To be honest mate I just followed what it said on the back if the bottle. I got two nice new dusters. Applied it to small areas with one, let it dry, then buffed it off with the other. Once Id waxed the entire car I misted it with water and buffed it off with a microfibre cloth. I only do that a couple of times a year, because Im lazy.
I usually just wash it. When you dry it make sure your leather gets a good soaking first so that its nice and soft and wont scratch the paint.
Heres a useful post Faceman made a while ago, I kept it as I thought it was pretty useful.
Super resin polish is abrasive... it Will remove a very, very fine layer of clear-coat or paint when you use it. Try it on a non-clear-coated car, you will see the paint colour come off on your cloth.
Most people confuse polishing with waxing.
POLISHING: Is when you use a product which removes the top layer of worn, aged paint/clear-coat to reveal fresh new paint/clear-coat. it will also feed ols etc to the new paint. Ladies know this as exfoliating, where removing the deald old skin reveals the new, fresh skin. Polishing should only really be done perhaps 2 - 4 times a year.
GLAZING: Most people havent even heard of glazing a car, but think of it as make-up for a car. A Glaze such as Meguiars #7, Meguiars Hand Polish or 3M Imperial Hand Glaze gives a truly wet look and also fills in minor swirls and scratches, which are then protected by a wax.
WAXING: A process used to seal in the gloss achieved with polishing. A quality carnauba wax will add either a warm glow, or a wet depthness, depending on the wax you choose.
A lot of the stuff you can buy off the shelf from Halfords etal, really constitute a polish cum wax, ie a cleaner wax. This is just a lot of steps in one, but doesnt really do any of them properly.
If you think that the all-in-one polish you currently use makes your car shiny, wait until you see what your car looks like when you use proper supplies on it.
In the enthusiast world, stuff like Meguiars Pro line or the S100 range (S100 is available from Harley-davidson dealers) is incredible, especially S100. S100 polish (called Shine Enhancing Cleanser) is amazing, as is S100 Paste Wax.
To keep on topic, the Super Resin Polsih should only be used perhaps every quarter, and then the Extra Gloss Protection perhaps every 2 to 3 months. You can use the EGP as often as you like, but as it is a polymer sealant you are only wasting product, as it is quite long lasting. Also, if you use EGP try leaving it on the car for at least 2-3 hours before buffing it off.
get hold of a load of microfiber towels which are very sofy and will prevent micro-marrring/swirls on your paint. Old T-shirts and towels that have been rejected fom the bathroom are also no good either.
If you decide to use a true pure carnauba wax, let it cure overnight, then mist a light spray of filtered/bottled water over it the next day and then buff it off. The water helps to set the wax and add a little more depth to the shine.