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Daniels Blue 182.

  Seat Leon Cupra R
Just caught up on the last couple of pages, good to see you're still cracking on dude.

Do you notice much difference with a set of injectors before/after you're given them the ultrasonic treatment? I've got a set of 630cc injectors on the way and can't decide whether to give them a once over or to just throw them in for now given they've not covered much mileage and clean them if I have any niggles.


ClioSport Club Member
Just caught up on the last couple of pages, good to see you're still cracking on dude.

Do you notice much difference with a set of injectors before/after you're given them the ultrasonic treatment? I've got a set of 630cc injectors on the way and can't decide whether to give them a once over or to just throw them in for now given they've not covered much mileage and clean them if I have any niggles.
Cheers dude! Got more updates to come later too :)

Definitely mate. I recently cleaned someones from the group buy and his lumpy idling went away and said he could definitely notice an improvement in acceleration.


ClioSport Club Member
Another inspiration taken from this thread/car onto my own....

Sunstrip!! (Not the Ferrari!)



ClioSport Club Member
Another inspiration taken from this thread/car onto my own....

Sunstrip!! (Not the Ferrari!)

View attachment 165067

Just seen the dash work Dan....looks bloody awesome, love it! Must be rewarding doing all the work yourself, definitely gives more of a sense of achievement than paying someone to do it!

Aww you guys! Thanks a lot my friends!

It's rewarding but also frustrating at this time of year when you're trying to balance friendships, relationships and the impending darker earlier evenings!

However I have some good news, I've just landed my dream job down in Derby (not sure if I've said in here yet) so me and abs are looking at houses with garages and driveways so I'll actually have room to tinker without being hassled by the towns druggies like I am now when working on my car :(

I don't want to confirm it as it hasn't gone through yet but we're putting the admin fees through today for a 2 bed town house which has a garage on the ground floor that opens up inside to around 150% of standard garage so absolutely plenty of room to tinker inside which is perfect for the engine conversion. Watch this space.


ClioSport Club Member
I haven't fully updated this in a while!

Ive just been doing the odd bits to it and will be doing a full detail on Saturday as I've just got through a new clay mitt to try!

I got my new fibreglass spoiler so started spraying it

Just some mid spraying photos



Lacquer is on



And then some pics of it a day later just now. I will be flatting it and polishing it when it's fully hardened but I'm happy with the finish before that already.


I feel like I've got the hang of spraying stuff now which is cool. Yesterday was the first time I've used panel wipe and tack cloths and they've definitely made a difference to the overall finish.


Another random thing but I did a little purchase to separate all my nuts and bolts. I used to have this


Then £7 later on amazon...


Stress and time saver for sure.

I went on Google maps the other day and I found Boris from ages ago! Crazy to think how shiny he used to be when I used to live at my parents (pic is when I'm parked at work)



This is where I'm currently parked at my gfs. Nice to be in private parking. I haven't washed him for nearly three months now but I love the colour under the lighting here. Really makes me appreciate ab


Whilst I was here I fitted some 30mm alu spacers to the steering column to lower the wheel. It's worked much better than the washers I had under there originally.


My main gripe now is that I'm so so soooooo uncomfortable driving. I'm not fully sure why but it might be because of this that I've noticed. The seat is at a stupid angle from the omp subframes



So I've bought some large penny washers to offset it for the time being as I don't have access to my Jack.

Got a few things to do this weekend at the gfs parents including, full detail, fix my horn as the power is there but it's not working. I think it's an earth issue as I've relocated it but I don't think the panel was sanded down properly so no connection. Along with hiding more loom under the dash.

Cheers, have a good evening all x

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
That dash work is awesome, very neat.

Why is your seat so wonky?! That definiely cant help the clio awkward position.


ClioSport Club Member
I had Johns extra low ones but I was too low without runners :(

I need to space out the subframe either with washers or a bar of metal. I don't have my jack with me until I move into the new place though so it won't be for a week.

I got the house I mentioned above by the way :D


ClioSport Club Member
Why not make your own seat frames?
I have homemade ones on mine and I have never had an issue. They are three peices of ~5mm thick steel in a square arranegement and the fourth bit is a part of the original seat runner. I have never had an issue with these on seating position being wonkey.




Only downside is there is no adjustment, the seats are fixed! I have never had an issue with height, and I think I am about the same height as you, 5'8"-5'9".


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
That spoiler will look great once it's on, take it no problems with the paint like you had with your trophy spoiler?

Let me know how you get on with the clay mitt, I really need to fully do my car before winter properly comes but really cba spending ages claying it with a bar.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
The OMP subframes still require you to use the black bungs from the standard seats on the exhaust tunnel side to keep things level.

Found that out when we fitted my mates ones ages ago. Washers or an aluminium spacer will do the same though.


