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BIGASH/FF-Racing X85 Clio Cup Racer Project

  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
The rubber they use isn't very good at handling oil contamination so after spa yours will certainly be best replaced.

Just had to read back and see when the last update was as I loose all track with constantly updating Facebook and twitter and then only once a month or so on here!

Good news today I have finally finished all my part on the shell before it goes off for welding and painting.

Since the last update I have been trying to cut down weight from the shell as much as possible, I have removed the standard seat rails, I have also removed the drivers side welded in rails as the spacing was too far apart to accept standard side mounts/ sliders etc. The idea is to weld in a new set in the optimum position to get the most from a set of sliders. The new mounts will be a little further back again and about 25mm lower still as I am still to high. When someone else is sharing the car with me it will have the sliders in which lift the seat back up either 25mm or 50mm depending on if I use the spacers.

Other small brackets and items that must have been missed off last year when the car was originally done have been removed along with quite a few panels of the tar stuff that was lurking behind side panels that I had asked to be removed so hopefully a few KG's saved. I have got a fibreglass boot to go back on the car along with a P4P rear window.






I have sorted the sump since my little mishap with putting the sensor in the wrong spot when I built the engine up. I have also started to reassemble all the subframe and other little components so they are all ready to fit once I get the shell back. The rear beam has been all built back up along with the stub axles and the car was then back on the ground. To make the shell moveable for it's visit for the welding and painting I needed to make a front dolly which I did using a fence post and some supposedly strong castors from Ebay but while moving the shell today one of the castors fell off. I have now swapped to some fixed castors which are much better for the job.









I then this morning got the shell wheeled outside and gave it a proper clean to get all the oil and dirt from the whole shell off. This took longer than expected but I lifted the car up and got right underneath to clean.






All that is left for me to do is go and get the trailer out of storage and then get the shell loaded up but that should be fairly simple as it will just winch straight on. The only job for me left to do before it gets painted is to scotchbrite the inside and engine bay before paint but I will do this once it gets to the painting place as it will need another clean out after all the welding that is going to be done.

I am collecting the gearbox from Agency with the new diff and FD on Thursday morning on the way to Autosport and will get this fitted to the engine next weekend ready to slot in.

I'm really looking forward to getting it back and to start building it back up. I have planned for the rebuild to take 2 weeks and then have given myself 4 weeks to do all the wiring which is the chassis loom and a full new engine loom. I also need to make a new switch panel as the old one goes where my gearlever will be re-located back to.

Another little bodge that I need to sort

Shakedown will happen at Teeside in March and if this goes well then hopefully I can push on and get an idea for the few performance mods that have been made. Then the car is going on a little holiday in April for some suspension bits and bobs. My first planned race was Brands in May but funds are looking very tight so will just have to see what happens!

Thanks as always for reading

Best Wishes
Ahh need to order two then by the sounds of it! Chip whilst you are here :) Should I swap to the megane injectors on the 421's + ITB's with the standard 182 fuel system? Thanks
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Best bet for now is fit the original injectors again to get it up and running on the map you have (will overfuel on the meggy ones unless you take about 1/3rd out of the injector duration), then swap to the meggy ones when you take it for mapping.
Looking good James. I still haven't worked on mine since Oulton.

Don't think I'll be out until July looking at the dates/locations and what we already have on. I could do Brands but I'd need to crack on on the car and it is 5 days before I get married so Caroline is not keen lol.
I was going to say I need to change the map anyway to get it running as I have changed the crank sensor to a new genuine one rather than the bodged attempt that was on it (Different trigger pattern), Also probably just need to make it a bit safer till I get it onto the rolling road. I only need to run it to run the cooling system up and bleed it. Thanks will do :)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
If there is a single injector scale value that you have easy access to (im not familiar with mapping the EC1 but most ECU's will have one), then knocking it down by about a third should get you into the correct sort of ballpark for the meggy injectors.
Have you got a wideband to check with though?
Pretty easy to set the fuelling just for idle and light load if you have.
Looking good James. I still haven't worked on mine since Oulton.

Don't think I'll be out until July looking at the dates/locations and what we already have on. I could do Brands but I'd need to crack on on the car and it is 5 days before I get married so Caroline is not keen lol.
Haha good work :)!

Thats a shame, there seem to be alot of races around June/July time will be hard on the bank account around then.

That is understandable lol! :)
If there is a single injector scale value that you have easy access to (im not familiar with mapping the EC1 but most ECU's will have one), then knocking it down by about a third should get you into the correct sort of ballpark for the meggy injectors.
Have you got a wideband to check with though?
Pretty easy to set the fuelling just for idle and light load if you have.
Thanks mate i'll have a look, I need to look how to make it run Rich anyway just to keep it safe so will add it to my list :)

No lol I just thought Rich is better than lean?
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Thanks mate i'll have a look, I need to look how to make it run Rich anyway just to keep it safe so will add it to my list :)

No lol I just thought Rich is better than lean?

Richer will run colder than leaner, which means less likely to melt, but if you run too rich the excess fuel washes the oil off the bores and causes the engine to wear out faster, plus it cokes everything up more.
  Golf GTD Mk7
Richer will run colder than leaner, which means less likely to melt, but if you run too rich the excess fuel washes the oil off the bores and causes the engine to wear out faster, plus it cokes everything up more.

Didn't realise that. Good to know :)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Although textbooks will tell you high 14s or low 15s for idle, just pitch it around 13 once its running to begin with, makes it a lot less ignition sensitive and less likely to hunt with hot cams, then Paul can do the fuelling and ignition properly when he's mapping it.


ClioSport Club Member
  R53 GR86
Good progress James, are you altering the front turrets to accept different mounts for caster ? also what is the weight difference with the fibreglass rear hatch not including the window.
Although textbooks will tell you high 14s or low 15s for idle, just pitch it around 13 once its running to begin with, makes it a lot less ignition sensitive and less likely to hunt with hot cams, then Paul can do the fuelling and ignition properly when he's mapping it.
Nice one I will try and do that then :) Yeah as I say its only so I can check over the wiring, engine for leaks etc as don't want to waste Paul's time turning up if the sump is going to piss oil out for example :)
Good progress James, are you altering the front turrets to accept different mounts for caster ? also what is the weight difference with the fibreglass rear hatch not including the window.
Thanks Colin, Yes I am :) I weighed it all the other night along with lots of other things and off the top of my head I can't remember but I will check tonight!
Great progress James, looking foreward to the next update, 2 weekends/ghosters should do it for the rebuild.

Regards Russ...........
  182cup & 172 racecar
Easier to change the injectors once you arrive for mapping, They do chuck loads more fuel in than you would think.
Great progress James, looking foreward to the next update, 2 weekends/ghosters should do it for the rebuild.

Regards Russ...........

Thanks Russ :) just can't wait to have it back! I've got work to do in the meantime though as I'm helping out with the welding and painting

Yes sounds like a plan Russ and I think you are right shouldn't be long except the wiring!
Just randomly read a few pages from March of this thread! Crazy looking back! How everything has changed, Will be very interesting to see where the car, myself etc are in a year or so.
