59th Minute Method
The best way of finding cheap players for resale has got to be the '59th minute method'. In order to do this you must go to the search page and set your 'max buy now price' to the amount of money that you are willing to spend. You must also make sure to select gold players only, scrolling through each page until you reach a point where the time is between 59 minutes and 1 hour remaining. Once this is done, you need to keep scrolling back and forth through the neighboring pages in order to allow for the latest pages of newly listed players to appear, this is where you will find all the cheap deals! Player values are always changing, so it's not always easy to be definitive in terms of the exact value of each player. However, the more you do this, the more you will understand the market and therefore eventually be able to estimate a players value a lot more accurately! This methods effectiveness is due to the fact that 1 hour is both the default and shortest auction time. Although, you must remember that there will be competition for these deals, but with a bit of patience, luck and watchful eyes, you will certainly find yourself some absolute bargains!
Contract Card Method
If you're looking to make a quick, tidy profit, then buying and selling contracts is a good way to start. This is particularly useful for when you're running low on coins. It's very simple, all you need to do is search for gold contract cards and figure out the current price at which they are selling for and then search for the cheapest cards you can find. You shouldn't expect make big profits however, this method is all about consistency and patience, just keep making as many transactions as you can. Once you've built yourself a reasonable pot of a few thousand coins or so, you can move on to the 59th minute method. You may find this method slightly tedious and repetitive, but it's a great way of making a certain profit.
Bronze Pack Method
This method requires you to purchase a bronze pack at the cost of 400 coins, when viewing the contents of this pack, pay particular attention to the consumable cards. The majority of the time, you can sell your contracts, healing cards, fitness cards, and team talk cards for a fairly tidy profit. Much like the contract card method, you'll need to repeat this many times in order to see substantial profits, and don't be disheartened if you don't make a profit from every pack. There will always be a demand for consumables, so as long as you provide the supply, they will eventually be purchased. Also, try playing a match or two whilst you're waiting for your items to sell, this is so that you're not solely relying on your trade pile for income.
Price Fixing
In its simplest form, this method is the monopolisation of a certain player, and is a very effective way of raising that player's actual market price. In order to do this, you must buy out the entire stock of a specific player and resell them all at a higher price. As you are now the main supplier, this effectively allows you to manipulate the player's market value (within reason!). You can use this to your advantage massively, as the demand should always remain fairly constant, meaning that Ultimate Team users with more coins at their disposal may just be prepared to pay your inflated price tag. You should also try and make sure you still have a fair amount of coins left after buying out a player, this is because if anyone sells the player you've selected for less, you can buy them out too and instantly add them to your raised price. Although the success of this method is only really attainable by the more financially prosperous Ultimate Team users, it is certainly something to aim for as if you're presented with a good opportunity to do this, you can make some serious coinage!