Nie, dzięki. Mam już dwie prace, to brudne wyrwać z kurczaka.
Nie, dzięki. Mam już dwie prace, to brudne wyrwać z kurczaka.
Google translate said:No, thanks. I already have two jobs, the dirty snatch with chicken.
Always moaning about lag that isn't lag, lag, dude.
Just need to get on with it and have a laugh. This game is so much better when you don't take it seriously. I used to rip my hair out on Blops. Id like to think i've chilled out a little on this one.
It's ok. No need to apologise.Yeah, sorry I forgot I was the only one in this thread and the whole internet for that matter complaining about the lag in this game.
UMP45 with rapid fire + extended mags is awesome
It's ok. No need to apologise.
On a serious note though, I wasn't saying you're the only one. I just see it too much in this thread imo.
Enjoy it for what it is. Lag is all part of the fun. You should join one of our parties. Half of the laughs come from when someone is raging because they got shot by bullets that can bend around walls.
akimbo FMG's
akimbo FMG's
Why anyone would stay in a lobby in which they were getting 0 kills for 26 deaths is beyond me.ive just had a game of kill confirmed that was so buggy it was laughable. 0 kills for 26 deaths, turns out my gun wouldn't go off, it went off on my screen but when i watched the kill cams back i was running about not firing.
I just can't see how it is in any way entertaining.Why not?
Not had lag for ages.
I'm only on BT Broadband.
People need to sort their connections out maybe?
I just can't see how it is in any way entertaining.
Sods law Adam you probably won't get any lag if you did that.
Yeah, I guess I need to sort my 100Mb D/l - 10Mb U/l VM Broadband out that I have average 20ms ping on
Or maybe its my Open NAT type!
Actually, thats a thought. I wonder If a try and change my NAT to moderate or strict I wont experience any lag!
None of my mates experience lag, and there on all sorts of isp's
I beasted with the msr last night with barney for a couple of games. Dunno why they've made it so easy to snipe, they can shoot you a couple of times then 1 shot and there dead. Lol