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Covid182 the longest clutch change ever


ClioSport Club Member
Weekend came and somehow (no idea how) the trolley worked, engine didn't fall over and ruin my month etc. Well dodgy moment getting it down a step on my own, managed to dead lift it down the step block end first (r****d) without destroying my back


Note road covered in sand as I've been liberally spilling oil, power steering fluid, gearbox fluid etc everywhere like a right tool


Angle block worked like a treat



New top gearbox mount cleaned and painted



While engine was out I managed to remove a few snapped bolts by welding new bolts onto them, obviously no pictures because I was deep in the welding zone (im such a s**t welder and was just so occupied trying to not weld the snapped bolts to the car haha)

Slowly discovering more shitty looking bolts which is hurting my inner fairy, also note the Dinitrol overspray on everything.... will need to clean this up with some thinners.




Weekend over - I am unbelievably slow at this stuff and all of that was literally the whole weekend



ClioSport Club Member
Yes mate, let me dig it out!

Here you go, not described as OEM but clearly is! just had the Renault badge ground off. Makes sense as lots of the OEM stuff was made by SASIC I think.


ClioSport Club Member
and the febi cames as an OEM part? Strange, as the others (mounts) were not so healthy as OEM

Not sure what you mean by not as healthy as OEM? The new part did have a slightly weird surface however was definitely healthier :)

This was 100% the OEM supplied part, same moulding flashing and part number moulded in just with the Renault badge and part of the number ground off by hand, probably due to some supplier contract or something.


ClioSport Club Member
Just after I got the car I got annoyed with the terrible headlights, they were seriously milky etc. In winder I rubbed them down and lacquered them, wanting to speed the paint up I put the lights on, absolute disaster:


So rubbed them down again and re did the clear, took lots of rubbing, this is after half an hour


Finally have all the clear off, this is at 1500


Re did the clear in very light coats thinking this could stop the odd cracking from before, which means is orange peel city

Absolute ball bags did it again


Using this w**k can of UPOL clear


So many many hours later, lots more rubbing did it over again, because im a spastic I used the UPOL again just with even light coats so once again lots of peel - just to add I've sprayed a few cars before so I wasn't being a total moron.



Some more rubbing (bored now)



ClioSport Club Member
I did that with mine, ended up f**king it off and just ceramic coated the b******s 😂

Was tempted to do that! But i had some free time and just wanted to get something actually finished to make my self feel better lol ended up feeling worse mostly and regretting not just waiting for some decent clear or ceramic coating to arrive.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 16v/172 daily
Nice thread this 👌🏼 just a tip, be careful with these pumps as iv fitted the same one and it's pulled my aux belt out of alignment. May want to double check it whilst your engine is still out 👍



ClioSport Club Member
Nice thread this 👌🏼 just a tip, be careful with these pumps as iv fitted the same one and it's pulled my aux belt out of alignment. May want to double check it whilst your engine is still out 👍

View attachment 1493462

Thanks mate, engine back in bay now 😂 However i did notice that they painted (liberally) the mating flange, so I removed all the paint (like nearly 1mm thick in places) with a blade and belt seems fine at the moment. I have had the engine running and so far so good but will 100% give it a good eyeballing! Cheers for the heads up.



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 16v/172 daily
Thanks mate, engine back in bay now 😂 However i did notice that they painted (liberally) the mating flange, so I removed all the paint (like nearly 1mm thick in places) with a blade and belt seems fine at the moment. I have had the engine running and so far so good but will 100% give it a good eyeballing! Cheers for the heads up.

View attachment 1493463
Ahh that could be my issue then. I'm about a rib out with mine so sounds about right👌🏼


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 16v/172 daily
That sounds quite a bit out, wonder if they have done something odd when building the pump? I'll definitely take a good look at mine and will let you know if its the same, I don't fancy changing the pump in the car tbh
Yeah iv left mine as it's a ballache to remove again. It's trashed a tensioner and itl jump a rib from time to time so just worth double checking mate 👍


ClioSport Club Member
So engines in, time to start spending some money on the front suspension!

