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Funniest Thing You Have Been Told By A Dealer...

  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
Went to get my bonnet catch done at local Renault dealer.

Guy: Your car should be ready in about an hour! (This was at 9, booked the day before)
Me: Okay, I'll come down at 10am.

5 hours later I get the keys back.
  Clio 182
Rememberd another one i had at Renault Wirral with my laguna.
went to put some fuel in one sat morning and the flap would not open so drove to the dealership for help.

Walked in and was jumped on by a dealer asking if he could show or help me with anything.
Me.. Ye i have a laguna thats only 6 months old and the petrol flap is not opening.
His face changed and said its a saturday and the service dept is shut so what do you want me to do.
Me.. i dont mind what you do but i need fuel and have work tomorrow so give me another car till you can fix it.
Dealer.. Cant you take it to halfords
Me.. are you takin the piss
At this point the manager came over and asked me what was wrong. So after telling him he went out with a ruler and forced it open.
I left with my head in my hands just thinking WTF.
  Clio 182
Took my 182 back to Renault Wirral due to in making a whining noise. Said to them that it was a bearing on the aux belt but still had to go for a drive with a Mechanic and when we got back even he said that’s what it was.
Then got a call later that day asking if I had any work done on the car. So I said ye but it was making the noise before that and it was nothing to do with the aux belt.
Was just told sorry but its void the warranty.
Went to get the car and asked to speak to the manager who then told me that there was a grove in the belt which was making the noise. Ok I said how is the grove making the noise? Well Mr Mitchell there is a grove in the belt. Ye so you say but I have been an engineer for 14 years and have never seen or heard of a belt making that noise due to a grove.
So end up changing it myself to find the bottom idler bearing f**ked. Just need to try and get my money back now but don’t hold out much hope.


Would love to know how this can make a noise.
  Citreon Berlingo MPV
What do you expect, he is a dealer, not a boy racer!!
On my service report for 36,000 miles it has recommended items that need replacing...

mine went something along the lines of:

Rear Bench - Not Present
Rear Seat - Not Present
Rear Seat Belt Anchor L - Not Present
Rear Seat Belt L - Not Present
Rear Seat Belt Anchor R - Not Present
Rear Seat Belt R - Not Present
Driver Airbag
Passenger Airbag

etc. etc...

Mr Hughes are you aware that your car is missing some of its vital components?

No I wasn't

Yes Mr Hughes, you are missing some vital safety equipment for passengers that you carry in the rear of the car...

I had to smile at this point...


  3 Series touring
Went to get my bonnet catch done at local Renault dealer.

Guy: Your car should be ready in about an hour! (This was at 9, booked the day before)
Me: Okay, I'll come down at 10am.

5 hours later I get the keys back.

i had the same

dealership phones up and tells me my car is going into the workshop, and the sevice takes an hour....

i turn up 2 hors later( was expecting them to have taken longer )

"no no no sir, i said that the car was ready to go in"

so you rung me to tell me that my car was ready? as in i'd parked it outside??

yes sir,

come back at 5.30
  Clio RS 172
I called my danish dealer to ask how much a exhaust manifold would cost me for a R21 Turbo Quadra. £700 was the answer..
I quickly said that I would like 5.. he said what ? and I say goodbye and hanged up.

A little side note that happend yesterday.
My clio had to get its mot done.
Then the guy tells me that Im not allowed to tint my front windows, I try and tell him that its 100% standard, and that the frontwindow is brand new, then his collegue comes over and tells me.. Your not allowed to tint your front windows! But they where not going to write it down.. Dont hope I get stopped by the cops and they tell me that im not alloved to tint my windows, and sends me to a new mot, where I have to convince those 2 guys that its f.... standard.
  mps aero
when looking to buy my 172 a while ago the guy at the renault dealership in doncaster tried to tell me that the 172 was a 2.0 turbo. needless to say i didnt buy it from there. based on price nevermind lies
  197 Albi Blue
Phoned up City motors Bristol yesterday and asked if they had any Clio 200's in so i could have a look at one. The bloke on the phone said "no sorry we wont have one in our show room until july at the earliest"

I then happen to be going past the door this afternoon and pop in to see what they have about and start chatting to a salesman about a 197 that is on the forecourt. He gets in the car to start it for me and is looking for a slot to put the key in. I was like "mate its keyless you just press the starter button". but he insisted there was a slot for the key to go in first lol. Eventually after he presses the lock and unlock button a few times he works out to put foot on brake and then to press start.

