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Daniels Blue 182.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Love that you'll be able to use a jack whilst it's in the garage, wish mine had a little wide bit so I could do that.

How's the job going? My phone has finally give up the ghost so can't reply on WhatsApp haha.


ClioSport Club Member
That's the main issue with modifying car for me, finding somewhere decent to do it, can't wait to move house, will only buy one if it has or can have a big garage

So is this the start of the 225 engine getting fitted, and are you going with the meg or Clio box?

That was my main criteria too, much to Abis dismay! I was only looking for houses with a garage or a big driveway.

I'll be going with the meg box, running an aftermarket pedal box and sacking off the brake booster so I can move the brake res to a place other than behind the turbo.

Im just looking for a daily, then looking for a meg 225. Be much easier stealing the parts from that as and when such as the brembos, gear stick, driveshafts, cooling parts etc rather than me buying them separately.

Love that you'll be able to use a jack whilst it's in the garage, wish mine had a little wide bit so I could do that.

How's the job going? My phone has finally give up the ghost so can't reply on WhatsApp haha.

It certainly will help! I'm just not being able to do anything when I'm home now as I've got nothing to really do for the time being!

It's going well thanks beibs, it's pretty hectic though now as I've gone from a 10 person company to 250 and its such a step up, especially in professionalism! Feels great though and everyone is sound and helpful. Thanks for asking mate. I still haven't forgotten about mine and @Matty1303 and your trip away btw but obviously it's been put on the back burner with all this that's going on. We are definitely doing it though!

What's the sandwich bag trick?

Your exhaust tips looks huge!!

You put your hand in a sandwich bag and rub it on the paintwork. It just accentuates the rough texture of an unclayed panel.

Haha it's cos they are! It's ridiculous


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
It certainly will help! I'm just not being able to do anything when I'm home now as I've got nothing to really do for the time being!

It's going well thanks beibs, it's pretty hectic though now as I've gone from a 10 person company to 250 and its such a step up, especially in professionalism! Feels great though and everyone is sound and helpful. Thanks for asking mate. I still haven't forgotten about mine and @Matty1303 and your trip away btw but obviously it's been put on the back burner with all this that's going on. We are definitely doing it though!

I was going to ask what's next other than the conversion? Take a trip down to mine and help fit my Recaro's, new top mounts, new wishbones, new coilover collars if you're bored!

Glad you're enjoying it though, bet it's a right change. TBF, it's quite a good thing that we've had to delay it as China has literally cleared me out. Definitely doing a trip though, would be a right laugh.


ClioSport Club Member
I was going to ask what's next other than the conversion? Take a trip down to mine and help fit my Recaro's, new top mounts, new wishbones, new coilover collars if you're bored!

Glad you're enjoying it though, bet it's a right change. TBF, it's quite a good thing that we've had to delay it as China has literally cleared me out. Definitely doing a trip though, would be a right laugh.

Already fitted them mate! Check now haha.

I'll be painting more of the inside, removing more tailgate material. I might remove this engine first actually as something to do.

Alsooooooo, I bought a spare f4r engine the other night which I'm going to be making a table out of! Just need to degrease and paint it. Should look great.

It's all those walking boots! Haha are you excited for it?


ClioSport Club Member
Not much to report here really. Well there is actually!

Took apart the welder to change the swan neck as the original was fucked and welded to itself so changed that along with the tips. Should be firing it up soon, just need to get some scrap metal to practise on.

20161016_172615 by dann2707, on Flickr

I bought an old F4R from someone from CSOC! The reason being I am making an engine table for the living room (Girlfriend is tolerant haha)! :D Me and Tom managed to get the engine in my boot when I collected it but I couldn't lift it out by myself so I dismantled it in my boot then got it out hahaha

20161019_210521 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161022_183049 by dann2707, on Flickr

That should be done in a few weeks I reckon. Got the engine degreaser today. It's £5.99 for 5L at Screwfix. Along with some silver primer paint which im going to spray it in and see how it looks.

Thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... big ish news. This will be the last pic of Boris before he's sorned for the turbo conversion!

2016-10-23_09-07-32 by dann2707, on Flickr

I'm picking up my daily tomorrow which is a green 1.67 sdi lupo. 65mpg all day long, slow as s**t. But i'll be comfy and its £30 tax for the year which will make the commute to work lovely.

Will get pics tomorrow!

thanks x


ClioSport Club Member
Well this is it, Boris is finally off the road!

He's tucked up all sad in the garage and will soon have his heart removed :D

I picked up the daily yesterday. It's so slow its hilarious. it's a 1.7sdi so its diesel with no turbo. £30 tax a year and 65mpg all day long which is amazing for my commute to work.

Seat belts are a novelty!

It's got a few issues but nothing that I can't fix easily. One being the massive f**king huge gauge out of the wing

20161025_173448 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161025_173508 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161025_173521 by dann2707, on Flickr

20161025_173536 by dann2707, on Flickr

that arch gap. In all honesty, as long as it gets me from a-b with no issues im happy

Got my welder fired up tonight. To be honest i'm really surprised at the quality of the weld with no shielding gas!