Parts were beginning to stack up now, Mrs TouringRob was obviously well chuffed

Here we have:
From Auto Doc:
SKF Wheel bearings
Febi top mount kit
elf Evo 900 engine oil
Tranself 75W-90
TRW Front caliper rebuild kit with pistons
ATE Superblue brake fluid (not bloody blue anymore!)
Outer CV joints
Air con condenser and dryer NRF because mine although working looks like the pits!
Febi bump stops

From RPD
Clutch cable
Oil filter
Pollen Filter
Front wishbones
60mm Cup shocks (pair)
Air con seal kit
Exhaust fitting kit
Various exhaust mounts and clamps
Wheel arch liner clips
Grill clips

Was feeling sore after buying that let alone fitting it - el'cheapo fun project was no longer looking that cheap!

So dragged out some of the front suspension gubbins


Began the great strip down - ABS sensors are a dick


That will by why I had a random ABS fault - amazed it coped so well tbh



Give the bearings some grief


Looks so easy but it was a bit of a chore


Glad to say she popped out again - its a miracle she still does given that she must knooow what I'm doing while she's gone


Then crack on with the Deox-C



Which they say doesn't smell - but it seriously does.


ClioSport Club Member
Next morning the box was full of dead rust water - tasted funny


But parts looked great!


It was at this point that I knew I had made a mistake as the new bearings slipped right in... BY HAND - fark. Bit of reading later and it turns out Deox-C also converts iron, so a high iron content low quality casting like the hub carriers were prime.

Very annoyed I bought some old 60mm hubs from a local chap and cleaned those up, short dip in weak Deox then continue.


Calipers came out great though



Took their insides out


And forgetting that I had a sand blasting cab in my garage (happened) began to wire brush everything for a day straight


Anti clunge hands

Done for now



ClioSport Club Member
After wire brushing the lot I gave it a second dip, this time in weak citric acid which works just as well as Deox,


Pressed in some new bearings


And painted up the carriers/hubs


However I really wasn't happy with the fit of the drive flanges, having also been given a violent bath so ordered up some new drive flanges and fitted them instead


Pretty happy with how them came out, if I was doing it again I would have given everything a quick citric acid dip and then blasted them all, either zinc plating or epoxy painting them - however I'm sure these will last for a few years before reverting to their brown and shitty true states.

Next up is front stut building! Coming together fairly well now!
Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
So its best to leave the bearings in while soaking in the deox? Since they'll just get new ones anyway.

Honestly, the absolute best thing to do (other than never doing anything ever) would be to take them and have them blasted. The Deox is fine for non structural or sheet metal parts but for me I won't use it again unless I have to for cast parts. Also there is a fair amount of work needed after still while blasting (especially if you pay someone who isn't you) is just a job done moment.

After blasting its cheap to have someone zinc plate everything - next car I do I'll do that, hindsight etc.


ClioSport Club Member
Car looks great, man after my own heart.

I second the warning about power steering pumps the tolerances are 1mm. Engine dynamics wouldnt fit mine because it was out. You can adjust it with a hub puller if it's out, but definitely worth checking it!


ClioSport Club Member
Car looks great, man after my own heart.

I second the warning about power steering pumps the tolerances are 1mm. Engine dynamics wouldnt fit mine because it was out. You can adjust it with a hub puller if it's out, but definitely worth checking it!

Thanks dude, I 'think' mine is alright however I really wish I had asked first as it would have been so much easier to check off the car!!!


ClioSport Club Member
It would be a shame for the belt to come off and take the engine with it all because of a couple mm. If you're going to this effort makes sense to check it now.


ClioSport Club Member
It would be a shame for the belt to come off and take the engine with it all because of a couple mm. If you're going to this effort makes sense to check it now.
I know mate - more importantly it might chip some paint and then it would be game over, not doing this again ffs haha. Before running the engine next I'll give it a good looking at. Thanks again for the heads up.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Cleaning p0rn.

Love it, I dont have the motivation to do anything now a days.

Would love to pay someone to do that stuff


ClioSport Club Member
Cleaning p0rn.

