This x 1,000,000.
+1 should be able to considering the computer can do it to you.
This x 1,000,000.
^ The refs always make bad decisions in 12!
If you turn Handballs on there is about 20,000 stoppages a game for handball. No s**t.
Impact Engine
The Fixes
- The Impact Engine in FIFA 13 has a much better understanding of how to resolve complex collision situations. When players fall on each other, new logic has been added to get players to roll away rather than trying to stand up together.
- Joint tensions and strengths have been realigned from the bottom up to resolve issues with broken limbs and players exploding off one another. In FIFA 12 joints strengths were quite simply too strong, this has now been resolved.
Lol so true.
I hate going round my mates as he has it on all the time and i always give away at least 2 pens a game. Its f**king stupid.
Sounds pretty good though, cant wait.
When's it out? I'll probably buy it.
Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Commentary in CM menus! They talk about next week games and talk short about the game you just played/simmed. #FIFA13
Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Fourth official holds up board during sub cutscenes. #FIFA13
Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
New goalkeeper animations spotted. Looks good. #FIFA13
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13m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Hoho, what a goal by new signing Mario Gomez. Blast of a shot. So shooting feels much better, is what I'm trying to say. #FIFA13
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16m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Don't know why but Kevin De Bruyne is just lovely to play with in #FIFA13. If you start CM with Chelsea, bring him back from Werder!
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21m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Argh, 5 minutes in. 1-0 to Stoke in first BPL game with Chelsea. #FIFA13
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22m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
#FIFA13 skill games really remind my of #TopSpin / #VirtuaTennis minigames.
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30m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
I asked for 50 million EUR extra. Got rejected by board. #FIFA13
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31m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
It comes with a price though. I requested extra money but had to commit to achieving an League Cup AND FA Cup win. #FIFA13
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33m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
You can hand in a request to the board to receive more transfer budget. #FIFA13
41m Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
@Andrea_J30 No licensing questions please.
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
New cutscene before first compeition game. Photographers take team photo. Again a nice little touch. Also captains shaking hands. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Before each game (both in Career Mode as in Exhibition) you can assign a controller to one player. On PS3, up to 7 controllers. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
@alekko63 Just got an offer from a Belgian club to loan Piazon. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
@NickChim94 Nope. No loan + player deals.
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
@MatsvStam Jup!
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Just signed Gomez with the Mata money. Sorry Fernando. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Changes in gameplay are much more subtle than last year. But that's fine. It's a much better game than #FIFA12.
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Also noticing much more noise from the crowd. Especially when alone on goal or before/after a shot. Much more atmosphere. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Still limited to 3 subs in friendlies. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
On World-Cass, opponent CPU seems to be more deadly. First friendly lost 1-3. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Yes, the managers seem to celebrate/react dissapointed after a goal. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
New sub cutscenes. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
You can also see your teammates warm up during a game. Nice touches. And yes, the managers move. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
I can confirm that your created manager will be visible during matches. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
@NickChim94 Will be replaced by teams chosen by CPU or you can select the team. Every team actually.
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Nice, those #FIFA13 skill games are used to fill up loading before match.
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
My 40M EUR offer for Gomez has finally been accepted. Now to contract negotations. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Menus are much more responsive. Visual style is mainly the same, but it's much smarter presented. Less going back/forth in menus. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Wanted list for transfers is a nice addition. #FIFA13
1h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Things like transfers in CM can still be fine-tuned till last second. Not that there's anything wrong. Just saying it isn't final. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Ow yeah, for all those wondering where RVP is going. #FIFA13 decided he's going to Bayern for 34 million EUR.
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Started CM with Chelsea. Got a bid of 37 million EUR for Mata from Man City. Counter-offered 57. They got back with 49. I accepted. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Some other neat additions too, but I won't spoil everything. See for yourself September 28th. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Haha, new option when creating your manager. Outfit-style: training, suit or 'shirt and tie'. Can also choose color. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
New option before starting CM: set financial strictness. This is a percentage that decides how much from a outgoing transfer you get.#FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Also, you can let the CPU pick the teams (randomize) or just pick the teams yourself, so you can replicate the groups from real life!#FIFA13
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2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
No play-off games for season 1, straight to groupstage. Both Champions' Cup and Euro League. Good enough. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Here's a BIG one: you can now play in European competitions from the first season in Career mode. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Have been asked this. Saudi Pro League and Polski League are in. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
All other settings seem pretty much the same. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
There are a few more sliders in audio settings. Not 100% sure, but you can now set volume imported chants and 'voices players'. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Can't talk about online, but there's something new a lot of fans will appreciate. Not long til everybody can hear about it. #FIFA13
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
I'm with #FIFA13 now. Just to be clear: I play all manual. Maybe if lofted through balls haven't changed, I might change that back to CPU.
2h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
Let's to this! #FIFA13
3h Nicolas Van Hoorde @NicolasVH
On my way to #EA for #FIFA13 playtest! [URL=""][/URL]
Lol. Real?