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BIGASH/FF-Racing X85 Clio Cup Racer Project

I find the same as Tony, I think its alot to do with the weight is nice and low down and also nicely over the rear. I don't bother with calculating the fuel level for a race I just brim it :) Also when the tank is half empty the fuel will move around the tank more giving weight transfer in the corners as the internals of the clio tanks have no sections when I looked inside.
Haha, no I meant that's what some of the old boy racers used to do in Mk2 Escorts etc. to give a bit more weight over the back wheels. Not exactly sure it worked, the old man never used to bother when he was hillclimbing Mk1s and never seen anyone pedal better than he did. R.I.P. Pop x
A very late night working on the car! (Didn't realise what time it was!) The car is back on the ground with wheels at each corner and i've got a couple more hours on the shell and then it's going for welding and painting! Removing the standard seat rails has got to be the hardest job in the world! Especially when working around the bucket seat mounts! Got one more to take out and then its just clean the shell and rub down the engine bay/interior :) Bed time now I think! Will try and get some pics up tomorrow (Later today)
  Clio 172
If I can add to Tony's post...madder than a bag of frogs. Go to bed man you'll be a single fella soon if you keep working on the car all night.
Review of 2012:

Well at the start of 2012 the car was nearing completion and I thought the difficult part was nearly over, I couldn't have been more wrong! It has been a crazy year full of ups and down with the car. By the end of the year I was finally happy with the performance from the car and I have gone into winter with a list of tweaks to make which should really pull some more time out of the bag. For once I won't write thousands of words but instead just a few photo's and key points.

Favourite photo of the year:


Least favourite photo:


Best moment with the car:
Lots to choose from for this but I think the Ring/Spa trip had to clinch it! Was the trip of a lifetime and can't wait to do it again

Worst moment:
Scrambling over the barriers at Spa with smoke billowing off the car and me thinking it was going to go up in flames!

Best racing moment:
Seeing Mike hold up P5 at Donington after starting 36th place

Worst racing moment:
(Should probably be my shabby driving) Getting poisoned in the Donington race, genuinely thought I was going to die!

Biggest lifesaver of the year:
This could go to many people in all honesty! Tony, Jay, Fred, Zoltan, Mark, Chip but I think Fred has got it in the bag as without him the car would not of been used for the rest of the season so big thanks to his all nighters and putting up with all my phone calls!

Best purchase:

Worst purchase:
Tricky one, I'd say getting the non VVT cams probably

Biggest regret:
Not building the car myself

Favourite saying:
Totally Definitely F**ked (Thanks Chip ;))

It has genuinely been an epic year! By far the most expencive year of my life and I am now sat at 7 times my original budget. The new years resolution for me is to spend more money driving it than fixing it so fingers crossed for 2013.

Thank you all for the support on here, FB, at races etc. I have made many new friends and have got some great memories so thank you all and here's to some success in 2013 hopefully.

Happy new year to you all!

Best Wishes

Finally just a few pictures showing the car from day 1 to the present day :)

Great write up Ash, hope you have a great season next year! i hope to pop along to some races. But OUCH at 7 times budget! i dread to think how much your budget was :quiet:
  Audi A3 TDI 170 B.E.
Another good write up James.

Looking forward to next season will be at the races with Burpspeed, just shout if you need a hand!

And have a happy new year!
Great write up Ash, hope you have a great season next year! i hope to pop along to some races. But OUCH at 7 times budget! i dread to think how much your budget was :quiet:
Thank you very much :) Yeah it was a bit of a shocker! lol
Onwards and upwards, hopefully i'll be down to give you tintops guys a challenge in 2013:cheers:
Will be a good laugh Morgan :)
Another good write up James.

Looking forward to next season will be at the races with Burpspeed, just shout if you need a hand!

And have a happy new year!
Thanks Mike! Should be a great season :) Thank you as ever really appreciate all your help!
you got anywhere with the paperwork for the cage by the way?

PS - i am the greatest ;)
Nope to be fair I haven't called them back since we called them!

I might of been talking about another Fred :rasp:
Float like a trophy, sting like a Vee.
  Lionel Richie
so if your original budget was £5K for example you've actually spent..................................................f**k ME! :race:
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Whatever people may think about TDF with regards to how well they can build a car, you just HAVE to respect their ability to write an invoice, flol
  172, Tiguan
James, I've just spent my entire Christmas break (on and off) reading all 200 pages of this thread. What a story! A fascinating read from start to finish for various reasons. I'm gobsmacked that you still have a girlfriend and can afford to eat!

