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Hello all - PHer joined the clio fraternity


ClioSport Moderator
Hello all,

I've been a long time lurker, and i'm on PH, but i've finally got around to joining up here.

About 7 months ago I bought a PH2 172 Flamer from the boys at JMS, which had a replacement engine and gear box. Been enjoying it since, and have plenty of plans for it to become more track focused.

Car history wise, i've been from Metros to Porsche 911's, with bits and bobs inbetween....

End of the month it should be heading into K-Tec for some goodies (Bilsteins, pads etc) but at the moment it looks like this;


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Thanks :) because i've got another car. Can't seem to sell it though :(
