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Clio 172 Replica

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ClioSport Club Member

Aww so cute...:rolleyes:

i would rather have that car than yours.....
How have i got the name boy racer, Because im 18 and drive a sport. I have plently of money dont worry mate. This thread is actually begining to get right on my tits so this is my last post on this dumb thing!

as 4 the comment about my 172 being worth Fuc* all in a few years... it happens 2 most cars m8 not just 172...

Dont get jealious mate, dont try offending me by saying my car is shi*... Doesnt rubb off on me m8.
Jesus christ ! Some folk need to step away from the computer.

I have a massive wang, I don't go shouting about it though.
  is dirty.
I'd LOVE to know how you got the job to pay for your genuine 'Renaultsport' as to me it looks as if you either have a faulty keyoboard... or can't spell for s**t.

For someone so proud of his own car you don't half spend alot of time on here, posting pointless drivel. So what if it's a replica? Do the whole board a favour and go outside and go and look at your real 172, as long as you stop harping on with the same boring point.

Reps aren't my thing (I.e I'd never do it) but some of the ones on here are outstanding, so why not.

BTW, you're 18 with a 172, but with the attitude of a 4 year old. One day it will bite you in the ass my friend ;)

Well some of us clearly have the brains at 18 to be able to get a well paid job to afford a genuine "RenaultSport", all my problem is why do people get a 1.2 or what ever car he has and then make it look like a 172... its just annoyin and pointless... save your money get some no claims... "if u dnt intend to race ur car as u said about 30 tyms" and then when you have enough pennys in ur piggy bank then u can come and join me up here with the big boys:rasp:

I apoligise if ive offended anyone

'big boys'? You have a 2.0 16v kicking out about 160-170bhp. Your not a big boy.
  172 Cup, AX trackbeast.
No matter how good a replica is, there's one dead giveaway that you can't get rid of: The tax disc.

I parked next to what I thought was a 172 not long back. Had the lot: front wings, bumpers, even the 2.0 16v badge on the doors. Being the curious sort, I looked inside. Even had the right seats and trim. It was only then that I spotted the tax disc: 12 months at £120.

1.2, then!

Good luck with it, let's see it when it's done. Just hide your tax!

and the sunroof you fool!:lolup: unless you want to spend mega money getting it covered over:rasp:

Fool? Because I'm not anal enough to know what Clio has a sunroof?......
  MX5 MK2.5 SVT 1.8 Sport
can a mod please clear this thread and ban millwall?? Another rep thread ruined and mish, your a legend!
Your car is p**n Ditz
Ok lets draw the line here... its a rep ok.. (still dnt c the point in having 2.0 badges on it tho)... MY OPINION!...

Yes my car still need some work on it, im planning on doing that as soon as i get my nect pay packet... due to cambelt aux belt and brakes needed doing...

as i said draw the line here now coz my fingers n eyes are achin just by trying to catch up with all of this
  172 Cup, AX trackbeast.
For the record, I hope the replica turns out well. I have nothing against a good replica. I'd never do it, I'd always get the real thing. But, some people can't afford it for whatever reason, therefore the replica route is the only route.
James is going to start a new thread.

Please dont argue and b**ch again or I'll have to start dishing out points and bans.
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