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Greaaaaaaaat picked my 172 cup today!!!!!

  172 2002
At last I have got it!!! it's great it drives perfectly! We took the scenic route on the way back to the garage to just enjoy the drive lol

Now my prob is that it has got a LOUD exhaust (powerflow fitted, stainless steel box and the bumper has been cut out to fit a heat shield so: IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED I'D BE VERY GARTEFUL TO SWAP FOR A "NORMAL" EXHAUST + bottom of back bumper

Also will pop round on Sunday at Trax without the clio tho :( (bf has his vectra C on the stand) to say hello if anybody's around ... might put on my tee-shirt with a frog lol:rasp:

can't wait to drive the lil' thing again :D


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ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
good stuff. keep a look out on ebay for standard exhausts, i picked up one for 60 notes and was 3 months old!!!!

new your talking over 300!!!!
  172 2002
cheers guys

I think it looks good... and it's comfy too and no need for aircon as today as per usual it's pelting down lol
  172 2002
gt_gaz said:
good stuff. keep a look out on ebay for standard exhausts, i picked up one for 60 notes and was 3 months old!!!!

new your talking over 300!!!!

yeah that's what I'm doing as I'm also looking out for mats (like with 172 on them :rolleyes: )
for the exhaust the prob is that the bumper has been cut for the shield grrrrrr
  soon: 172 Cup
Looks lurverly, also do you mind me asking how much you paid, also how many miles etc. I see you bought it from a dealer, i am looking at one from a dealership with 19k on the clock for 6,995!
  172 2002
Saxo03 said:
Looks lurverly, also do you mind me asking how much you paid, also how many miles etc. I see you bought it from a dealer, i am looking at one from a dealership with 19k on the clock for 6,995!

bought it from a citroen dealer lol 22k, 53 plate & £7,500 which I thought was good
£6,995 :eek: that's really good!!!
  172 2002
Thomss said:
Looks really cool, I'm sure you put a silencer on the zorst to calm it down.

well you know what it has been silenced already nut I'm not used to it plus the pipe is new but it doesn't seem so bad

drove it several times today just for the sake of it :D really loving it and the torque!!!1 never had a car that could go just like that :cool:

my bf just changed the stereo and put kenwood+Cd changer so that will quiet it down too in a way and I'll turn deaf :rolleyes: never mind

now he's off in MY car for a spin ! arfffffff
