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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Really should have taken a before. This came in part ex and was faded badly. Srp was hard work so whacked out the flex, green quantum pad and detailed kingdom final polish. And two layers of @Hxrry detail spray, tis very good. 👍👍





Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
On the disco... Looked like you would have to chisel the front door SRP. Used to be hard work!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The new formula is meant to be good. I don't use it anymore but srp and a coat of hd wax used to be a mental combo! I miss the good old days!


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
The new formula is meant to be good. I don't use it anymore but srp and a coat of hd wax used to be a mental combo! I miss the good old days!

AF Triple you recommended was a pain. Not sure if it was the Turtlewax stopping it but I just couldn't remove it easily.

Sir Nancy Flowers

ClioSport Club Member
MadCow update:

Shampoo. Isnt s**t but isnt great either. Will suffice as a wheel shampoo tbh. Smells ok but lacks a bit of slickness personally.
'Skittles' (doesnt really smell like them but is sweet) Si02 wipe on wipe off is mediocre at best. Applied it to a family car and this morning the beads are flat and poor.
Fallout remover. Again, not s**t but not fantastic either.
Havent tried the spray wax yet.

Overall, not unimpressed but I did expect more from the Si02 wipe on wipe off. Maybe its because the panel is heavily contaminated? Didnt feel it....Did give a little bump in gloss however

Won't buy from them again tbh. Its not that the product isnt good value, i'd rather just spend a bit more a get a much better product personally.

ClioSport Trader

ClioSport Trader
MadCow update:

Shampoo. Isnt s**t but isnt great either. Will suffice as a wheel shampoo tbh. Smells ok but lacks a bit of slickness personally.
'Skittles' (doesnt really smell like them but is sweet) Si02 wipe on wipe off is mediocre at best. Applied it to a family car and this morning the beads are flat and poor.
Fallout remover. Again, not s**t but not fantastic either.
Havent tried the spray wax yet.

Overall, not unimpressed but I did expect more from the Si02 wipe on wipe off. Maybe its because the panel is heavily contaminated? Didnt feel it....Did give a little bump in gloss however

Won't buy from them again tbh. Its not that the product isnt good value, i'd rather just spend a bit more a get a much better product personally.

They're a bit like EZ, they're ok when you get it dirt cheap on a sale. I used to have that much hassle with their products. I would buy lots of 5ltr's at one point, but they'd curdle and separate within a week. I was told this is normal.

Sir Nancy Flowers

ClioSport Club Member
They're a bit like EZ, they're ok when you get it dirt cheap on a sale. I used to have that much hassle with their products. I would buy lots of 5ltr's at one point, but they'd curdle and separate within a week. I was told this is normal.
You've gotta get on that pure shampoo train mate!

5L of Harrys pure shampoo.....£5 yeah? ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
They're a bit like EZ, they're ok when you get it dirt cheap on a sale. I used to have that much hassle with their products. I would buy lots of 5ltr's at one point, but they'd curdle and separate within a week. I was told this is normal.

Yup their tar and glue and alloy cleaner which i won on their 'one off never to be seen sale' (sure) was used once then binned.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Not sure, interesting to see what you think of it.
Only problem I find with the spray ones is the occasional spots it can leave...

Sir Nancy Flowers

ClioSport Club Member
Yup their tar and glue and alloy cleaner which i won on their 'one off never to be seen sale' (sure) was used once then binned.
Ive tried a few EZ things as I got bought a load as a gift....
Cherry Bomb Shampoo I still use for wheels. Gloss enhancers though but foams up well and is slick enough.
Fallout remover is weak as piss
Wheel Armour (Spray on wheel sealant) isnt too bad. Only negative is that it only lasts a week or so and you have to spray on and buff. Bit of a faff tbh.
Geo Gel - Heavily Alkaline wheel cleaner. Smells ok for a wheel cleaner. Does the job. Needs agitating but I use it on cars that have no wheel protection and does a decent job. Prefer using normal shampoo for wheels though.

Just kind of gave up on EZ at that point. Nothing blew me away as really good.....


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Don't know wether i should buy some Car Chem iron Detox. Doing a dw offer at £25 delivered....
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Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
You ❣️

Already used a 500ml mix of the light blue/older one. Mixed at 1:9 with di-ionised water and it's been fine.

The ready mixed Wet Coat is close to 1:8 apparently and i have had one occasion of that spotting but i put that down to me, it was slightly warm and i sprayed the whole car before rinsing off. I now do sections at a time.

Keep giving it a shake too, to keep it mixed.
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ClioSport Club Member
BH Auto Foam.

Tried it today, bloody hell 480ml needed based on 4% PIR :oops:

What does everyone else use?

Like that, 4% PIR, best foam I've tried so far.

I can foam a car 2 or 3 times from a full foam bottle so get 20 washes out of a 5 liter container. Only use it in winter so not too bad really.

Not sure if it says in the container but it doesn't need to be soaking wet. Using it in a pump sprayer greatly reduces product use.

Wipe after soak and rinse of half a bumper sprayed with auto foam

Wipe of the rest of the bumper that was just pressure washed off.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
That's 1% based on my lance flow. Does that still have decent cleaning power?

I have three foams. Bh would be the foam I would use to clean the strongest. I've used it on cars that have come into work and been happy.

My car tbf never gets too dirty lol

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Like that, 4% PIR, best foam I've tried so far.

I can foam a car 2 or 3 times from a full foam bottle so get 20 washes out of a 5 liter container. Only use it in winter so not too bad really.

Not sure if it says in the container but it doesn't need to be soaking wet. Using it in a pump sprayer greatly reduces product use.

Wipe after soak and rinse of half a bumper sprayed with auto foam
View attachment 1558766

Wipe of the rest of the bumper that was just pressure washed off.
View attachment 1558765

Yeah i actually only used half of the foam lance bottle, like you say.

Just seemed excessive, but i did as they said and measured how much mine discharges and it was 12L.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
APC recommendations talk to me!??
I have been using surfex HD that I find pretty good TBH just wondered if anything else decent before I reorder?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yeah saw that. Think greenstar is aparantly more versatile or something. Better on interiors. I'd just re order surfex.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Forensic does do good videos and the stuff he has recommended has been pretty good.
The last few months makes me think he is an in2detailing,BH,TW influencer though and maybe he isn't as impartial as he says he is.

I was using Valetpro citrus for a while and Surfex is better.

ClioSport Trader
Yup their tar and glue and alloy cleaner which i won on their 'one off never to be seen sale' (sure) was used once then binned.

It gets me that the alloy cleaner says "cleanser" instead of cleaner. When I asked the question, I was told it's more for the finishing stage and making them shine. It's all well and good but they don't do a product that's a proper wheel cleaner, unless you count fallout remover.

Another company with good marketing / s**t products (imo), some people do still like their stuff.
