A few satisfying jobs tonight correcting a few bodges/incompetencies from Renault “specialists”. I dare say there are very few.
So when I pulled the engine I immediately noticed a few missing bolts on the timing covers. How I never spotted it before is beyond me, but it is a little tight down there oh er 😐
Circled in red are the replacement bolts, which I managed to get from my local fasteners. Thanks to Paul at RMB for his print out which gives you the bolt sizes.
Top cover
Lower plastic cover
So effectively these were missing 5 bolts out of a possible 7. They were tight and haven’t caused me any issues but more worrying is the car went in to get the timing belts, dephaser done at a local Renault Specialist.
Now I can’t say for sure if it went in like that or not but I’d expect a specialist, or any garage for that matter, to have a duty of care. A quick call to say Jon there’s 5 bolts missing, would you like me to sort, would be the minimum I’d expect.
Anyway on to bodge 2. This wasn’t done while the car was in my possession and not by my local specialist, but by one not a million miles away has since gone out of business.
When I removed the box from the engine 2 of the 3 upper bolts were loose. One actually pulled out by hand thanks to the cross threading.
I initially thought they’d been over tightened until I went into my local Renault dealers to see if I could get genuine ones. Luckily you can.
Mechanic - that’s not a gearbox bolt mate it’s off a garden gate or something like that 😂
Tha gearbox bolt.
The garden gate bolt is slightly longer, so the chimpanzee would have found the bolt wouldn’t quite tighten as it’s touching the engine block. A few extra ugga duggas would of then stripped the threads.
Still, it’s all part of the learning curve and we move on.