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f**king ***** Car broken into!


ClioSport Club Member


Got woken up at 6.30 this morn by TOM YOUR DOORS ARE WIDE OPEN!

Jumped up with that sick feeling and their she was, Raped! Ran out to see the damage and the luckily they hadnt got my sub and amp as it was sat on my back seat!
What they did manage to take though was my alpine headunit, My ashtray that was full of coppers and a bit of gold and a load of cds!

Cant help i was lucky though as they missed my cd wallet full of genuine cds and took my copies, they missed my wallet (With money in!) and left my sub, amp and kicker 6x9s!
They bent the door to get in too but it was only slight and must have used something to hook the lock. So again im lucky as its bent back as norm and i took it down the motorway and theres no noise.

Its gotta be kids though as they left a small trail of cds to an ally by my house. And as its kids in the town i live i can promise ill find out who it was and theyre gunna wish they didnt do it!

Cant really explaine how mad i am right now!
  2008 Golf GTI Edition 30

Thats harsh mate.

Theres been a few recently, Im sure it is linked to the dark evenings.

I know how your feeling...... when mine got done i got in my car and drove around looking for the fu**ers at 1am in the mornin - no joy but found out who done it and got my revenge and the police did sweet fa

crap news m8, as u say, obviously kids as any1 else would go for expensive easy 2 sell on things, i.e. sub amp 6by9s

what gd are copied cds lol, stupid pikey chavs

sure it wont take long 4 some 1 2 start offering ur hu about 2 ppl, take it no1 saw anything at all etc, u asked neighbours or anything?

u bother ringing police lol?

try 2 look on the better side m8, could have been alot worse, i.e. ur door and rest of ur sound system and money

We got a neighbour who had thier BMW broken into and they nicked the CD player. The problem is my mum got woken up by them being noisy but on a Saturday night you dont think any thing but drunks.

I really worry about this happening.


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by CupCake on 26 October 2004

Get a dog mate - a really really f**king big one.
Got a fiarly big one already but no noise from him. Would have been good if he did! Im, sure theyd have English Bull Terrier bite marks!

Dave - I wasnt gunna call the police tbh but my old dear did it anyways. I got to work and they called me and are takin figer prints as we speak! Not that theyll catch anyone but theyre trying.

better than nothing, least they came out which is more than what happens sometimes

no1 is safe anymore, its only really a matter of time before it happens 2 each and every1 of us

i would take a guess that over 75% of ppl on here have had their car broken into or something stolen from their cars

insurance is stupid, i live in a safe court in a small village where i can leave my car unlocked if i want, im moving 2 a dodgy area near lots of chavs and my insurance has come down!!

first thing i do when i move is getting lots of big security lights ont he drive so if any1 goes near the car theyll be blinded

The touble is - if they want something they will get it - my mates motor has been broken in to 3 times in the past 2 months - police dont wanna know and the CCTV cameras just happen not to be pointing in the right direction every time...........

You getting finger prints done is good as the chavs might already be on file!


ClioSport Club Member

Yeah true! Spose at least with prints their is some chance.

But honestly reckon ill find out who did it. I live in a small town of say 20 thousand odd and between me, my brother and my stepdad were well known. All the bad boys love me and ive got them all having a word. One lad whos got a bit of a rep said if i hear of it, youll get it back no matter who got it.

Might invest in a clifford alarm of something though....
  Vee dub

Tom thats mailto:cr@p">cr@p news mate

I have had plently of these experiences in the past, scum bags.

Hope u get it sorted for the meet (u really are not destined to come to a cliosport meet are ya! ;))



ClioSport Club Member

Nope i aint mate!

I so mad though! I keep losing my rag too which is unlike me! Just had the police women warn me about taking the law into my own hands!
  Vee dub

Yeah u do wanna go steady what u do really

Know the feeling tho, they need a good sorting out :mad:

Little Newms

ClioSport Club Member
  182, D2 Td5 & 840CI

Sorry to read this mate, hope u cacth the little fookers!!!! Cant have nothing good these days : (
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

Sorry to hear it tom - happened to my old RT they nicked my sub and amp. Miles away from where it live but very accurate attack on the car. IE they broke in nearest the sub and amp!

What car is it - did you end up swapping for the Punto?

Dejavu! Same thing happened to my cousin who only recently got himself a Mk1 RT. Sorry to hear the news, it must be gutting.

