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Could someone please...

  Monaco Blue Mk2
...Photoshop some turinis and pro race 1.2 (16") onto this car below please, it's the only pic I can find of a similar-ish car to mine. I couldn't get a pic of mine today due to the snow! I just need some visual help to make my mind up. If anyone then fancied showing me what it would look like with a colour code, Tints and also sprayed silver calipers and drums I'd be even more grateful!

God I need to get photoshop and learn how to use it!

  Clio 197

  Monaco Blue Mk2
Giles, I don't want to sound like an ungrateful t*@t but I can't see anything!

*EDIT* Just quoted your second reply to find the url for tints and colour code. Thanks alot mate. Tints suit the colour alot better than I expected.
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Clio G-B said:
Can you see the pic?

Yes I can now thanks, with the tints and the colour code. Tints were the last thing on my list and I was thinking I probably wont do them but they suit it alot better than I expected. Just need to keep saving!
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Thanks alot for that mate. you have just made my mind up for definate, it's got to be the turinis! I just hope that these ones i've found are in good nick. Thanks again.