Anyway we then get talking about the 200. He says it sounds nice and he couldnt wait to see one in the flesh. I then walk over to the parts department to get a quote for something and what do i see in the front of the show room right by the front door....a brand new Clio 200 in alien green lol

Now come on how can the people that work there no know that its there! its like bright green!!

must say that it looks so much nicer in the flesh than in the pictures. The black front bumper i think looks really good

I also asked if he had any R27's in and his face went blank for 20 seconds then he went "oh yes thats a very nice megane that one is". I then told him it was a clio and he seemed very confused!
  E87 118d M Sport
oh dear!
problem is, if youd then asked to buy the 200, he would of come out with all the BS like he knew exactly what it was.
  Clio 182
Just had my first MOT at Renault Wirral and passed but did have to smile when the Bloke comes in and says to the girl on the desk that he cant test it as some d**khead has left things in his boot.
So I say to him think that will be mine mate would you like me to take the bits out?
Errrr ye ok.
So go around to take the bits out when I ask why he needs to go in the boot?
To see if the spare wheel is ok.
Its a 182 mate has not got one.
Yes it does.

How have these people still got jobs?????
When I was buying my Clio, the dealer guy took us out for a spin, he was talking the usual bull...
He must of said that the car is "perfect" about 1000 times.
Then came the kicker...
He had it in 2nd gear, and then said, "Look when you slip it out of 2nd, the gear stick moves into the centre, in line with 3rd so you can easily slip it into the gear"..
I just looked at my dad and shook my head... Im sure every car does that!!
  Audi A3, Exige S, R26.R
When looking for an R26.R

first dealer. Hadnt heard of it but said he would phone around.
Second dealer. Hadnt heard of it, implied that we must have been mistaken and got our models confused....mmm no! Q 3 staff all talking to us, none of them had heard of it. Tried to sell us a 175dci as thats what he thought we meant.

It got even more amusing when the GF noticed a pile of R26.R brouches on their display stand...went and got one and said 'this what were trying to buy' Still lots of blank looks.

after a few choice words we walked out....


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
When we bought the Clio GT the salesmen used some great lines.

Salesman: "The suspension system and braking on this is pretty much exactly like the 200"
Me: "How so?"
Salesman: "Well the 200 is set up by renaultsport, so is the GT"
Me: "Same parts aswell?"
Salesman: "No."
Well its not the same then is it? They wil try anything to sell a car.

Oh and me chatting with another salesman, just banter really
Me: "I was looking at the Fiesta Zetec S"
Him: "Oh yeh thats that 1.6 supercharged ent it?"
Me: "Yeh..."
Although to be fair, i think his knowledge of Fords wouldnt be good i guess :p

Best was at Ford, looking at a ZS Anniversary
"£10k is as low as we will go, no lower at all"
"With finance? £9K"
"Okay i will do it for £8950?"
By the end he chased us out the door
"OKAY i will do it for £8300!!"
pfft. That desperate to shift it? Something is not right there.
  182 Cup
Me: Can you check this part number please.
Parts Monkey: No, what part do you need and what's your registration number?
Me: I have the part number here on a Renault invoice, I just want you to check it so I know it's the right part.
Parts Monkey: I can't just check the number.
Me: I'm going to another dealer, nice chatting though.
  E87 118d M Sport
i had something pretty much identical to that.
they wanted the reg (which doesnt show up on their system as it in a uk import) and then the vin (which i didnt have to hand) yet i had the actual number i wanted them to check.
  172 ph2
just spend 6 hours on and off reading all these, thanks for making my day at work much better :)..cant belive how dumb some of these renault dealers are..i just hope i never have to go to mine, and if i do il do my reasearch first so i dnt get shafted haha
  Vw caddy tdi
Normally goes somthing like me '' thats definatley not the right part''
them '' computer says its the right part''
me '' (ffs week later) id like refund on this wrong part!''
me '' I have found usefull dealer Carlton Exmouth wont be using you anymore for parts goodbye'' meh
them '' :O OOh''

