I have just yesterday bought a 2004 04 reg 1.2 16v Dynamique, and went into my glovebox earlier to discover no light, poked around and found a space which look like a glovebox light shaped hole.
Had a further poke about for some wires i.e. the wire with plug on it that plugs into the glovebox light and felt 3 foam covered wires, but all were leading to other areas and felt tightly attached to something when tugged.
hence I'm asking, was a glovebox light a standard feature on my car??
Had a further poke about for some wires i.e. the wire with plug on it that plugs into the glovebox light and felt 3 foam covered wires, but all were leading to other areas and felt tightly attached to something when tugged.
hence I'm asking, was a glovebox light a standard feature on my car??