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Fao Recent 172/Cup owners

  172 Cup

This only really apllies to new(ish) 172/Cup owners. Can you check the tools suplied in the boot and see if you have the 2 screwdrivers attachments there?

Mine were missing from the cup and I waited 3 months for replacements. When I had my meeting with Renault UK managers (seperate issue) they just said we dont supply them to ANYONE any more!

I know its hardly a major issue but if theyre lieing to me Id like to know.



Because thats the name I used to post under, and the name I used for an online racing game. Ive just not got round to removing it!! Ill do it tonight!
  172 Cup

Bet that saved Renault alot of money! How are meant to remove certain items then? EG Speakers?
  172 Cup

Thinking about it I want to change the oil soon and it makes life much easier to remove the metal casing protecting the injectors. Now I cant remove it without the correct tools.

Only option - To pay Renault tight ar$e monkey boy to do the job.
  172 Cup

Quote: Originally posted by griff_90 on 18 July 2003

Bet that saved Renault alot of money! How are meant to remove certain items then? EG Speakers?

Thanks for bothering to reply Jeremy.
  172 Cup

Just dont like the general approach where some people are more than happy to tell us when there is a new product being launched or track days we can go on (I.E More of our money in Renaults pocket) but when you ask a simple question you constantly get ignored.

Renault - Treat you like Royalty until they have your money then treat you like sh!t afterwards.
  172 Cup

Quote: Originally posted by Jeremy Townsend on 18 July 2003

Griff - 1. probably saved a little money. 2. Sadly youll have to buy some tools I guess.
Bunch of t**sers! And sadly i think Renault will be providing them FOC fairly soon.

That response is a great advertisment for Renault. Buy one of our cars (well it has 4 wheels if your lucky) but just dont expect to be able to work on it yourself.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Griff mate Chill

you have some issues with renault im guessing. Jeremy is a member of the club just as much as you are.

I think its quite nice of him to share what he knows with us. he dosent have to.
  172 Cup

It just seems that everyone else is happy to be fcuked about by Renault rather than express their opinions. Look at that thread about petitions and complaints. Five pages long with loads of people moaning and winging but when I proposed we did something about it no-one came forward.

My question still hasnt been answered. How am I expected to change the oil myself? I dont think wanting to do it myself is completely unreasonable.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

No its not i just dont think having a go at him will help.

i too have been messed about and i got what i wanted and it was hard to get it but i didnt have a go at jezza


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Anyone got a pic of these and where theyre meant to be???

Just looked in the boot of my 3 day old Cup and cant see owt...


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Quote: Originally posted by tomclio1.2 on 18 July 2003

inside the yellow handle
in that case no... :cry:

will go and look in the boot of the mk1 (Ive borrowed it) which is parked next to my Cup.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Quote: Originally posted by griff_90 on 18 July 2003

Any luck?
Yeah, the mk1 (2000 Y-Reg) has them, in the yellow handle...

Or should that be it "had" them! ;)

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 18 July 2003
And that oil change will cost you £68 all in!!  Just had mine done.

£68 for an oil change? That is absolutely scandalous. A fekkin mobil 1 change should be no more than £35. Bloody reno.