Before this was also told renault dont make ph1 rack ends, but said we do have a ph1 rack on the shelf we could do a deal on say 420 + vat sir!
Needlees to say the part = 12.50 x2 at a local motor factors!
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  E87 118d M Sport
LOL. i went into renault yesterday to get the new renault sport badge.

The guy sees me pull up as he is in the car park
I walk in and ring the parts bell. He comes over.

"Hi, Im after a new style renault sport badge". got a blank look back.
"The one over there on the clio 200" I said "Ive got the 172, but I am after that style badge please"

he says "can i take your registration please"......i literally FACEPALMED.

"why do you need that" i replied?

"so i can put it in the database and get the list of parts up to order one"

"but its not off my vehicle. I do not want a replacement of what ive got, i want a new style one"

"ill just go and speak to my manager" i had a gander round the 200 (in black with the spoiler, very nice)

he comes back out..."no problem"

i was thinking i hope there isnt a problem. i want a piece of bloody plastic!
  GW 200
Had the 182 in at an Evans Halshaw Renault garage the other week for the bonnet catch safety recall. Had to get a mate to pick me up as they wouldn't give me a hire car :mad: and waited at work for the 'its ready' phone call. Had a mate drive me in again to pick it up at lunch. All seems well, they've replaced the bonnet mechanism attached to the bonnet. Its now new and shiny :cool: .

However, picking up my keys for the car she gave me a sheet of paper - 'Evans Halshaw Healthcheck'. Which apparently is a quick looksie around the car picking up any problems. Lovely i thought, a free health check.

However, the points their technician has raised are:

• Requires new rear wiper
"Yes, its split about 5mm down the edge. I will replace it."

• Requires new timing and aux belts
"are you sure, I've just had both these replaced about 6 weeks ago at a renault specialist down the road!"

• Requires new brake fluid
"again, you sure? Along with the belts they did a 60k service, oil change and brake fluid change! Levels seem fine, brake feels great to touch and is responsive."

• Coolant Issue (or as the technician wrote 'collent')
"what's the issue then?" 'I've no idea' she replies. "OK." :rolleyes:

So, were some of those items just added on for the sake of it or did they actually look faulty/low/worn??? :nono:


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I would say the cambelt thing is probably just your mileage.
A lot of people don't know about cambelt intervals so they probably put it down for that reason.
  GW 200
I would say the cambelt thing is probably just your mileage.
A lot of people don't know about cambelt intervals so they probably put it down for that reason.

Then wouldn't it have been better to say "has it been done recently as per the recommended service intervals? If not, it will need doing" instead of "its needs replacing".

Ok sure, i'll give you £600 to replace something thats brand new! :mad:


ClioSport Club Member
when buying my girlfriends 1.6 16v mk2 clio i told the salesman it needs new rear disks.

he tells me it doesnt as its just been thru the workshop for a safety check that picks up these things and if they are legal then they arnt changing them. i said no im not saying i think it needs rear disks im telling you it needs rear disks. he seems disgusted and says ok ill put a workshop note on it and have it checked out.

i take it a test drive and get the huge droan of a rear wheelbearing, i tell him this after the test drive and he tells me its because its just had new rear pads, and they make a noise as they touch the disk. again after an argument he agrees to have it checked out.

so we go ahead and put a deposit down on the car and get a phonecall later that afternoon, yes you were correct its having new rear disks and wheelbearings fitted along with new brake pads all round and new front disks.

all very well but what kind of safety check do arnold clark do that MISSES the fact a car needs ALL the brakes changed?!?!?!?
  M2 Competition
Had the 182 in at an Evans Halshaw Renault garage the other week for the bonnet catch safety recall. Had to get a mate to pick me up as they wouldn't give me a hire car :mad: and waited at work for the 'its ready' phone call. Had a mate drive me in again to pick it up at lunch. All seems well, they've replaced the bonnet mechanism attached to the bonnet. Its now new and shiny :cool: .