Im not aiming this at you Tom (you may be the shy retiring type for all i know) but im going to say the same thing i said to my cousin as i think its worth considering. He lives in an area which has its fair share of pikeys and since passing his test he drove around with his million decibel stereo going, and he was suprised his car got broken into. He didnt think about the possibility of drawing attention being a bad thing. Its easy to remember a car like his (its blue with fake williams wheels) and so it was an easy strike for the local pikeys who took his whole system and CDs, leaving him a bent door.

Just worth thinking about i reckon. After my car got broken into i knew it was because of all the mods i had and now ive learnt its just not worth it..unfortunately.



ClioSport Club Member

Just had my prints taken to eleminate what she found!. She said it looks like she has some very good prints all in the suspect places which she said me or my mates arent likely to have prominant prints!:D

Catch the fookers!
  Vee dub

Quote: Originally posted by RobFenn on 26 October 2004

Dejavu! Same thing happened to my cousin who only recently got himself a Mk1 RT. Sorry to hear the news, it must be gutting.

Im not aiming this at you Tom (you may be the shy retiring type for all i know) but im going to say the same thing i said to my cousin as i think its worth considering. He lives in an area which has its fair share of pikeys and since passing his test he drove around with his million decibel stereo going, and he was suprised his car got broken into. He didnt think about the possibility of drawing attention being a bad thing. Its easy to remember a car like his (its blue with fake williams wheels) and so it was an easy strike for the local pikeys who took his whole system and CDs, leaving him a bent door.

Just worth thinking about i reckon. After my car got broken into i knew it was because of all the mods i had and now ive learnt its just not worth it..unfortunately.


Very good advice this

Same with some of my mates who insist on pumping out loud music and dont think there car cud get broken into



ClioSport Club Member

Matt - it was me clio bud. The punto should be coming shortly.

Robb - Yeah fair enough point but it doesnt describe me unfortunately. Im not the kind that goes round booming my stereo probs the reason why my sub and amp wasnt nicked. They probs only realised it was there after they unplugged the RCAs from the headunit.

I think most peps take the gamble, see 17s ect and presume its gotta have a good stereo.

Im done with it all now though!


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by TomS on 26 October 2004

"Im done with it all now though!"

What the clio?

Or moddifying?
I just want a nice standard car now tbh!
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

Was funny with mine in that every one seems to know me and talks to me about my cars. Even though its chavtastic they dont seem to nick from things they like. But think the neighbouring towns are right theives.

Took it to Bas Vegas which might as well be another country as theres no conection to where I live. This was in the afternoon with my mum to go shopping and then they struck. Wasnt like I was pumping it out or anything to draw any attention to myself. So why would some one from Basildon know it was there?

Either they knew me or a chancer from my neck of the woods recognised it.

That was 2 years ago and Is still remove their fingers if I could find out who did it.
  Vee dub


Exactly like me, love the valver standard

I get the p*ss taken out of me for wanting to keep the standard cassette player in mine, all about old school!!


ClioSport Club Member

Quote: Originally posted by Matt16v on 26 October 2004

Either they knew me or a chancer from my neck of the woods recognised it.
Thats the same case for me!

The thing is, where i live even the bad boys seem to love me? Im just one of those accepted characters.

Also because i smoke weed and im a polite young man all the dealers about love me too so theyre asking about for me which has high hope.
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

Go for it - wont hurt will it.

If they find out who it is and fail to prosecute at least you will know who did it for future reference.
  Ford Fiesta

Quote: Originally posted by Tom16v on 26 October 2004

They just phoned and want a statement.

Thats good aint it? :confused:

if they are requesting a statement then they will more than likely have something to go on and require a statement before they can proceed. Depending on the force/area you live..

Tom with regard to the Punto it isnt really what i would call standard lol. Sorry m8! But it does have a CAT2 full alarm system and immob on it. Iv never had any break in attempts on mine 2 date. Touch wood!
  Mini Cooper S sport

Quote: Originally posted by Tom16v on 26 October 2004

Nope, no alarm bells!

Im gunna find the c**ts that did it too!
Do you mean you dont have one, or it didnt go off? Hope the police get the little b*stards.

I had my car broken into once (not the Clio) in a car park in Southampton. Since then Ive never left ANYTHING in the car, not even copied CDs.

The feckers still break in on the off chance these days whether there is anything on display or not :mad:

do u always leave your wallet in the car over night or did you firget it was in there mate???? sorry to hear your news! happened to me before and makes you feel violated! hope ya find the b******s!
  leon cupra R

yeah , how comes you left the wallet in there? forget it or summit, did you also leave the face off on the stereo or did they take it without the face?

harsh mate unlucky
