Hello Adamowsky,
I have to say, its been quite interesting watching how your build has progressed (I've only just signed up today and noticed). Although I also have a phase 3 Mk1 Clio, I've done slightly different mods to uprate the interior a bit, I still need to complete them (i.e. put the wiring in for the rear speakers, which results in removing the dashboard... changing that and the ECU - long story, but it might be beneficial if you want to know what you can do with the clio electrically, e.g. electric windows.)
Anyway, one thing I did notice, you've shown a pic of your door cards with different fabric. How did you remove the fabric from the door cards? I have 6 of them here and I put 2 in so I could have the extra speaker holes and apetures for the electric window switches, etc, but I've had concerns removing the fabric so I can replace mine with the Versailles type of fabric, reflecting the inteiror. I'm guessing you used a heat gun as I did when I tried it and I was more worried about melting the plastic than the glue.
Is there any settings you used?