Haven't updated this for a bit. I've changed location in my job so instead of doing 20miles commute each week I'm now doing 150 so the mileage will creep up more. It's currently on 85.5k and I've owned it for nearly a year and a half. I bought it on 76k so not bad mileage in my ownership for a daily.
Thanks for all the offers on the foglights guys but
@dmallett sorted me out :smile:
Cracked old fog and replacement

New foglights by
Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr

New foglights by
Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr
Got some better 2nd hand door cards as my drivers was tired looking. I didn't change the passenger side as that was ok but swapped over the drivers side. Gave the door pulls a clean too.

Clean door cards, wires and pulls by
Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr

Clean door cards, wires and pulls by
Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr
So glad I painted these. They look great compared to when I first got them and they look as good now as when I first painted them over a year ago.

Grubby right grab handle by
Dr-Jekyll, on Flickr
I have bought some brand new wheel bolts all round from
@Martin. and some original orange side repeaters from Dan Mallet to replace my slightly mouldy clear ones. I'm also going to take it to the Surrey rolling road this Saturday to see if the power has changed. Although no engine mods have changed since the last power run, I have had all the belts done as well as the dephaser pulley, new plugs, 2x oil changes as well as various other engine service parts and a bit of milage. Car certainly feels better and feels to pick up better from lower down. Could be placebo though so I await Saturday to see for sure.
The car hasn't been cleaned properly for a few weeks and the front bumper fitment is really annoying me. I have been lazy I must admit so having another fault - my rear passenger fog light not working even though I've changed the bulb - I will hopefully get into it again soon. I have thought about getting rid of it recently for something more sensible, but you know what, all I do is give it a bit of fun through the lanes to/from work and it makes me want to keep it. I've put a lot of money, time and effort into this and a lot of parts have been changed/replaced in my ownership that I know I wouldn't get in another car for what it's worth so it's still staying on here with the Dr :smile: