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Google Nexus 5

  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
why would they turn off the mass storage feature?! This is one of my most used features! Does the phone not have an internal SD/ext SD?
They haven't. He's confused.


Back to my original post. Phone cannot support it as it doesn't have a FAT filing system.

Not confused.

Nexus phone have it turned off, phones with SD cards have it on.

However, you can still turn the Nexus into a mass storage device.



ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Not confused.

Nexus phone have it turned off, phones with SD cards have it on.

However, you can still turn the Nexus into a mass storage device.


They have it "on" because they have an SD card and therefore a FAT filing system.

The nexus doesn't have an SD card and the internal flash is formatted as YAFFS.

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Quickest way to get my pictures from my old desire onto the nexus? Bluetoothing 700 pics can f**k right off!
  1.8 Civic EX
How do I get my contacts from the iPhone to the nexus 5? I've logged onto iCloud and downloaded them all in one .vcf file to the laptop. Connected the nexus to the laptop but don't know what folder to put them in. Any suggestions?

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
How do I get my contacts from the iPhone to the nexus 5? I've logged onto iCloud and downloaded them all in one .vcf file to the laptop. Connected the nexus to the laptop but don't know what folder to put them in. Any suggestions?

Copy the .vcf on to the phone, then go to the contacts and choose import from storage.

Just drop it loose on the internal storage, not in any of the folders.
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  1.8 Civic EX
I seriously do not get this at all. What's hangouts all about? It shows two email address and my phone number? Managed to get the contacts imported in the end but it's just all over the place, gmail accounts, google+ accounts! phone accounts! my other email address account what the actual f**k?
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
Vs what? Apple don't offer SD cards either.

I know other android phones do but IMO it isn't needed. And the price difference between 16GB and 32GB is only £40.

its something I use all the time tbh. I use my phone as a a portable storage device, swap cards between my phones/tablets etc. In fact, its one of the reason I didn't buy into an iphone.


ClioSport Club Member
How do I get my contacts from the iPhone to the nexus 5? I've logged onto iCloud and downloaded them all in one .vcf file to the laptop. Connected the nexus to the laptop but don't know what folder to put them in. Any suggestions?

I went from iPhone > Outlook/Exchange > GMail > Nexus.
  Inferno 182 CUP
Still love mine. Glad i moved from the iPhone.

the only thing that annoys me is i cannot rearrange my app tray like i can on ios to get my apps in the order i wish!

And i cannot find a harmony/roomie type universal remote to replace roomie on my iphone.
  1.8 Civic EX
Getting used to it all now. Reset it to factory settings and started again so it all makes a bit more sense now. Super g nes app runs real slow if the sound is on though. Any ideas?
  2014 Focus Titanium
Those who are struggling with battery need to install Better Battery Stats to see what's using power.

If you don't use Google Now (I don't, however if I had a job where I was travelling a lot I would definitely use it), turn it OFF. Also turn off Google using wifi/network to determine location, I think the battery life gain far outweighs google suggesting stuff based on my location, I'm happy making that decision myself.

By doing those two things you should see a 25% gain in battery life. I agree we shouldn't have to do it, but that's a 2300mAh battery for you :( Let's not forget the N5 is pushing nearly 3 times the amount of pixels as a 5S, that takes a lot of power.

Apparently Google are working on a fix for the camera as the focus is very slow. Quality seems fine though from what I've taken with mine (probably no where near a 5S though).

Tom - I agree with you about the lock screen, I would like the option to view stuff on my lockscreen. The notification drawer of android is brilliant though, streets ahead of iOS imho. It's a shame we can't have both! Lol.

Couple of gripes:

- Hangouts doesn't seem to merge conversations between SMS and e-message from the same contacts. That might be user error though, maybe something I am missing? Other than that it's a very slick and smooth app.
- Why the F*** haven't they put an airplay/DLNA option in Google Music. That app is absolutely brilliant except for that one niggle. I'll keep using Bubble Upnp until they put it in (if ever).

What I LOVE:

- The screen. Some say the colours are washed out but I don't agree, they're just not over saturated like samsung etc. SO sharp though.
- Touch sensitivity. Although Tom says you can still notice the lag compared with iOS, I genuinely think Android has finally caught up on this.
- The email app. Finally an email app that is as good as iOS! (Samsung's effort is horrific but HTC's was pretty good, this one is awesome)
- Speed, speed and more speed! This thing is a powerhouse!
- Build quality, I think it's as good as I've seen from any non-Apple phone.
  LY 182
- Hangouts doesn't seem to merge conversations between SMS and e-message from the same contacts. That might be user error though, maybe something I am missing? Other than that it's a very slick and smooth app.

Nope it's a problem rather than user error.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Tom - I agree with you about the lock screen, I would like the option to view stuff on my lockscreen. The notification drawer of android is brilliant though, streets ahead of iOS imho. It's a shame we can't have both! Lol.

Just install a lock screen widget that displays notifications.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
I'll look into that, I'm not usually a massive fan of bloatware but we shall see!

It's no more bloatware than in installing anything! Not quite sure why you'd think installing a widget is bloatware, its a fundamental thing under android and one of the big advantages over iOS.

Bloatware is shite that a manufacturer installs that is neither wanted or needed and cannot be removed.
  2014 Focus Titanium
Sorry, I assumed it was a full launcher you were talking about, like Go! or something. Totally forgot you can have a lock screen widget on pure android as I've been running sense/touchwiz for so long.

Which widget would you recommend?

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Absolutely loving mine, although still waiting for Vodafone to transfer my old number onto my new sim so I can start using it properly
  2014 Focus Titanium


For reference (those who care). This is my current battery usage status. Auto brightness, mostly in wifi zones, moderate WhatsApp /facebook/twitter usage. Google Now and location usage turned off.
What seems to be the cheapest place to get these on contract without paying a silly amount upfront on the phone?

My iPhone 4 is dying a painful death bit by bit..


Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
What seems to be the cheapest place to get these on contract without paying a silly amount upfront on the phone?

My iPhone 4 is dying a painful death bit by bit..


Im paying 25 a month for CPW. 24 month contract, unlimited minutes and text 1GB data, free phone. Vodafone

plenty data for me that is, I only had 250mb before and rarely went over it so didn't see the point in paying for anything more than I have.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
the only thing that annoys me is i cannot rearrange my app tray like i can on ios to get my apps in the order i wish!

I can do this, but then I use Nova Launcher Prime as my home screen/launcher/etc - so I don't know if this is possible in stock android. Howver, Nova Launcher is bloody brilliant.

If you're running the stock launcher then you're missing out.
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Google Hangouts.

Finding it a tad annoying.

For instance, I like differentiating between a text and a gmail chat, I would like to differentiate between the two.

On the phone it shows it as one.

Gmail chat to me is generally any chat, a text to me can be of more importance/urgency then a call obviously.
