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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Played Survival Mode last night on Resistance.

So addictive, although need to play with someone who speaks the English language and not some crazy French/Spanish/Israeli bloke.
Just played about 2 games with Gouldy. Had to back out, as i'm sure games are becoming hacked.

We we're playing Kill Confirmed. Apart from the 'lag that isn't lag', where a shotgun wanker was shooting me without even looking at me?! (even killcam was showing this), there were players that seemed to be moving alot quicker than normal. Also, on a few occasions, id kill someone, go to pick up the tags (no one else around me) and suddenly it'd say "kill denied"?!!

  CBR1000RR Fireblade
They should concentrate on fixing the problems rather than releasing more content for an already broken game.
  LY Megane R26
Was it as bad for you, as it was for me??

I cannae complain at DLC though, seeing as I was one of the suckers to pay extra for Elite ;)

Same! I just bought it as tesco where selling the game for £25 when you bought some MS points. So spend £37 on them and then £25 on the game. Rather spend then on this DLC than a juggernaut outfit for my avatar.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Was it as bad for you, as it was for me??

I cannae complain at DLC though, seeing as I was one of the suckers to pay extra for Elite ;)

Yes, I am in a worse game now though. Everyone is on 2 bars or less, I can't collect tags and there are some random as hell kill cams
