had to get the headlights adjusted by them, but that's nothing too bad.
I also now have a EML, which is showing as 'speed sensor p0500' on torque, but i'll have to get it plugged into something properly to diagnose that one. Fingers crossed nothing too wrong and its just a loose sensor.

Decat will be fitted back on this weekend...

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Re seat spacers... so that plastic bit around the hole, is that the spacer? Mine popped out when I fitted the recaros but I put them back. Would have left them out if I knew they were the spacers :(


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Good stuff mate!
Cheers Mark, proper chuffed it passed as it's just a pain in the arse not having the car! Rather work on it to my own deadlines, rather than having to rush for MOT's and work.

Re seat spacers... so that plastic bit around the hole, is that the spacer? Mine popped out when I fitted the recaros but I put them back. Would have left them out if I knew they were the spacers 😧
Yes mate. These are the spacers/antivibration plastics.


Guide here showing front/rear ones. -


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Congrats on the mot Louis. Sounds like you have an abs sensor on the blink now. #neverending
Who knows. I'm not getting any ABS or Service lights, ABS rings are all clean/new.
Hoping it's just a loose plug somewhere, but i did check all i could get my hands on.


ClioSport Club Member
If its a speed sensor it could be the VSS in the gearbox or the wiring to it. Do you get any other symptoms or issues?