The reason I decided to read all of this was because I dream of doing something similar to mine that's sitting in the garage, but I've got no chance of racing at the moment. It's 90% ready to go, but not as 'polished' as yours or some of the other guys that post regularly in this thread. Even so, I'd love to get it out there against some of you guy's! Sadly the budget isn't there and family comes first (damn growing up...)

Another reason I decided to go throu all of this is that I've just bought a 197 that's got a few receipts from TDF, including mapping, and it's occurred to me that it must've been done in the dark, during a power cut, by Stevie Wonder. I know little about trader politics as I purposely keep out of all of it, but I had to see what all the fuss was about and it's done nothing but confirm my suspicions.

All I can say is good on you for keeping at it and dealing with all the crap in such a stand up way, you are a credit to this forum IMO, I wish we had more members like you. I'm really looking forward to further updates in the new year, one which is hopefully more reliable than last year! Fingers crossed I might even get an opportunity to come and watch one weekend. I'd also be very keen of joining in on a Cadwell day if you do all book one.

My one comment having watched all the videos in the thread would be to keep it in a higher gear occasionally! :)
Have a great New year , look foreward to your 1st event, and a great write up as stated above.

Regards Russ.......
Thanks Russ you too and thanks again for your help with the car :) Recon we can build it back up in a weekend? ;) lol
James, I've just spent my entire Christmas break (on and off) reading all 200 pages of this thread. What a story! A fascinating read from start to finish for various reasons. I'm gobsmacked that you still have a girlfriend and can afford to eat!

The reason I decided to read all of this was because I dream of doing something similar to mine that's sitting in the garage, but I've got no chance of racing at the moment. It's 90% ready to go, but not as 'polished' as yours or some of the other guys that post regularly in this thread. Even so, I'd love to get it out there against some of you guy's! Sadly the budget isn't there and family comes first (damn growing up...)

Another reason I decided to go throu all of this is that I've just bought a 197 that's got a few receipts from TDF, including mapping, and it's occurred to me that it must've been done in the dark, during a power cut, by Stevie Wonder. I know little about trader politics as I purposely keep out of all of it, but I had to see what all the fuss was about and it's done nothing but confirm my suspicions.

All I can say is good on you for keeping at it and dealing with all the crap in such a stand up way, you are a credit to this forum IMO, I wish we had more members like you. I'm really looking forward to further updates in the new year, one which is hopefully more reliable than last year! Fingers crossed I might even get an opportunity to come and watch one weekend. I'd also be very keen of joining in on a Cadwell day if you do all book one.

My one comment having watched all the videos in the thread would be to keep it in a higher gear occasionally! :)
Wow thanks Jon for taking all the time to read it :) Haha thankfully I have a girlfriend still because this car doesn't get discussed between us, its a shame but she really doesn't like it but this way I still get to do what I enjoy and it stops us arguing about it :) But you are right it has been a massive drain on finances, savings and income which will have to stop at some point.

I remember reading your thread (Silver car with red bumper and martini stripe?) Would be great to have you out racing with us but I know what you mean. Not polished is probably a good thing ;) I have massive OCD and the reality is it would be just as quick without and I would also save alot of money but as you might have guessed over the last 200 pages I like to do things my way :) Of course totally understand and when I need to grow up a little (Wont be too long for me :() then I couldn't plough the money in that I have been doing.

Really sorry to hear about that Jon, Good purchase though I used to have a 197 and loved every minute of it! It's a real shame and I hope you get it sorted out. Give Paul at RS tuning a try as he has always been great with my cars!

That is incredibly kind of you to say thank you! I will never give up however I also hope I have an easier time of it in 2013. Yes that would be great and would be good to meet you, I normally have spare tickets so next season I will make them available on here and then just first come first served if anyone wants them :) I will make sure to let you know about Cadwell then should be a cracking day!

Haha I will take that on board and work on it next season ;)

Thanks again for taking the time to read and reply means alot to have the support!
200 pages!!

Nice end of year write up. Hope 2013 is a lot less stressful and expensive for you lol
Haha I know mate I didn't realise it was so many as I have it on 60 posts per page so on 67 pages!

Thanks me too ;) Look forward to seeing you on track again in 2013!
Does anyone know if the steering rack bushes are available separately from buying a new rack? Just putting all the subframe back together but will hold off if I can get new bushes?

