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FAO JD/AR/RussZS etc: Autosmart G101

  120d M Sport
Have got hold of some G101..

Could anyone kindly advise me on some dilution rates for it?

before buying this I used Meguiars APC at 10:1 (for seats, carpets etc) and 4:1 (for wheel arches, tyres, door shuts etc)

I've been told G101 is much stronger stuff so would like an idea as to what I should dilute it to for the above tasks

Many thanks! :)
Degreasing Hot 1:20 Cold 1:8

General cleaning Hot 1:50 Cold 1:30

Bug or ink removal, Wheel cleaning 1:5
  120d M Sport
Thanks Rich, didn't know it worked differently with hot/cold water.

Will just be in a spray bottle so I'll go with the cold figures.

Do you rate it as a wheel cleaner?

Seems to be popular as a wheel cleaner yeh. That's the recommended dilution though, I'd probably go with 1:10 to start off with if your wheels arnt too bad.


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Can't add to Rich's post tbh.

As far as wheels go, i don't use G101 on them. No need. I use a really dilute APC. I used g101 on the underside of the vee at the weekend strong too! 5:1 HOT. left for 10mins and Washed at 60deg. Spotless. Very impressive stuff. Goes a long way compared to the foaming end of the Megs bottles.

Also - Not sure i'd be happy using 101 on interior...
As Scottish has said, can't add much!

I would certainly not be using it on the interior as I would be worried about staining/dulling interior materials.

The key thing, with wheels, is that once they are clean, you need to protect them. Best case scenario is;

Wash with something like AG Engine and Machine Cleaner, remove tar and other contaminants with clay/AG Intensive Tar Remover, polish with Super Resin Polish, seal with something like Poorboys wheel sealent, or even just EGP! Then top with something hard wearing like Collinite's 476.

My wheels are protected in this way and I barely need to wash them after snow foaming.

Hope this helps,



  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Postie goes to me on sunday, what you using on your wheels, Tcut?? i giggled for a second then took my delivery of over 50's p**n.
I love that word. It works better than an electric shock in the mornings. Should just get my phone alarm to shout that, would get me leaping out of bed ;)
whats the concern for using this on the interior? Would be one of the main reasons id get some...

Its listed under interior cleaner on the autosmart webby.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
It can be used on interior but there's just better safer things out there.

I used it on my clio green seats they get so dirty so easily, worked great you just have to dilute it down a lot and really work it into the seats with a damp cloth.

Like I said you would be better with an interior cleaner tho.
  120d M Sport
Cool, cheers lads.

I have bilberry as my wheel cleaner and 10:1 apc and AG interior shampoo for interior anyhow, got the G101 for arches, shuts etc.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Cool, cheers lads.

I have bilberry as my wheel cleaner and 10:1 apc and AG interior shampoo for interior anyhow, got the G101 for arches, shuts etc.
Bang on for shuts and arches there mate.

Jamie :eek:
Don't like to admit this, but I used stardrops (70p a bottle) heavily diluted for cleaning my carpet and mats and it brought them up a treat! Doesn't smell too bad either. Only used it as I'd run out of APC, but still... :eek:

A very cheap APC ;) Can get it from asda etc, you only need a few drops of the stuff too!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Awesome so is tescos apc. Don't knock it till you try it tbh.
so what would you recommend as a dedicated interior cleaner for mats, seats, headlining etc?

saw a thread on DW the other day about a new one that had a lavander smell to it and was meant to be good...
Have always found APC or AG interior shampoo as sufficient. But by god does the AG stuff smell/fume bad :S
AG Interior Shampoo? :eek: I love it!

As JD says above really, I tend to just use APC for cleaning carpets, seats etc then the AG for a bit of fragrance. Then megs tech protect for the dash etc, that's all I've ever used tbh!
Maybe I am mixing up the two, there are two green bottles, think one might have been the stain remover, lol!

To be fair, last time I had to use anything that strong was on a Merc E class that was a state. Guy is an architect and the car is his office most of the time . . . coffee, chocolate, food stains . . . charged him 100 quid just for the interior as it was just, well, horrific!


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
I barely ever use interior shampoo! Interior of the car never gets dirty. Quick hoover and it's brand new again!

The times i have cleaned carpets i used some CG stuff/ used AG too. Much for muchness really.
Same which is a bonus. Have carpet cleaned my matts once or twice when they have come round to do the house, but other than that, not rreally any need :)
Same here really, but i want to spend more time on the interior when it comes to detail time, going to wet vac the whole place as much as i can!
