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Grand Theft Auto V

  Nimbus Clio 197
Yep. Total blunder of the highest order! To the point where im looking on ebay for cheapo ps3s :clown:
  Goliath I
Every time Game nagged me at the checkout to pre-order GTA they could never confirm the price, only that it would be between 29.99 -49.99.

I'm not going to pre order something where I don't know how much I'll have to pay for.


I've traded in about £70 worth of 360 games, before the prices drop even more.

Just kept FIFA 13 and will purchase GTA and FM5 on XBO or FIFA 14 on 360, haven't decided yet.
I hope we're not overhyping it

Not possible..

It'll be just as amazing as we're all expecting. I was going to get shot of my PS3 earlier this year , but kept it for this. And Netflix. And The Last of Us... Oh.

The only games I've ever pre-ordered were Vice City & San Andreas; only time I had an issue was with Red Dead Redemption when I couldn't get it until around a week later. Not going to start now; I'm hoping I'll be getting in work so I can nab a copy there on the 17th.

By the time GTA V is released, in a matter of weeks, it'll be 9 years since San Andreas came out. I feel old.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Trigger just broke on my controller, so to play this game I need a bigger hard drive, new controller and new headset. Only for the Xbox one to come out later this year!
I just hope it's nothing like GTA 4, unless I'm the only one that thought it was the weakest in the lineup?

To some extent. But one of the DLC (The Ballad of Gay Tony) was one of the best GTA games ever.

There will probably be people who won't be totally enamoured with this, the Daily Mail will print its usual utter bullshit, but it will sell millions.

Looking at LA Noire, which was hyped up to within an inch of its life - people were really looking forward to it, but then forgot about it a week after it was released. Which was a shame. The same could happen with this, but at the end of the day it's a GTA game, and people will go mad for it just out of habit.
  Goliath I
I just hope it's nothing like GTA 4, unless I'm the only one that thought it was the weakest in the lineup?

Exactly this. Poor driving view and the game was far too serious, seemed like all the fun from the previous titles had been taken out of it.
Exactly this. Poor driving view and the game was far too serious, seemed like all the fun from the previous titles had been taken out of it.

I REALLY hope it's good this time, as the others were awesome. I'm just waiting on an ETA for PC though. Tempted to get an Xbone for Forza 5, so maybe pick it up then if there's still no release date i guess!
  Evo 5 RS
It's not going to be on XBO. I think it most likely will be on PC. L.A Noire was and they werent exactly obliged to. It will be a year at least though. I've just pre ordered it for PS3.
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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
It's not going to be on XBO. I think it most likely will be on PC. L.A Noire was and they werent exactly obliged to. It will be a year at least though. I've just pre ordered it for PS3.

I think it may be ported over to next gen. Rockstar were quite coy about it.
They'll release it on next Gen, an uprated version.
Just recently, on Sony's twitter account, it was misworded/slip of the tongue that gta was coming to the PS4 when questioned.



  911 GTS Cab
Both consoles are going to offer backwards compatibility on games using streaming at some point, so you will be able to for sure, but whether they will update it for ps4, I doubt it, it's such an expanse of a game, they're probably a year into gtaVI development on the next gen systems anyway.


ClioSport Club Member
Trigger just broke on my controller, so to play this game I need a bigger hard drive, new controller and new headset. Only for the Xbox one to come out later this year!

You're not alone.

I had to buy a new 360 yesterday as my current one went pop. Wouldn't have bothered at all were it not for this game.


Still, my girls love the new Kinect and all the bundled games with it so that's something I suppose.


  911 GTS Cab

Most expensive game ever made, and 2nd in line for most expensive Hollywood production too!

Crazy thing is, all of the preorders have already returned all of the cost...
i don't think so quite yet, theres been 2.5m pre-orders, and at an average of £40 a game thats only 100m, so only half the cost. But then rockstar doesn't see anywhere near £40, they'll be lucky to see £20 a game wholesale id have thought.

but its not going to be difficult to put them into profit after christmas id have thought, GTA4 sold 25m copies!


ClioSport Club Member
One of my best mates is working on this (character animator) and I've asked him to get me a signed copy with the signatures of himself and all the lead coders and lead artists on it. :eek: Feeling a bit embarrassed now!
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Both consoles are going to offer backwards compatibility on games using streaming at some point, so you will be able to for sure, but whether they will update it for ps4, I doubt it, it's such an expanse of a game, they're probably a year into gtaVI development on the next gen systems anyway.

Ill accept your apology now after you telling me that they would never be backward compatible ;)


Got a big pile of games I'm trading in and if GAME still price match CEX + £1 I'm in for about £150ish. Will be GTA, maybe even the special edition :eek:.