However, picking up my keys for the car she gave me a sheet of paper - 'Evans Halshaw Healthcheck'. Which apparently is a quick looksie around the car picking up any problems. Lovely i thought, a free health check.

However, the points their technician has raised are:

• Requires new rear wiper
"Yes, its split about 5mm down the edge. I will replace it."

• Requires new timing and aux belts
"are you sure, I've just had both these replaced about 6 weeks ago at a renault specialist down the road!"

• Requires new brake fluid
"again, you sure? Along with the belts they did a 60k service, oil change and brake fluid change! Levels seem fine, brake feels great to touch and is responsive."

• Coolant Issue (or as the technician wrote 'collent')
"what's the issue then?" 'I've no idea' she replies. "OK." :rolleyes:

So, were some of those items just added on for the sake of it or did they actually look faulty/low/worn??? :nono:

Its not a health check, its a making money check.

Its very clever marketing though, as everyone wants themselves/ their car to be healthy.
  Audi TTS S Tronic
I never had problems with the 25 point check when I took mine in for the bonnet catch recall last week. They told me that my brake fluid was low and that the coolant needed changing. Which they both do.

They didn't check most of it though, because they didn't have any ramps available :(
  FPOS Productions™ 172 FR
I took the 306 s16 in to a fast fit type place
Mechanic... ive done your exhaust for you but ive noticed that the rear shocks are leaking oil, they need changing as the car is dangerous.
Me... they are filled with gas.
Mechanic... oh

Lol... i was told exactly the same....

although i asked him if he could smell gas.
so in otherwords, they dont actually CHECK, they presume. not suprised.

Please enlighten me as to how you would check whether a cambelt, had or hadn't been changed, other than looking in the service book?!
Don't tell me they just whip the cambelt covers off whilst doing the bonnet catch!! Unbelievable..

The cambelt change would have been put on the 25 point check sheet automatically as the vehicle was over 5yrs old, had the cambelt been done at that dealer then they would have crossed it off.
Similarly the coolant and brake fluid are on a four year interval, therefore they should be changed every 4 years, because the garage in question presumably had no service records on the vehicle it was just a question mark as to whether this had or had not been done.
  Ph1 172.
When I was looking to buy a 172, I saw an 01 plate, with 54000 miles, but had not had the belts done (not stated in the add)I asked the guy if they had been done and they guy said something along the lines of "I think every single person who has seen this car has asked the same question, i don't know why why you all think it so bloody important. They will be fine, until they are due at 72,000. I had some cheeky guy asked if I would knock £350 off the asking price. I told him where to go, it's a £3000 car! I'm not going to knock 10% off just becuase they haven't been done!" Needless to say i didn't purchased the car. The guys attitude stank in general. He did say howeverthat he'd never get another 172 or 182 in as they "were a pain in the ass to sell, the people who buys these cars are so picky"


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
When I was looking to buy a 172, I saw an 01 plate, with 54000 miles, but had not had the belts done (not stated in the add)I asked the guy if they had been done and they guy said something along the lines of "I think every single person who has seen this car has asked the same question, i don't know why why you all think it so bloody important. They will be fine, until they are due at 72,000. I had some cheeky guy asked if I would knock £350 off the asking price. I told him where to go, it's a £3000 car! I'm not going to knock 10% off just becuase they haven't been done!" Needless to say i didn't purchased the car. The guys attitude stank in general. He did say howeverthat he'd never get another 172 or 182 in as they "were a pain in the ass to sell, the people who buys these cars are so picky"

I can believe it.

I've had people buy £12k BMW's from me with less hassle than the Cliosport brigade.

Mongo's the lot of you.