ClioSport Club Member
Why not make your own seat frames?
I have homemade ones on mine and I have never had an issue. They are three peices of ~5mm thick steel in a square arranegement and the fourth bit is a part of the original seat runner. I have never had an issue with these on seating position being wonkey.




Only downside is there is no adjustment, the seats are fixed! I have never had an issue with height, and I think I am about the same height as you, 5'8"-5'9".

Thats pretty cool mate, good job! It's not the height thats an issue for me now though. It's just trying to fine tune everything so im comfy!

That spoiler will look great once it's on, take it no problems with the paint like you had with your trophy spoiler?

Let me know how you get on with the clay mitt, I really need to fully do my car before winter properly comes but really cba spending ages claying it with a bar.

Cheers mr beibs. Yeah it worked really well. I just sanded it with p800 prior to spraying it so the paint takes to the material. Go any smoother and it doesn't stick well.

I will do mate, every review i've read so far has come back positive so i'm looking forward to it. I hated how long it took to clay, then it goes hard and doesn't work as well, then you gotta keep it warm all the time then if you drop it you're screwed. Great once done but f**king laborious! How are you getting on with the seats?

The OMP subframes still require you to use the black bungs from the standard seats on the exhaust tunnel side to keep things level.

Found that out when we fitted my mates ones ages ago. Washers or an aluminium spacer will do the same though.

Cheers mate. That's pretty lame though! I've ordered 20 OFF 1.5mm thick M8 washers so hopefully that should do it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mazda 2, Ph1 172
20mm spacer on the inside mounting points is all you need to level the seat subframe up. I have 20mm spacers (like the ones you used for the steering column) with my john foz subframes an they sit perfectly level


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Cheers mr beibs. Yeah it worked really well. I just sanded it with p800 prior to spraying it so the paint takes to the material. Go any smoother and it doesn't stick well.

I will do mate, every review i've read so far has come back positive so i'm looking forward to it. I hated how long it took to clay, then it goes hard and doesn't work as well, then you gotta keep it warm all the time then if you drop it you're screwed. Great once done but f**king laborious! How are you getting on with the seats?

Funny thing is, loads of people used to call me Justin Beiber when I had long hair years ago haha. How much weight will the spoiler save or were you just fed up of the paint on the Trophy one?

Which mitt have you got?

Just need some time to get the seats in, I've cleaned them and keep BioBrisking them to get rid of the smokey taxi smell but got a lot on at the moment so they've literally just been sat in the garage since I get them, other than test fitting.


ClioSport Club Member
  1. Funny thing is, loads of people used to call me Justin Beiber when I had long hair years ago haha. How much weight will the spoiler save or were you just fed up of the paint on the Trophy one?

    Which mitt have you got?

    Just need some time to get the seats in, I've cleaned them and keep BioBrisking them to get rid of the smokey taxi smell but got a lot on at the moment so they've literally just been sat in the garage since I get them, other than test fitting.
    Yeah it's a bit of both actually! But mainly the paint situation was really annoying my ocd and I wasn't wanting to paint it again!
I just went for the g3 one, I didn't think there were any more unless I didn't look hard enough haha

Nice! Can't wait to see the car when it's fitted!
Also dan stop faffing around buying more standard subframes and get a pair of these welded in,


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  Clio 220 PH2
@dann2707 question on your wheels matey what offset are you running ? Also are you running spacers anywhere ?
You have talked me into getting a set of 15" just sorting out the offset haha ;)


ClioSport Club Member
@dann2707 question on your wheels matey what offset are you running ? Also are you running spacers anywhere ?
You have talked me into getting a set of 15" just sorting out the offset haha :wink:

Hi mate, hope you're okay!

They're ET25 so pretty big. They stick out loads but I still run 20mm spacers up front. No spacers on the rear and they did scrape with no coilover adjuster cups in. Going for team dynamics?!

This weekend was mainly a Boris loving weekend. I have done loads of little odd jobs today and yesterday I detailed him using the G3 clay mitt. Can thoroughly recommend to everyone, I managed to clay the whole car in less than 40 mins which is so good as I used to spend around 30 mins a panel before on average. You can use this mitt 50 times over apparently too.

Some befores, its pretty hard to capture how dirty it was

20161008_130947 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_130954 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_131018 by dann2707, on Flickr

Then after a wash

20161008_132826 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_132836 by dann2707, on Flickr

I then did the sandwich bag trick to see what the paintwork was like. Needless to say, it was f**king horrible

20161008_133353 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_143048 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_143054 by dann2707, on Flickr

Car was then polished, waxed and trim dressed. All with using the autofinesse bag I won at csf

20161008_161123 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_161132 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_161146 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161008_161157 by dann2707, on Flickr

I then flatted back the new spoiler. I didn't do it enough and there is still quite a lot of orange peel but that can wait till its bonded

20161009_115107 by dann2707, on Flickr

Quite hard to capture the shine so back to the gfs underground car park when I did some more stuff today.