Love it, I dont have the motivation to do anything now a days.

Would love to pay someone to do that stuff

Thank you, very kind - I would also love to get someone else to do it tbh as its a right ball ache haha. Although the bill would surly be many times the cars value :(


ClioSport Club Member
Found one of the original springs had failed - was weirdly happy about this as I had bought a set of new Cook Sports to go in


More illegal sink usage


After a trip in Citric acid


And some more wire brushing when sand blasting would have been 1000% easier and better


Because there was some rust left in a few areas I treated them all over with FE123 which seems to work well and forms a hard layer to paint over


Half way through 'doing its thing'



ClioSport Club Member
Then onto the fun part - its only fun because for once my hands weren't filthy after and the Cooksports look pretty


Then outside to use the worlds oldest spring compressors


Although after compressing the springs i'm not convinced they are needed with the cooksports....

Then a quick feed of the scrap man. Now lockdown really hit home because this lot sat here for over a week right in the middle of it all! Normally it would have been gone within the hour



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Then onto the fun part - its only fun because for once my hands weren't filthy after and the Cooksports look pretty

View attachment 1493563

Then outside to use the worlds oldest spring compressors

View attachment 1493564

Although after compressing the springs i'm not convinced they are needed with the cooksports....

Then a quick feed of the scrap man. Now lockdown really hit home because this lot sat here for over a week right in the middle of it all! Normally it would have been gone within the hour

View attachment 1493565
Haha nope, no spring compressors required with cooksports! Good to know for future reference anyway


ClioSport Club Member
So that rust converter is basically the same as Kurust? It converts to a blue colour?

Somewhat, I think some are better than others. fe123 seems to form a very hard layer over the top of everything, I ground a few bits back to just to see what it had done and does seem to have worked well.

I get most of my rust fighting weapons from here:

And also



ClioSport Club Member
Few small bay jobs before moving onto installing the front suspension

Got the inlet top half back in position


New Renault oil filter on and HT leads cleaned up and back in place. Also hooked up the fuel rail and plugged most of the loom back in



New expansion tank fitted and plumbed in the are so cheap and make such a positive difference to the bay


Not pictured but have driveshaft back in and suspended on wire so I can fill the box back up


Took a little while with the tiny pump but hardly spilled a drop (which is unusual for me!)

New clutch cable all hooked up - what a difference a new clutch and cable make to the pedal weight


Found quote a few bolts that I will swap over to stainless as the project progresses.

Cheers for all the nice comments btw, really helps to keep enthusiasm etc up. Wasn't actually sure anyone would give a toss haha



ClioSport Club Member
Sadly I forgot to take a load of pictures of the arch clean up.

However the liners were removed, everything was scrubbed to death with traffic film remover and jet washed out. Any surface rust was ground back and treated and then the whole lot was Dinitrol coated. Luckily being a black car it doesn't look too out of place. In the past I have 2K sprayed inner arches and under the car but it makes driving them after horrible as your always conscious of the underside getting filthy (which is a stupid thing to worry about) - here I wont have an issue daily driving the car if needed.

Test fit up of disk and hub carrier etc


Can you spot the bodge? After ordering the wrong thickness ABS sensor I lined them up perfectly and used loctite if either moves they will both be replaced with the correct width rings! But for now seems fine an didn't want to delay for a week just because of the ABS rings :(

Driveshafts painted up with new outer CV joints. Standard Reanult lower arms in. Spotted another bolt or three to replace 🤦‍♂️


Camber bolts in



Front calipers rebuilt and painted. Big Red seal kit, new pistons and stainless nipples


Calipers back on with Mintex M1155 pads



ClioSport Club Member
I would encourage anyone with standard brake lines on to pull back the rubber and take a look at the ends. Mine were pretty bad! Never failed an MOT because the rubber covers the ends well - IMO it should have failed on these.


Stainless goodridge lines on


No ABS sensors yet and a few niggles to sort but felt like having wheels back on to check ride height. Seems a little high but expecting it to settle another inch when it starts being driven


Powerflex top mount inserts installed


Also installed powerflex dog bone but no pictures yet!
