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Grand Theft Auto V

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Bit sad but I-actually-remember my mate telling me he'd bought the original and how good it was when I was in school. It's come along way

As in...

I remember looking for a new game in Dixons and checked this out, read the back of the box and that was me hooked.

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ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
Anybody else who's preordered from Shopto had any email updates?

I can't wait. I have Monday off so fingers crossed for it showing up early!

Had a receipt telling me it's gone through and is being processed I think!
Hopefully get it Monday at the latest ;)
  Evo 5 RS
As in...

I remember looking for a new game in Dixons and checked this out, read the back of the box and that was me hooked.

Yep lol. Used to replay that game loads. GTA 2 was a great step up on the PC. Surprised they haven't released these on iOS / Android yet as well.
I remember GTA London, Minis with Union Jacks on the roof.

Surprising how those games entertained so easily.


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
Seasons would be insane, like really insane.

Buying yourself a big fluffy pimp jacket to walk round the hood!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Shenmue had seasons, that was an awesome game!

Can't believe I've got this far and even pre-ordered it without watching the official GTA trailer... Until now. Wow!
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
I don't understand the 'too big' theory, for me that's the best part of open world gaming = exploration.

I think it depends. With other commitments, I only get a few hours a week to "play". I didnt get into any GTA Properly since Vice City (SA and 4) cause they were too big.

If I put 2 hours a week in, within a month, if the game is large, Im still gonna be riding round Grove Street haha.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Deleted all my battlefield data last night so I can fit this game on. All I need now is a new controller and headset and then i'll be ready!

Shame i'll be away next week and the un-opened copy will be sat around for a week.


ClioSport Club Member
Anyone preordering through Amazon use;

Whack in the Amazon URL - they will email you a new price. I just got it for £31.

Used them loads before. Great company. Use mostly for games (incl. pre-orders the Last of US even came two days early) / cd / blu-ray but in theory can buy anything off there. Used to do it for all the web but now only Amazon. Still, every little helps as they say.

The Last of Us (Includes Pre-Order Sights & Sounds DLC)

£37.98+ £0.00 = £37.98 The best offer our team created for you:
£33.92+ £0.00 = £33.92
We're saving you £4.06

Total: £33.92
Inc. VAT & Delivery

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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Anyone preordering through Amazon use;

Whack in the Amazon URL - they will email you a new price. I just got it for £31. Amazon still delivers the item.

Used them loads before. Great company. Use mostly for games / cd / blu-ray but in theory can buy anything off there. Used to do it for all the web but now only Amazon. Still, every little helps as they say.

Dafuq? Do they do that on the next gen consoles?


ClioSport Club Member
No idea - discount varies between 5 - 15% normally.

You request an offer - they come back to you. If you can find it elsewhere - decline it no worries at all.

You only pay when youre happy. TBH its the best thing I've found on the interwebz.


ClioSport Club Member
I forgot about it mate.

And you'll find I've been very generous with deals - Xb1 pre-order with Forza 5 for £419 par example ;)

I cancelled mine through amazon direct and re-ordered.

No idea if its through Amazon or not. Certainly wasnt Amazon packaging. But hey, came 2 days earlier than my mates pre-order of the same game through Amazon so I'm not complaining.
Wonder how that works then?

Amazon Affiliates - presumably they're passing on a large chunk of the discount to you.

Surprised this isn't against AA TOS to be honest, but a good idea none-the-less!

Basically they get a % back on every sale, and as they get more sales, the % they get back goes up!

So for example, it's 5% by default, after 20 orders (iirc), it goes up .5%, not sure what the max is though!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Any point in me pre-ordering this now or should I risk picking it up from a supermarket on the day? Hmmmm.
