OK, Well this is a DIY mapping and calibration thread, So let's talk about all the other ECU tables and settings other than the obvious fuel and spark maps.
I'm trying to teach myself this stuff, and there a few bits and pieces in the base map I got that I think might be 'suboptimal'. First things first... Idle. Now I would expect the Idle Scatter Spark Table to pass through 0 in both Axis, but you can clearly see in the basemap I have it does not.
My GEN90 Basemap
To me, that means that even if even if the idle speed is optimal, it's still retarding the spark by 3.5 degrees? Surely when the engine speed is exactly right, you don't touch the spark?
Also, looking through other base maps, the curve, or lack of, seems to be radically different. Are there any tuning gurus here that could share any knowledge they have?
For example, this is another graph from a different Gen90 ECU basemap... See it's VERY different...
Idle Scatter graph from the WB GEN90 Cal in this thread
Anyway, if anyone knows this stuff better than I do (wouldn't be hard) I'd appreciate some guidance. I'm a bit of a perfectionist (Well optimalist I reckon. I like to have things configured in an 'optimal' manner).
There are many more tables I'd love to go through and get guidance on, but in the interest of not clogging up the thread, I'll try and address one at once.
Let's see what replies I get, and how many are conflicting.
Oh, and thanks for your assistance to anyone who takes the time to share what they know.