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DanEdser's Grande Progress Thread

  107 Track Car & C4
So you have got your Dad to say he is the main driver, even though he isn't? I'm sure that isn't legal.
Lol he's a fool.

On 4th picture (rear passenger wheel), you can just about see the burnt rubber on the inside of the arch where the alloy rubs against it :/

need spacers but need help in what ones to get!
  Arctic 182FF
Your car genuinely looks like it's on stilts there. Needs lows desperately, recommend coilovers immediately! you could get spacers off fairly cheap from here*
I wouldn't do the centre diamonds orange if i was you just because i personally don't really like orange. But I would have all diamonds and badges the same colour. Also if you're willing to continue spending, go for a ph2 172 rear, you could probably get one the same colour as your car too to save on the price of a respray.
Your car genuinely looks like it's on stilts there. Needs lows desperately, recommend coilovers immediately! you could get spacers off fairly cheap from here*
I wouldn't do the centre diamonds orange if i was you just because i personally don't really like orange. But I would have all diamonds and badges the same colour. Also if you're willing to continue spending, go for a ph2 172 rear, you could probably get one the same colour as your car too to save on the price of a respray.

IK its high, all im gonna do now is 40mm springs because my dad has got a job in new zealand and I will be selling my car in the spring/summer

only thing from ordering from that website is, they come from germany so take forever to come!
  Arctic 182FF
tbh I dont think 5mm will be enough... think i need about 10mm :/
If those alloys are the same size, width, offset etc. as 172 alloys then 5mm is enough to stop it scrubbing the inner arch. I have a set of 4 universal 5mm spacers lying around that you can have for like £5 posted?
Im 18, got a 172, under my step dads name as main, then mum and me as names drivers WITH 10 years no Claims Bonus
And its £2800 I f**king hate being young

my friend had a repmapped TT (about 280 bhp) at 18. paid about 4500 a year for that. im 22 that same car is 1100. id get a standard 1.2 and wait. well worth it imo. wish id known

onto the car, keep the diamonds silver. again something i wish id done. theyll look well smart on :)
they look spot on. keep the badges silver. once its a little lower itll be perfect :)
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IK its high, all im gonna do now is 40mm springs because my dad has got a job in new zealand and I will be selling my car in the spring/summer

So so lucky! they have no rules over there!!! unlimited mods on a car and legal, no such thing as insurance well optional and imports and everything are so so so cheap!!!
You lucky guy!
my friend had a repmapped TT (about 280 bhp) at 18. paid about 4500 a year for that. im 22 that same car is 1100. id get a standard 1.2 and wait. well worth it imo. wish id known

onto the car, keep the diamonds silver. again something i wish id done. theyll look well smart on :)

I had a 1.2 clio mk1, then a 1.2 Corsa C They are so f**king slow! and I work 20 miles away from home so motorway driving in the 172 is so much more fun haha,
Insurance is so fucked, for the 172 it was £2800 but for a S15 Silvia it was £1500..... my mum wouldn't let me cos it old...
BTW ive just put on some 5mm ripspeed spacers and it seems to do the job... how did other people put the spacers on?!

I have to gaffer tape the spacer to the back of the alloy... surely that isnt how they where designed to be put on?
BTW ive just put on some 5mm ripspeed spacers and it seems to do the job... how did other people put the spacers on?!

I have to gaffer tape the spacer to the back of the alloy... surely that isnt how they where designed to be put on?

It's such a mission with the crappy 5mm slip on spacers lmao, it's cos they are multifit.
It's such a mission with the crappy 5mm slip on spacers lmao, it's cos they are multifit.

sucks ass...

at least i can drive the car without any damage the the tyre/arch liner now :)

there is so much more grip now with the wider tyres and toyo t1r's compared to my old steel budgets...
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BTW ive just put on some 5mm ripspeed spacers and it seems to do the job... how did other people put the spacers on?!

I have to gaffer tape the spacer to the back of the alloy... surely that isnt how they where designed to be put on?

I did just that. Such a pain
Bored, read every page of this project thread lol. Got your springs fitted yet? They'll transform your car. Looks nice, but I would've personally gone for a set of 15'' OZ F1's and slammed it. Would look so smart on a black ph1. ;) interested to see these wheels on it though once it's lowered!
ok so the keying looks like this all the way down:


and he finished here:


as you can see in the first pic, he went down it deep once, then only in the lacquer layer 2 more times -.-

there's also another key mark in the front wing above that going from the wing to the door, but I didn't get a pic of that.

  Jap Box
Its a b*****d when someone keys your car, what is the point! Ive got a deep one going down my rear panel that's pretty much down to the metal :( im going to sand and spray, then blend it anyway :)
