F31 35d, Berlingo Na
A mate thinks we can just rock up to Tescos at quarter to 12 and buy it. I think he might be wrong.
We'll see..
ZOMG all these don't install posts are getting so tedious and boring, ruining a good thread of delivery updates!!1!!!!111!
im not tired- at all
ive pre ordered with tesco
its been dispatched (FYI)
I'm becoming impatient.
do I go out and buy it in 35 mins?
No, just wait until tomorrow
Work will probably drag but it'll be worth it. Get it now and you'll want to play it all night. I'd be fcuked at work if I did that
Mint pop out to tesco and see how busy it is. Lates are boring at the best of times. Lates knowing GTA is waiting for me at home will be deathly slow!
I always felt the complaints about handling were a bit odd tbh. I thought it was in keeping with the American movie vibe/parody to have wayward handling cars with loads of body roll increasing the chance of massive accidents involving pedestrians, fire hydrants etc.
Where in the queue are you Mace?
Just got home from ASDA with a copy. Easy 200+ waiting
What time did you start queuing?