good going so far dan!
how big are the spacers you're using?
25mm up front and 10mm rear
Spoiler looks brilliant mate really sets it off imo, any other advice when fitting by the way?
Thanks mate, should have some better decent pics next week when the bumper is on. In terms of fitting, i'd say that's it really just be careful you don't over tighten the bolts, line it up first to see where you need to drill some holes in your tailgate if you need to.
Today was fairly productive despite going out last night, i'm hungover to f**k so thought car stuff might sort me out but it hasn't I just want to curl up and fall asleep lol - got home at 1pm today so cracked on with the exhaust. Really easy to fit however the olive joint where it attaches to the cat is blowing slightly.
I will no doubt go down the welding a sleeve on it in the near future - just need to research it all first
I jacked the car up and tried wiggling the original exhaust out but it's fairly tight in there so I dropped the rear beam which was easy enough.
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dann2707, on Flickr
All off - it's actually in really decentish condition for the year funnily enough.
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dann2707, on Flickr
New one on!
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dann2707, on Flickr
Christmas present being a saviour, this kit is so good for the money and it's helped quicken jobs so much as everything is nicely in order
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dann2707, on Flickr
Old system
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dann2707, on Flickr
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dann2707, on Flickr
They will be polished in due time
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dann2707, on Flickr
Back end is starting to look where I want it now! (just need a bumper lol)
20150201_152643 by
dann2707, on Flickr
I then retired into the comfort of my bedroom to start on creating a wiring loom for the cruise control buttons, as I now have an after market steering wheel the buttons on the original wheel can't go neatly anywhere so my plan is, and totally copying
@George182 's wheel i'm going to do the same! But to detract my blatant stealing of ideas i'm going to write up a guide for how the loom is created as hopefully it should help others in the situation I was in.
This is what i'll be doing:
Apologies if the pics are rubbish.
First things first - A little list of what you need:
A soldering iron.
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dann2707, on Flickr
Some flux to clean up the connections (not really required), solder and some very worn crimping tools. You also need (not pictured) some slide terminals male and female (8 male 8 female)
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dann2707, on Flickr
Your original loom from the cruise control buttons to the yellow connector.
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dann2707, on Flickr
3 resistors. I have loads here as you had to buy so many at a time.
You need the values of:
910 ohms
100 ohms
274 ohms
These were all bought on eBay for a total of around £4
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dann2707, on Flickr
Heatshrink - eBay again for £2 or so delivered
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dann2707, on Flickr
Loads of wire and a weird looking thumb
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dann2707, on Flickr
A big ol' motherfucking cup of hangover beating liquid
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dann2707, on Flickr
Some "push to make" buttons. I got these dimpled ones as they look much better imo. eBay again - £6. Buy f**king everything on eBay, we actually bought our conservatory on eBay hahaha not even joking.
20150201_154533 by
dann2707, on Flickr
Thanks to
@1812lsd for the pic. Basically this is how everything is going to be wired. The lines that are to the right of the resistors are the buttons.
First you want to cut off the original buttons leaving you the bare wires, you will then bare back the copper wires.
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dann2707, on Flickr
Now cut off some wire - don't do too much or too little. You will want 8 pieces here not 4 as shown. That was just to show what size im cutting.
20150201_154955 by
dann2707, on Flickr
You have 8 wires, 2 for each button as shown here. Solder them onto the buttons now.
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dann2707, on Flickr
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dann2707, on Flickr
Now as per the original sketch further up, you need to solver a resistor to one leg of the buttons. One button doesn't actually require a resistor on it so just leave that. I then soldered 3 really small bits of wire after the resistor legs as shown further down. This is for the crimping connectors to grab onto something as it won't grab a thin resistor leg.
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dann2707, on Flickr
Now heatshrink the resistors as shown.
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dann2707, on Flickr
Now what you need to do is attach male or female connectors to every wire on this bit you've been working on. The reason behind this is so that they can be undone from the loom and fed through the holes i'm going to drill in the steering wheel. If they were permanently soldered you don't be able to do this.
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dann2707, on Flickr
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dann2707, on Flickr
Now cut off more wire, around this size.
You need 8 pieces
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dann2707, on Flickr
Now grab your original loom and get the 2 grey wires, bare them back, and solder the 4 pieces you just cut off to them. 2 pieces of yellow wire in my case to 1 grey strand so overall you have 4 pieces - in this step you are essentially turning 2 wires into 4
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dann2707, on Flickr
Now do the same with the green wire!! Extending it from 2 wires to 4 wires

And crimp your other slide connectors to these wires!
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dann2707, on Flickr
All done! now you simply need to hook up everything.
For each button - One grey wire goes to one button leg, one green wire goes to the other button leg.
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dann2707, on Flickr
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dann2707, on Flickr
Just some random pics
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dann2707, on Flickr
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dann2707, on Flickr
20150201_171542 by
dann2707, on Flickr
Hope this helps anyone reading and I apologise if something I have done isn't orthadox in terms of soldering etc - I haven't properly soldered since year 11 at school which was 8-9 years ago!
There might be too much wire too but that can easily be sorted out when I go to fit it tomorrow. i'll update with more pics tomorrow when it's on the car.
One thing, I'm not actually sure which resistor does what in terms of cruise control so i'm going to have them loose and press them when on a run to distinguish which button does what.
I hope it works... lol