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Broken down again... What would you do?


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
Seen plenty of standard power cars kill a box.

Forst guess I'd say is sleeve on drivers side shaft.

Would this make quite a lot of racket when under tow? As the engine was idling fine for steering and brakes, with no sound of grinding or anything under tow?


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
It's back on the driveway now after being recovered from my mates house. I guess tomorrow will tell if there's anything obvious and I manage to get it out


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
Right, late start working on this but it's up on stands with the wheels off. Spinning the drivers side disc forwards and backwards is matched up by the passenger side moving forwards and backwards (LSD) at the same time so I suspect the shafts and diff are okay?

Now on to dropping the subframe...


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
Drained the box oil and strained it through a cloth... No large chunks of gear teeth or anything in the oil, however there is very very fine (we're talking like sugar granule size) specs in the cloth, and the oil definitely has this like metallic looking swirl to it?

@NorthloopCup is this good or bad for redline MTL?


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ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
You tried it in gear and turning them then?

Hadn't thought of that.. just tried it.. no movement from the other side when spinning either side in front of me, drivers shaft off it is


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
So, drivers side shaft splines were fine, think I've found the source of the bad noises...

In all gears, forward or reverse, spin the disc and this disgusting noise!! Video attached;



ClioSport Moderator
Drained the box oil and strained it through a cloth... No large chunks of gear teeth or anything in the oil, however there is very very fine (we're talking like sugar granule size) specs in the cloth, and the oil definitely has this like metallic looking swirl to it?

@NorthloopCup is this good or bad for redline MTL?
Nah you’ve killed something mate. The video could be the Quaife that’s let go. The gear on the drive cup has potentially broken free!!


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
@Rystar if it’s the Quaife, warranty *should cover it. The loss of drive would point at the drive cup.

Well that would certainly be great news for my otherwise hurting wallet this time of year ? if you don't mind I'll pick this up with you in PM's shortly, it's cuppa time first!
  535d / t5 caravelle
What about a meg225 for fun factor?

I have to admit the whole Subaru thing would be childhood nostalgia of watching Rallies and playing the games and having the likes of Burns and McRae engraving the infectious boxer rumble in my mind as a bit of a goal to own. Even if in UK2000 turbo or import WRX/STI variants

Truth is, after dumping £5k into the Clio last month, I ain't exactly flush for cash to fork out on something desirable for the next couple months at least

Bad look mate!

I had 3 gearboxes go on my mk1 valver, got very tiring and pissed me off, so sold, one went on my Williams.

A 225 meg will be no where near as fun, my r26 with 300bhp was not as fun as my 172 cup ( standard engine/coilovers )

Get an r53 if you want something as fun as the clio, plenty of scope for upping the power too.


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172
Finally got round to this, so little update on what was found, a video beats a picture for word count right? ?

So anyone ever broken the engine dynamics five paddle that they recommend for high boost before? Or am I a first on that one too? Anyone know if there's any warranty on their stuff, I was gonna give Andy a call tomorrow :)
