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FAO Lee... F1 Championship

  Citroen DS3 DSport
Fantastic, when can I expect my press disc to arrive in the post? ;)

Can't wait to get this, it is a long time since it was announced.


Fantastic, when can I expect my press disc to arrive in the post? ;)

Can't wait to get this, it is a long time since it was announced.

As it's a disc which can be played on retail consoles I'm keeping it locked away when I'm not in the house. LOL I'd be in some serious trouble if that ever got out.


ClioSport Club Member
Hmmm, what wheel were they using on F1?

Looks ace though, can't wait to try it out properly :D
  Citroen DS3 DSport
No damage on and I'm guessing if you were to cut the chicane like that in most races you'd receive a penalty?
Just watched this on the bbc, had Hamilton and the presenter racing on xbox live with hamilton's brother on the other end (at home i presume), all three were sat in racing seat's.

Few of these 'press' discs about! ;)
  Oil Burner
No damage on and I'm guessing if you were to cut the chicane like that in most races you'd receive a penalty?

Lets hope so, really pisses me off on Grid when people corner cut, always wish they would patch it to put a barrier or gravel trap in the way.

Looked like two different wheels on the show.


We turned all rules and damage off to allow for more comedy. If they had been on none of them would have made it beyond the first corner.

The seats were supplied by visionracer. The wheels were all official xbox.

As for the silver press discs, there's actually very few, as MS send them out as a favour before pressing. We supplied test kits for the feature with me in Spa and a guy at Nics house.

They did a great job of cutting it all together.

I wonder if more people saw me today than when I was behind Jake in the paddock at Silverstone.
  172 Cup
It should be on around 12.30 today.

I grabbed a silver press disc on Friday, so I've had a few races over the weekend.

I was playing Blur and kept checking after each race to see which tracks you were on. I noticed you playing Spain and Bahrain yesterday I think.


Bob was one of our QA guys. He was host due to NAT problems beyond our control. He pulled off once the race started. Those gamertags only exist on Partnernet, they're not on the public live network.

I was racing my boss Griff. It's amazing that we still enjoy playing it after all this time.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
From iRacing forum:

Hey chaps

I picked up my F1 2010 review code (PC) on Friday, and sunk about 5
hours into it yesterday. I can't go into too much detail for risk of
breaking the embargo, but I can make a few general points:

1.) Eye watering visuals. Without doubt the sexiest racing game I've
ever seen. I'm running all settings maxed, 1920 x 1080 with 4XAA, on
my i5@3.8GHz, GTX 470 and 8GB DDR3, and it run super smoothly. The
rain effects are sublime, but the real star of the show are the
tracks. There's just so much stuff in the background that I'm often
distracted by the view.

2.) Handling is not as hardcore as iRacing. While the cars have a
propensity to spin if you apply too much gas coming out of a corner,
they don't appear to mind if you drive them across the grass at 150km/
h. I've lost count of the number of times I've cut a corner, with
hardly any slowdown as a result. The force feedback also isn't quite
as lovely as iRacing - it is good, but iRacing's bumps and steering
feel more realistic.

3.) Car damage is quite forgiving. At times it feels almost like
bumper cars - I'll often make contact with other vehicles, rubbing
tires, with no penalty. I've got damage cranked to full, and full race
penalties enabled. I'm more often given a penalty by the stewards than
seeing any physical damage.

4.) The sound engine is superb. The screaming whine of the F1 engines
are captured beautifully, as is the trackside ambiance.

5.) The AI is brutally hard. I've set it to amateur, and have come
last in every race so far. It's quite strange - while the handling
seems easy when set to full real, the AI is still hard when set to its
most basic.

6.) Overall the game is fantastic fun. While hardcore simmers may
dislike the ability to drive over grass and bump and grind with other
cars, most racers will love the way the game makes you feel like an F1
driver, piloting a rocket ship on wheels.

