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Got pulled last night.....

Basically, didnt notice a copper behind this other car off a r/a and preceded to accelerate upto about 45/50 in a 30. Empty d/c at 10:30pm, but still that shouldnt excuse me.

Anyway, got a written warning that I had to sign (Section 59 I think they called it), saying if Im caught driving like that again, they can seize my car.

The warning lasts 12months apparantely, anyone heard of it before. Think its been introduced quite recently.
  Not a Clio

must be that new one they were on about on the news a while back. Aimed at boy racers if i remember rightly.


  Audi TT Stronic

Sieze your car ?? wtf is that all about ! I wouldnt have signed anything.. straight on the phone to my solicitor I think.. or I would have taken the points + fine if they could prove it thx very much !
  German Barge

i have been chased by police, managed to get away from them through some big estate, pulled into drive, turned lights off and i was fine.

You could say im not signing anything until my solicitor has been consulted, you could have said prove that I was speeding and if you can give me the points.

If it wasnt a traffic car id have said the above to them...
  Megane 225

No you cant say that. :) The proof is the documentation you sign, given to you by an officer. Read it, sign it, call the solicitor later if you want you always have the right to appeal.

Section 59 and 60 are not new. Theyve been in force since the beginning of 2003, and yes, youre vehicle can be seized under certain circumstances. Keep up to date!
  Mazda 2, MX5 Mk2.5 Sport

I got pulled the other day by a motorbike copper, on a D/C didnt see him at all came off a roundabout then floored it down the fast lane. Reckon I got to about 70 ish (in a 40) then when I slowed for the lights I saw the copper coming half way up the D/C with his blues on. Pulled over the other side of the lights and got out the car to receive my bollocking.

He was actually quite sound, he wasnt too impressed that at one point he didnt think he would catch up and said if he saw me driving like that again Id be in Crown for Dangerous Driving but other than that nothing, not a producer or owt. Bet it would be different if I was five years younger.
  2008 Golf GTI Edition 30

Interesting that the car can only be seized under section 59 by a "constable in uniform".

its called a ASPO i think basicly means if u get caught speeding then they ipound your car and crush it and u cant say jack to them (dont holdme to that) they do the same with the cruisers around my way the first thing u do wrong is they take it :confused: so be carefull
  Megane 225

Hehe, itll only be disposed of if the release fee isnt paid in time. Its not like youll never get it back if its seized.

"(1) Where a constable in uniform has reasonable grounds for believing that a motor vehicle is being used on any occasion in a manner which-

(a) contravenes section 3 or 34 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (c. 52) (careless and inconsiderate driving and prohibition of off-road driving), and
(b) is causing, or is likely to cause, alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public,
he shall have the powers set out in subsection (3).

(2) A constable in uniform shall also have the powers set out in subsection (3) where he has reasonable grounds for believing that a motor vehicle has been used on any occasion in a manner falling within subsection (1)."

So, in theory, they can say that I drive a modded RS Turbo, therefore I must have used it at least once in a distressing manner, and therefore they can impound it.

c**ts. :mad:

(pardon my french)
  Megane 225

That last bit...howd you come to that conclusion? Reasonable grounds...e.g. past sightings, public tip-off/accusation, other evidence, etc.

All it means is that Police can enforce this reform on the grounds of past activities of the car covered by section 59. If what you deduced was true, all performance cars would be in the impound...

Well, Im a cynical b*****d at the best of times and Ive heard the same stories that we all have about coppers having it in for a person based purely on the car they drive.

Im more annoyed about the implications of the act - it rarely seems to be used (at the moment...) but is constructed in a way that gives you, the owner, virtually no grounds for appeal if someone takes a disliking to you it seems.

For example, driving a turbo you have to warm up and warm down. If I get home at 2am I still have to let it idle for a short while (even just 10-15 seconds if Ive been taking it easy on the last part of the journey). If Jo Bloggs, the local busybody, takes it upon himself to report me as causing an "annoyance", no matter how brief, and the old bill decide to support sensible old man rather than irresponsible boy racer (which do you think is more likely?) then Ill have no choice but to change my exhaust to standard, killing power and sounding boring as hell, or risk losing my car.

Once again, the nanny state is removing common sense from the equation and substituting it with more laws that do nothing except allow people with grudges to complain loudly and get their own way, even when nothing really wrong has occurred. "Reasonable Grounds" turns from hard evidence into a collection of hearsay.


*and breathe*
  Volvo S60 T5

This is worrying, so you drive at 32mph and a copper could seize your car if you are caught doing this.

Bloody government need shooting imposing stupid laws like this:mad:

I bet the police hate all this as they probably get all the stick from the public

Quote: Originally posted by mark_eas on 01 March 2004

its called a ASPO
nope, nearly, have checked, and its an Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)

speeding is now considered to be anti social and well as dangerous

did you ask to watch proof? ie. play a video tape back to you? they cant do jack sh*t without proof? the problem is, you signed the f**king thing. you should have said that you need a legal proffession to check it over. Personally I would sign it micky mouse so without your signiature, agian they can do sod all.
  Megane 225

Quote: Originally posted by White16valver on 01 March 2004

Im more annoyed about the implications of the act - it rarely seems to be used (at the moment...) but is constructed in a way that gives you, the owner, virtually no grounds for appeal if someone takes a disliking to you it seems.
Its horrifying that there are officers like that, but tbh they are in a minority, big time. However, its probably hard to understand fully how any organisation works without being part of it.

On the issue of proof...actually its very odd to bring it up. Next time you get pulled and the cop explains something to you thats going to happen or gives you something to sign (obviously read it!), ask for proof and theyll probably be a bit perplexed at the question. The have authority to enforce laws on reasonable grounds, they are trained on this for 2 years. Why do so many people hate this? Truth is, cops with personal vendettas against performance/modded cars probably to get into more trouble than the driver.

Bah, anyway!


ClioSport Club Member

me and a few mates went to a quiet trading estate that is used for practicing wheelies last year, my mate did a wheelie just as he put it down there was 2 coppers coming down the road on off road bikes they pulled him over along with me and a couple of others (and we was only riding up the road under the speed limit) they gave us all producers and my mate a ASBO and told him if he gets another one in 12 months they can sieze his bike bast*rds, but they did let us off for small plates and illeagal exhausts