2016-10-25_08-28-30 by dann2707, on Flickr

I've got SO much to learn about it though - looking forward to getting stuck in.


ClioSport Club Member
What what what?

Haven't done much lately as i'm still settling in - I have however removed the bonnet on Boris so I can access everything. Next step is to remove the loom and label everything accordingly.

Will remove the bumper too to gain access to everything. Got some 200W bulbs on the way thanks to @optical giving me the idea. Also will be spending lots on insulation so that its warm in the garage as screw working in the cold!

Had some more fun with the welding. I'm getting the hang of it a bit more

20161027_203316 by dann2707, on Flickr
Good things happened tonight.

Engine is nearly ready to be removed. Only took me an hour and half to get to that state and that was me leisurely wafting away!


hour and a half to get the inlet off, f**king hell!
are you sure our going to be alright with this engine swap? ;)

got in contact with the owner of comp brake and got myself a new angled pedal box with alloy pedals for a great price, i'll let you how it is - should be fitting it tonight.


ClioSport Club Member
hour and a half to get the inlet off, f**king hell!
are you sure our going to be alright with this engine swap? :wink:

got in contact with the owner of comp brake and got myself a new angled pedal box with alloy pedals for a great price, i'll let you how it is - should be fitting it tonight.

Haha, you clearly missed that I also have all four injector clips too.

How much did you get it for? Got a link? Interestedddddd!

Let me know if you sell your engine mounts :wink:

Vulture! They'll be staying mate as I can used them with the meggy gearbox.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Only just seen this, that Lupo is bad boy, looks like it's on stilts.

I'll message you later on WhatsApp cos I've got a new phone and number.


ClioSport Club Member
The engine table is pretty much ready! Just got a quote for some glass ready to be made from a company just near me so i don't have to pay the ridiculous postage fee... The last place I checked it was £80 for delivery!

Really happy with the outcome however welding the alloy conrod to the cast iron block, for a newbie, with limited knowledge and equipment deemed interesting! It's on there pretty solid though.

I just had to heat the block up with a hot air gun prior to welding to stop it cooling down instantly and cracking



I also received my engine crane for taking the engine out of Boris, got an engine stand on the way too

Had to test build it last night haha


Was very interesting trying to decipher the chinglish instructions!


ClioSport Club Member
Getting exciting. When are you hoping to be done?
:D I can't say mate. I'm sort of taking it steady now as there's no real rush as I won't have it on the road until the summer anyway. But next month I'll be looking for the donor 225
That tables going to look good

Cheers mate! Can't wait to get using it. Got a house party/house warming for a few of us on here next weekend so want it done for then :)


ClioSport Club Member
Hey guys!

Had a productive week/day today!

First of all, the engine table is done. I'm really chuffed with it.


I got a head torch which is frustrating at times as it's not that of a wide angled range haha


I got the engine out! All went really smoothly. Took me about 2-3 hours with food breaks and taking it easy which isn't bad for my first go!





That was just me by myself too, tomorrow I'm going to remove the loom and make a start with the abs removal and all the pedals as I'm going to be running a pedal box with no servo or abs.

Will give it a clean up too as it looks f**king minging!


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172
Serious garage envy
When you tucked the wiring away, passenger side, what did you do with the washer pipe? I was just gonna pull it through to the 'bay/scuttle and bung it up


ClioSport Club Member
Serious garage envy
When you tucked the wiring away, passenger side, what did you do with the washer pipe? I was just gonna pull it through to the 'bay/scuttle and bung it up
Washers for the headlights? If so I just snipped it off and cable tied it back on itself so it couldn't leak. If that's what you mean?

Thanks about the garage, I'm really lucky to have the room if I'm honest. @leeds2592 and @Louis' will tell you what my old place was like in Huddersfield - full of bad manz and druggies. Now Id happily leave my garage open all night and feel so safe to do so!

best of luck with this pal, should be good!

what size is the garage? (width)

Thank you very much. I'm not sure off the top of my head but I will find out. How come?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Thanks about the garage, I'm really lucky to have the room if I'm honest. @leeds2592 and @Louis' will tell you what my old place was like in Huddersfield - full of bad manz and druggies. Now Id happily leave my garage open all night and feel so safe to do so!

I still have to live in this shithole for a while longer yet. It's not thaat bad, you grow to embrace the local scum. They might be druggies but they're our druggies.


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172
Washers for the headlights? If so I just snipped it off and cable tied it back on itself so it couldn't leak. If that's what you mean?
Meant in the rear, guess it's the same principle really. Need to drag the car out and do the wiring on the pass side, drivers side is loads better with it tucked away.

Table looks great too, wish the wife would allow something similar .
Be good if you could get some lighting into the cylinders... even some little battery operated led packs would work tbh.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Thanks about the garage, I'm really lucky to have the room if I'm honest. @leeds2592 and @Louis' will tell you what my old place was like in Huddersfield - full of bad manz and druggies. Now Id happily leave my garage open all night and feel so safe to do so!

Yeh it was an, erm ... interesting area put it that way.

Never have I seen so many possible drug dealers driving bad manzzz whipzz in one place.