I can't say too much more, but I thought it'd be best to get people's
expectations in line with the final product. The game is 95% there as
a hardcore sim - it just needs the off-road and contact behaviour to
be tweaked to make it perfect for iRacing fans. Hopefully this will be
moddable by the community, or perhaps Codies could be persuaded to
release a "Hardcore mode" as DLC that is much more punishing in this

Enough talk from me - got to write for the rest of today so I can play
more tonight


I read that on the Codies forums, it's good to hear someone from the hardcore end of the scale can appreciate the game. He's really got what we set out to achieve. I've played a lot of the hardcore sims, and while they're involving and okay for pushing in Time Trial, they're not what I would ever consider fun, and you can't race closely and consistently.

It does get on my nerves when people call something a sim without any knowledge of what's under the hood. They percieve something to be a sim by how it feels, but for all they know it could all be total b****cks. I know for a fact how much we simulate in F1 2010, and where we got the real world numbers and data from. It's total sim under the hood. To the 'hardcore' sim usually means it's hard, and it takes ages to learn how to play it!

With regard to the off-road stuff, we do punish you on run off areas by slowing the car a little, and it's those small bits that really count. Grass isn't too bad, but the penalty system will soon step in if you have gained any advantage on the road. Having sticky Forza 3 grass was never an option, as it's just not realistic. Our grass has lower grip, which is how it should be.
It does get on my nerves when people call something a sim without any knowledge of what's under the hood. They percieve something to be a sim by how it feels, but for all they know it could all be total b****cks. I know for a fact how much we simulate in F1 2010, and where we got the real world numbers and data from. It's total sim under the hood. To the 'hardcore' sim usually means it's hard, and it takes ages to learn how to play it!

I've always wondered about this, ie how much 'hardcore sim' racers actually compare their gaming to the real world in terms of handling. We can only really take Ant Davidson's word for it, and if he is genuinely pleased with it there isn't much more 99.99999% of us can say on the matter.

However we do all see damage on the telly and can normally work out what an impact is going to do to a car, I personally love the idea of having a proper 'hardcore' mode where brushing a tyre wall can ruin your race by breaking your adds a sense of tension and forces you to concentrate I hope it's not too forgiving on full.

There is always going to be something lost in translation even if the numbers are perfect, much of F1 is down to fitness and coping with high g-forces, a sim - no matter how accurate - is never going to replicate that, so even if it's an exact replica of real-life, in some ways it's still going to feel much easier than it would be to drive an F1 car for real. People would probably expect an F1 sim to be absolutely brutal, but presumably in real life if you have the nerve to drive an F1 car fast enough for the downforce to kick in, it wouldn't be too difficult for a decent driver to be within a few seconds of the standard pace. That bravery hurdle is non existent in a game, so those expecting a Richard Hammond in a Renault F1 car type experience are probably completely missing the point.


There's two ways to appoach it really. One is to make it as hard as it is in real life, which then means that most people will drive in the same way as Richard Hammond did. This isn't fun for anyone who wants to play the game.

Or you set out to give the player the same experience a real life F1 driver has. Talking to Ant about this he often says that it's pretty easy. That's why they have time to adjust brake balance, or use and f-duct. To the driver things don't happen at a pace they can't cope with. More often than not they wish they could go faster on the straights!

People going on about how amazing the hardcore sims are would be shocked to realise just how little they are like it is in real life. Ant was in last week, and we went over it again. None of them get it right, and instead sacrifce the fact that it's a supposed to be an enjoyable experience, not a struggle.

Ant said exactly the same thing about the fear. It's the only thing in real life that stops you from going off, in a game there's no reason to take it that little bit easier.

I know the areas we need to work on for 2011, as does Ant, and we've already started work on those. 2010 is a very strong starting point, with the ability to experience the power and grip of an F1 car, while racing in close proximity to other cars without everyone running off in to the gravel at the first corner. The biggest thing for me is that it's very enjoyable to drive, and the feeling of the car getting lighter as the fuel burns off, or the grip level increasing over the whole race weekend as the track rubbers in is something that's never been simulated to his degree before, let alone in a console game.

Ultimately, whatever we do, if it doesn't sell we don't get to do another and another developer closes their doors. We could produce the worlds most perfect hardcore sim and it wouldn't sell enough numbers to fund the investment required.
I remember when Clarkson did a test on Top Gear. Track vs Playstation. There is just no fear, hence why we have all at some stage, gone flat out for a corner and either risked not braking at all or way to late. Oooops. Restart. Can't do that in RL.

