I wouldn't get battlefield, it's boring and you can't even join a game as a party.
Thank f**k for that. He can go back to BF3...and Scotland. Hopefully for good.Boom. Finally me and Sy will be laughing whilst playing some new maps. Bye AK.
Yeah, think you will still get founder status too (f**k knows what that gets you mind).Regarding the DLC, could I buy Elite now and get all the DLC 'free'?
You've not played it lately mate! its a lot better now
Get me in the SWET elite guys and I'll do the rest, you just sit back and admire. Lol
Don't really know the maps but still beast on s and d. 1 on 1 you're done son.
I'd like it more if I could ever get a decent killstreak.
So I just roll with the support streaks, at least then I might get a remote sentry to play with every now and again
Get on tonight Dredz me and alymac will be on.
KC, Dom or Demo are my gamestyles.
Keep an eye out for Hypermega, I'll be the one getting killed a lot.. and capping flags/tags or planting/defusing stuff
Picked this up today and am currently rolling through the SP campaign. I like how it's picked up from where MW2 finished - familiar characters and voices coming back.
So far, so good.