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Fresh Sheepline Turini's on BG..

Alright alright, we all know we've all seen it before and it's sheeping etc etc.. But you know it looks damn good..

Turini's :smile:

Recently refurbed bright silver against black gold. Not your usual anthracite colour everyone gets.

Cars cleaned with;

- rotary polished with Menzerna power finish
- Chemical guys wet mirror finish
- muc off spray on carnabua wax
- wheels with poor boys wheel sealant.

Along with your usual washing and decontamination and claying stages.

It's a real V6 spoiler before anyone asks.








Then a few randoms of the car. No where near done yet. Still a lot of things to go on. Liquid Yellow matched inlets yet etc :cool:








I'm happy with how they look. Just got to keep on top of cleaning the car constantly.

Comments and abuse welcome. I like my tow eye :wink:


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
That's lovely, what's it lowered on and you got spacers on there?

Before I had my Inferno 182 I had a black A3 so know the joys of owning a Black car. They look awesome for a few days after but take a lot of work to keep on top of. I used to use a few layers of Vics Concours wax over Prima Amigo and it looked amazing, give it a try.
That's lovely, what's it lowered on and you got spacers on there?

Before I had my Inferno 182 I had a black A3 so know the joys of owning a Black car. They look awesome for a few days after but take a lot of work to keep on top of. I used to use a few layers of Vics Concours wax over Prima Amigo and it looked amazing, give it a try.


I bought it on ktec coil overs. They're really not that bad to drive as well. Shocks a few people as they're expecting it to be really brittle but no.

No spacers.. Yet. Wanting 19mm fronts and 10mm on the back. Eventually.

Been tempted to buy prima amigo but I think I'm stuck on black hole. Researched them both a lot. They're apparently exactly the same. Amigo gives it a slight darker look yet black hole gives it slightly more wet look and reflection. As for wax I've only ever used butter wet wax chemical guys, Petes 53 and have a sample pot of purple haze. Butter wet wax is my choice of the lot but haven't tried anything else.


ClioSport Club Member
Looks nice but you need to do one of two things;
1. Lower the front more
2. Raise the back
  172 cup clio v6 st
If you want a car wax on black to blow you away try pinnacle sov,it doesnt last long but who cares
Thanks for the comments people :)

I like my stickers lol. Because "race kor". Thinking of getting colinite 476s for winter protection next.

As for lowering it more, hell no lol. Will be raising the back slightly though as mentioned.

Everything I've bought for it in my project thread is going on Saturday and sunday along with a health check! So that'll be updated next week.
  172 cup clio v6 st
Thanks for the comments people :)

I like my stickers lol. Because "race kor". Thinking of getting colinite 476s for winter protection next.

As for lowering it more, hell no lol. Will be raising the back slightly though as mentioned.

Everything I've bought for it in my project thread is going on Saturday and sunday along with a health check! So that'll be updated next week.
Hi mate try some obsession wax phantom,sample pots on sample this awesome wax looks and protection mate
I like my tow eye lol, imo it adds to the rest of the random bits of silver on the car (bullets, badges etc)

The RS sticker on the dials is a result of me having a free RS sticker sent to me and not knowing what to do with it until I took the dash out for a speaker upgrade.

and yeah I got some bmw 1 series struts for the spoiler. it don't catch but damn there's no room to get under it now. Almost half the opening space has gone haha.
Cheers! :smile:

Bought the car with the 197 wheel on. Got the receipt for it. Brand new from Renault.

Getting a private plate soonish. So getting a set of clean plates then along with the front 3/4 plate :)

Sprayed the front grille satin black with no lacquer. The rest of the car plastics (fogs, scuttle panels etc) I used a specialist dye to get them black again ("forever black" its called)
Apparently photobuckets bandwidth limit resets every month? Seems I've used it all now. Shiz should reset and re appear in 3 days. That or I pay for a "pro account" to get more bandwidth -.-