Whilst some geeks would probably enjoy making it as real as possible, you'll never ever replicate the fear and adrenalin that they face on the track.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Do you ever think F1 2011 will be released earlier rather then halfway through the season?? I mean Fifa 11 is out soon ,quite near the start of the footy season.

The last F1 game I bought F1 2009 maybe?? was out near the end of the season. Just seems a bit odd to bring a game out near the end of the season??


Do you ever think F1 2011 will be released earlier rather then halfway through the season?? I mean Fifa 11 is out soon ,quite near the start of the footy season.

The last F1 game I bought F1 2009 maybe?? was out near the end of the season. Just seems a bit odd to bring a game out near the end of the season??

2011 will release the same time next year. It's not possible to do it any quicker. It takes time to model the cars and tracks. We don't see all the cars until they get revealed to the public, and this year we didn't see the new corners at Silverstone or the Korean track until well in to the season. We can't just make stuff up, so we're constrained by the reference material and the time it takes to produce the assets to the quality required.

This year we didn't even know who was going to be driving the HRT until well after we started recording the scripts! We had to go back and do some of those, so cost is also an issue. We can't do extra stuff 'just in case' because there's always a cost attached to it. Throwing away months of work isn't an option.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Ahh ok fair enough.

But shirley if a new track is on the cards say next season then the teams must do some kind of testing on it during the winter?? I dont know how you guys capture the tracks??

Do you get what I mean? Like you said the Korean Track..that was news when in December I think?? I know it wasn't finished until July 5th so that is kinda an exception.

I know you might not be able to say much on the subject but shirley 90% of things dont change that much season to season?? Tracks mainly the same and just car colours/livery??


Ahh ok fair enough.

But shirley if a new track is on the cards say next season then the teams must do some kind of testing on it during the winter?? I dont know how you guys capture the tracks??

Do you get what I mean? Like you said the Korean Track..that was news when in December I think?? I know it wasn't finished until July 5th so that is kinda an exception.

I know you might not be able to say much on the subject but shirley 90% of things dont change that much season to season?? Tracks mainly the same and just car colours/livery??

The track in Korea still isn't finished! Our track had to be complete months ago, so all we had to go on were the plans and CAD drawings, plus a few pictures of some mud and the odd bit of tarmac. It looks like we're pretty close with our version though. Chandhok drove it for the first time last week.

The same with Silverstone. We had pictures of it being built to work from.

I'm sure in some ways we could just say, it's good enough and leave it at that, but FOM would never pass it. Plus every team has to sign off every car on top of FOM. We don't have a massive team of guys working on the game, as it wouldn't be cost effective, so the car team take a few months to do the cars. They all have to be accurate or the teams won't sign them off. The sign off process can take up to 3 months.

Even if we could work quicker, the time to get every asset signed off by FOM and the teams would push us to late in the season anyway. The big F1 geeks will notice bits of the cars which aren't totally up to date. When Mercedes signed off their car it had the old style air box for example.

If we could launch at the start of the season it would be a dream come true, but it's not possible, so September works out the most effective time for dev and sales potential.
Also don't forget there's a reason Fifa/COD/Everything else comes out at this time of year.. Nothing to do with schedules, it's for Christmas.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Awesome Lee - I can't wait for my copy to arrive. I just hope Amazon's on the ball with deliveries. It's been years since Crammond's last efforts since I've got stuck into an F1 game.

Any possibility of you personally acquiring the game code and releasing an Aussie V8 Supercar game for us? :cool:



Awesome Lee - I can't wait for my copy to arrive. I just hope Amazon's on the ball with deliveries. It's been years since Crammond's last efforts since I've got stuck into an F1 game.

Any possibility of you personally acquiring the game code and releasing an Aussie V8 Supercar game for us? :cool:


We were saying how amazing a modern day TOCA game would be the other day. We all have fond memories of that.

Aussie V8s are awesome to watch. Big, brutal and sideways. :D
  Oil Burner
A closed wheel racer would be epic. DTM, WTCC, V8's, maybe some national events to start with to build your career, Clio Cup, BTCC etc...

Most of all we need some more UK Circuits on games. I dont think Brands Hatch has been featured on a PS3 game since Toca RD3.