20161009_125024 by dann2707, on Flickr

Removed the old spoiler

20161009_130832_HDR by dann2707, on Flickr

And the new one is on. That setting overnight tonight

20161009_133143_HDR by dann2707, on Flickr

Had quite a funny moment too, I couldn't open the boot as the spoiler was taped to the sides and I left a few tools I needed at the back so out with abis sweeping brush to collect my goods haha

20161009_134817 by dann2707, on Flickr

More pics just because

20161009_141614_HDR by dann2707, on Flickr

20161009_141631 by dann2707, on Flickr

I then, with the help of @optical and his technique, went about cleaning up my exhaust. Admittedly i've never actually done this before - ever! I got a wire attachment for the drill, a polishing attachment, some autosol and a wheel brush

A before, absolutely disgusting!

20161009_142824 by dann2707, on Flickr

Before and after

20161009_143944 by dann2707, on Flickr

Then I went a bit crazy with the pics

20161009_154412_HDR by dann2707, on Flickr

20161009_171137 by dann2707, on Flickr

I can't believe the exhaust tips have made such a difference. It looks so much more fresh

20161009_171242 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161009_171337 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161009_171609 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161009_171632 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161009_171641 by dann2707, on Flickr

For a car thats on 111k, done a fair few track days and is used as a daily i'm over the moon with how it's turned out!

My few jobs i've also done:

- Sorted the horn as that didn't work. i'd moved it when I created the air ducts for the brakes and the earthing point wasn't good enough. Sanded it so it's a good connection now.
- Raised the drivers seat at one side with some washers. Still not enough but I need longer bolts before I raise it more.
- The door pull bolts were rusting so i've sprayed them. They're just drying now.
- Fitted the trim below and above the steering wheel and fitted a 35mm spacers to bring it closer to me. Feels great now.

Oh yeah, and I can't recommend this enough!

It allowed me to very easily identify why my horn wasn't working.

It allows you to send 12v with the push of a button but it also detects earths and 12v feeds. So for the horn problem I tested the horn button and it told me there was power so it wasn't an obvious power issue. Went to the horn itself and powered it up - loud noise so its obvious the horn was working. Then poked the earth point and nothing - so obviously there wasn't a sufficient earth. So good!

It's my last weekend ooooop norf and move into the new place next saturday! Cant wait but car things may be on hold whilst I settle in. Also looking at getting a Lupo diesel as a daily because i'm not travelling to work everyday in boris. Hes coming off road so I can do the meg 225 swap :)

Cheers all x
  Clio 220 PH2
@dann2707 I am all good thank you mate just got back from the ring and it's made me want to modify the car even more haha
How are you matey ?
Nice one so am I right in saying the smaller ET the more the wheels sticks out ? New to the world of ET and wheel fitment. Yes I am going for team dynamics because the 16"s are rubbing on the front under hard cornering. Do you get any rubbing on track with the 15" ?
Cars looking stunning mate :)


ClioSport Club Member
@dann2707 I am all good thank you mate just got back from the ring and it's made me want to modify the car even more haha
How are you matey ?
Nice one so am I right in saying the smaller ET the more the wheels sticks out ? New to the world of ET and wheel fitment. Yes I am going for team dynamics because the 16"s are rubbing on the front under hard cornering. Do you get any rubbing on track with the 15" ?
Cars looking stunning mate :smile:
How was the ring? I'm in two minds to go or not. I just think something would happen and I'd be in debt by a million dollars haha.

Yeah the lower the number the more the wheels stick out. Took me a while to get my head around it. It's pretty easy to measure too with a straight edge and tape measure. No I don't rub at all which is a relief. I think my wheels were 38 before so going from that to 25 is a 13mm difference they stick out. Quite a lot with spacers too.
  Clio 220 PH2
How was the ring? I'm in two minds to go or not. I just think something would happen and I'd be in debt by a million dollars haha.

Yeah the lower the number the more the wheels stick out. Took me a while to get my head around it. It's pretty easy to measure too with a straight edge and tape measure. No I don't rub at all which is a relief. I think my wheels were 38 before so going from that to 25 is a 13mm difference they stick out. Quite a lot with spacers too.
It was amazing thank you mate the car was so good did an 8.52 for the first time out in the car :)
Haha you will be fine mate I would 100% say go for it it's the best track in the world ever, the trick is not to try to put a lap time in or even go fast treat it like a country road you have never been on before and you will be fine and then the speed will come just work on your line
Right that is a bit odd I thought the bigger the number the more it sticks out. I was thinking of running an et of 35 as I have the front spacers on and play it safe
That's good because the noise I can hear makes me feel like I am going to pop my tyre
That is a big difference between the two but yours does look good :)


  BMW 320d- 172 cup
That's the main issue with modifying car for me, finding somewhere decent to do it, can't wait to move house, will only buy one if it has or can have a big garage

So is this the start of the 225 engine getting fitted, and are you going with the meg or Clio box?
