Thanks, yes EPAS on the list but gut feel says it's not a massive savings to not near the top.
Wanted to wait to get this race meeting out of the way before advising on fitting, to make sure mine stayed on!!!! My windows were provided with Sikaflex (I can advise which type if needed).
The front door windows I removed along with all the gubbings for the electrics and put back all the seals around the window. Then I filled the gaps in the seals with Sikaflex (a good amount) so that they would bond to the window. Before putting in the plexi, I lightly sanded the areas that would be bonded (and therefore not show) and put a bead on sikaflex on both sides. I fitted the window and wedged a piece of wood underneath to secure in place while the sikaflex cured. I then added a bead of sikaflex between the lower horizontal seals and the window and that was it, removed the wood after 24hrs and did the next one. I found a hole inside the door just below the underneath of the window, I stuck a bolt through it so if the sikaflex did fail, it would drop a few mm on to the bolt but so far not needed.
The rear 1/4's, got some new stanley blades and sat inside the car and started cutting at the bonding, not easy but certainly not one of the worst jobs I've had to do. Cut the window away from it's bonding (use tape to secure the window if it's just you) and eventually it'll pull away with maybe a little more cutting. Clean off all the previous bonding, sand so there's a good rough surface and add sikaflex. Again I sanded the inside of the window which would meet the sikaflex to ensure a good bond. Secure in place and leave for 24 hours.
Get a box of disposable gloves, sikaflex gets all over and you dont want it on your hands as its hard to get off. Also if you've got to clean off your windows, use really soft clean clothes as I used blue roll (paper) and found it did lightly mark the windows so move to microfibre clothes and it was fine.